The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.


The Rose opened its heart petal by petal

unfolding its virtues to the naked eye

You opened your heart page by page

unfolding your virtues to my soul

   even sealing it with a loving kiss

   on that fateful day


It was only to last seven weeks

until your gun was pointed at my head

the double barrel between my eyes

you hated the concept of equality

slavery was your ...

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State Wards are funny creatures

flittering winglessly from place to place

showing their colours to very few

and then only in hope of finding love

   all the while needing compassion

   like butterflies need leaves to land on

More happened in care that out

more pain and heartache suffered

than those who handled us could know

Counselors and Matrons

Ordering us


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ButterfliesButterflyFoster homesGeneralGovernorState WardState Wards


Father's very strict, mother's very weak

Beatings too harsh for a daughter of only 3

You wished that I had died Daddy

You even said it out loud

but i loved you anyhow

Forbidden to walk on the carpet

I was just not good enough

I've tried to fulfill your wishes Daddy

Fifteen times I tried somehow

I ran under buses, in front of cars even.

I took hundreds of pills Daddy


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abusebeatingschildrenchildhoodpainsufferingemotional pain


Two of my children were kidnapped as babies, and I suffered so much over it.  This poem came out of that suffering, along with many many more.


It’s really hard to bear
The loneliness within
When emotions test
And hearts bleed
When children’s arms
Reach out to mother’ running
As they are taken from her
And pain is enthroned
To leave her with nothing
But the pain and

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mothers. childrengriefstrickenpainsufferingkidnapped

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