The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Transcendent Love

Dear Lord, please find me 

somebody to love.  

God replied, no, 

not just one love. 

I give you an ocean 

of eternal love 

found only in faith, 

poetry and music. 

From this special place, 

you will find love 

like you have never known,

from kindred spirits

around the world, 


space and time, 

to give you a glimpse 

of the divine. 



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Resilient Soul

The past is haunting:
  heartbreaking memories, 
  unbearable loss, 
  scars, seeping wounds.

The present is daunting:
  deadly viruses, illness, disease, 
  affecting everything - livelihood, 
  relationships, life. 

The future is uncertain:
  climate change, 
  conspiracy theories, 
  political upheaval, 
  civil unrest. 

We ask why:
  amid confusion, 
  gleaning truth from ...

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Christmas Wishes 2020

My wish this Christmas 

is faith replaces fear.


Loneliness gives way 

to cheer. 



trumps despair. 


Children play

in open air.


Loss is not in vain.


Love spreads faster 

than a pandemic train.


Wishes multiple. 


Glimpses of paradise 

in every day life, 

remind us why 

we are alive. 


# # #

What’s your ...

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Souls Remember

What is it about you that captivates me, 

leaves my heart with a gaping hole. 


You stay at bay, 

but your muse has much to say.


Your poetic love shines, 

creating a portal in time. 


We share a cosmic kiss,

before falling into life’s abyss.


Souls remember,

what the mind forgets.

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California or bust. 

Cruising the Mother Road, 
guided by Arizona skies. 

Soaring with the Eagles, 
ZZ Top, and Dr. Hook.

Laughing with hitchhikers,
like long-lost friends.

Waving out the window,
to Albuquerque wind.

Strawberry wine, french kisses,
love on the horizon.

Smell of freedom, 
between dust and rain.

Young, daring, 

Life never felt so Grand,

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Kiss Me

Kiss me
  in the strawberry fields 
  of your mind.

Kiss me
  in rhythm 
  and rhyme.

Kiss me 
  until darkness 
  becomes sunshine.

Kiss me
  from pain
  to pleasure divine.

Kiss me
  through sands 
  of time.

Kiss me
  beyond death
  to life sublime.

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Narcissus V Phoenix

Narcissus creatures surround me.
Vultures, pecking at my serenity.
Testing my resolve.
Threatening to consume me.
Daring me to break free,
from a doomed mentality. 

Do I close my eyes to injustice
permeating our atmosphere,
like The Great Smog?


I spread my Phoenix wings.
Rise above the toxic darkness.
Bring forth healing light.
Spread peace, kindness, love.

Never give up ...

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apathydepressiongrowthhealinglightlovemindsetnarcissismpeacephoenixspiritualitytoxic relationshipsvultureszen


In the deserted island of my mind,

cotton candy memories float by,

followed by fog and bomber planes,

raining shrapnel of a painful past

and Nostradamus future. 


I am tempted to retreat, 

among the trees, 

where no one can find me. 

Give up my majestic seat 

on the sandy shores of time. 


Boldly I remain, 

sheltered in plain sight,

like a hermit crab,


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Giving Tuesday

Forget Black Friday.

Cancel Cyber Monday.

Go Giving Tuesday! 

How can we focus on material things,

superficial gifts,

when children are starving,

sick, neglected, abused, 

need clean water to drink...

If 2020 has taught us anything,

it is to see more clearly, 

appreciate what we have, 

lend a helping hand. 

Together we rise above mediocrity, 

spread love in o...

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charitygiving TuesdayHelping each otherlove


When I read your poems,

I fall in love with you. 

Then I read his poems, 

and fall in love with him too.

I admit it,

I can’t quit it.

I’m a PoHo, 

like Phoebe Snow!

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Shadow Dancing

In the shadow of sleeping Kings, 

soldiers, and poets, 

comes another battlefield day,

man against man, invisible wars,

hell’s fury unleashed among trees. 

Yet, upon the rocky shore,

angels dance and sing,

reminding us there is something more

than misery.

Beauty glints among broken things. 

Hope is on the horizon. 

So on these solemn days, 

let us find something...

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FaithgratitudeHopeleonard cohenpoetsshadowsThanksgiving

Malignant Love

I can feel you,
thick in my throat,
threatening to consume me,
slithering through my mind and body,
wielding your alpha power, 
making me weak. 

I curse you, drown you, 
in sunshine and sweet elixirs,
but you refuse to leave.

I am stronger than you think.

I order you and your invisible army 
of pain, heartbreak, misery,
away from my cosmic energy. 

I did not manifest you.

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Get Your Affairs In Order

Get your affairs in order, 

a familiar voice whispered

out of the blue. 


Thanks for the warning, 

but there is nothing 

left to do.


No lingering love,

no financial strings,

no unsung songs.


Only one request, if I may.

Can we skip the drama? 


I prefer a peaceful, 

transfer of power.

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Full Moon Rising

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen 


Halloween frightens my inner child

who is afraid of masked men,

being alone in the dark,

daggers to the heart,

a body aging too soon,

eternal suffering... 

but the hollow night

gives way to a full moon rising

and a million stars to wish upon,

ushered by angels beaming light


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Lost in the Lyrics

I remember getting lost in the lyrics when I was a young girl. I would stop and start my record or cassette a hundred times while I wrote down every word so I could sing along to the song. 

Lyrics was my escape when I had no place to go.

I learned lyrics, meter, and rhyme, from the best poetry teachers of my time... 

Stevie Wonder, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, James Taylor,  Bob Seger, Barb...

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Seahorses & Dreams

Have you ever seen seahorses fly?

They have wings you know. 

Like us, seahorses flow

wherever they want to go.

They do it by camouflage,

we do it by pen.

With ink, even virtually,

we can create a world of our choosing,

one where everyone gets along,

no sadness, no suffering.

Smiling, dancing, singing...

A love story for the ages,

one that defies space and time,


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What is this dark energy

cloaking the universe

threatening to consume me,

wrap me in a weighted blanket

of silent abyss. 

Some days I’m tempted

to dive into the black hole,

see what all the fuss is about, 

but I know if I do, I will take

a generation or two of

fragile minds with me. 

Weakness is not my legacy. 

I have to stay strong,

be my family’s guiding li...

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Faithfamilylovemental healthrelationshipsstrength

Whine or Shine

Is there a poem or song to describe the melancholy that washes over me, unexpectedly? 


One to suppress or express, dark desires 

to put myself first, at all costs. 


Let my needy family

fend for themselves,


betray those that have betrayed me, 

including my own body. 


Throw my arms up in despair,

one more time, 




take a deep breath, 


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Another crisp Autumn morning.

I wake before dawn, 

hoping I won't think of you, 

but I do. I always do. 

Though you are not with me, 

I feel you, in the brisk breeze,

spreading golden leaves,

on sacred ground.

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Flow with me,
past stormy seas of isolation, 
fear, dis-ease... to an
island of peace and harmony.

Flow with the Eagles,
past winds of regret, mistakes, 
shame... to the mountaintop of

Flow with the lyrical Doctor,
past pain, loneliness, despair... 
to healing waterfalls where wishes
come true. 


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Instead of inhaling 

doom and gloom, 

let’s take a walk

in the woods, 

play hide and seek 

among willow trees,

Feel the sun rejuvenate our soul, 

Become one with dirt and rain, 

bathe in the healing fluid from mother nature’s veins, 


just what the doctor ordered.


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I Am Poetry

I am the hunter of whispers.
I am the gatherer of brothers and sisters.  

I am wind beneath wings, soaring in a summer sky. 
I am the chiseled smile. 

I am sparkles on snow.
I am a symphonic echo.

I am the horns and halo.
I am afterglow.

I am the you everyone wants to know.
I am everywhere you go. 

I am the aha of heartbreak.
I am gamma rays beaming through dark days.

I am ...

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We are as different 

as the sun and moon,

circling the same universe,

with an omnificent God 

you don’t believe in, 

for adventures in love, 

you among the trees, 

me with my muse,

who today, lives in you.

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I see you flowering her 

the way you once did me. 


Playing virtual footsies,

oozing lyrical chemistry. 


Move on they say, 

look the other way. 


And so it shall be, 

my focus is on me.


Sowing wildflower seeds, 

shining in the rain, 

dancing through the pain, 

singing in a field of weeds.

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Books, Music & Poetry

I love being surrounded 

by books, music and poetry. 

Each one comforts me, 

provides a healthy escape

from too much reality, 

an alternate destiny,

full of adventure, passion,

rhythm and rhyme.

I will choose books,

music and poetry 

over life’s drama

every time!


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Mambo Moment

We interrupt our program 
to bring this important 

Amid the chaos and confusion,
be on the lookout for a  
a mambo moment, 

where you suddenly break 
into song and dance, 
forget your cares, 
live in the moment, 
feel the rhythm of life. 

A mambo moment often appears 
out of nowhere, at the most 
unexpected time.

Those around may think
you lost your mind,
but the...

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After the Pandemic

After the pandemic, 
I hope we remove our masks, 
find more reasons to smile, 
forgive faster, 
have more patience, 
keep the faith, 
help each other however we can. 

Gather more, 
hug more, 
kiss more, 
remember what we're here for, 
live, laugh, love.

I hope you find strength 
to move your mountains, 
courage to carry on, 
seize every opportunity 
to live the After now. 


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Love Looks Good on You

You thought love 
abandoned you,

knocked you down,
for the last time.

No music, no melody, no rhyme, 
lights out on your doe eyes. 

Lips that forgot 
how to smile.

Heart on lockdown,
soul exiled. 

Now here you are,
back on the wagon.

Your world spins again,
everything starts anew.

Glowing, singing happy tunes, 
love looks good on you.


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Modus Operandi

Deny, deny, deny,

modus operandi, 

when caught in a lie.

Can pass a polygraph 

while looking you in the eye. 

Knowing what’s done in dark

eventually comes to light, 

until such time,

deny, deny, deny!

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Maybe Next Time

Maybe next time,

I will get it right, 

put up more of a fight, 

won’t settle,

take control of my life. 

Maybe next time, 

I will find fortune and fame,

learn how to play the game.

Maybe next time,

I will see it through, 

know the right thing to do.

Maybe next time,

you will love me,

as much as I love you.

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“No mere human cannot stand in a fire and not be consumed.” ~ Christabel LaMotte


Consume the news,
  be confused, sing the blues, blow a fuse.

Consume potions, from drugs to Netflix,
  get lost in the Matrix.

Consume pornography,
  french-kiss misogyny.

Consume social media,
  group-think Expedia, personal-connection anemia.

Consume nature,
  become one with the savior.


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The Poetry King

A bow to The Poetry King,
who thinks he doesn't 
mean a thing 
in the grand scheme.

Wears his heart 
on stained sleeve,
makes paupers feel
like royalty.

Waxes poetic about 
life, love, and history
that would otherwise remain 
unsolved mysteries.

More than just a dream,
The Poetry King
lives eternally,
in you and me.

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Beautiful Dreams

I wish for a soulful voice,

a proud father,

reconciled love. 

In absence of these things, 

I do not despair, 

because I have the music,

that makes my unfulfilled wishes,

beautiful dreams.

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Smiles, flowers, rainbows.

Dried tears. 

Your ghost is here,

alleviating fears. 

A good day, 

crushing brimstone, 

in this wild, 

parallel life.

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   by the broken.

   starting the show. 


   by the love

   I used to know. 


    by circumstances

    beyond my control 


   with no place to go, 

   except within,

              where I find the strength 

              to rise again.

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Let Me In

Where are you? 

Are you wandering 

the moors 

of your mind 

all alone? 

I am at the Grange 

feeling a little deranged 

from the madness

close to home. 

Let me in,

to the hearth 

of your heart,

so we can slow dance,

into the twilight.


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BronteCathyHeathcliffkate bushLoveMadnessRelationshipsTwilightWuthering Heights

Two in the Morning

Profound sadness 

clouds my view 

at a quarter til two. 

I don’t understand why 

my muse avoids me like the flu, 

when a simple poem or song will do. 

Wise words to help me understand

why true love passed me by

in this lifetime.

Why wrong choices,

that felt right at the time,

left me alone in this abyss

where my better self

silently bears witness

to my shr...

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Your words are a

breath of fresh air.

It warms my heart

to see you at the

pantheon of passion,

creating a lyrical legacy,

writing love letters

across the sky,

of a beautiful dream.

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Resistance is futile. 

You will not find rest

as long as I am near, 

whispering in your ear. 


STOP,  right now.

Write now. 


Talk about how 

love echoes 

in the valley of 

lost souls. 


Share your hopes, 

dreams, fears. 


I’m listening, 


ready to bathe you, 

in serenity. 


I am your muse, 

voice of truth, 


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Blues Cafe

Let’s slip away

to the Blues Cafe, 

that secret place, 

in the smoky dive, 

of your mind, 

where steel strings 

scratch your spine 

like manicured fingernails,

after midnight.

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The One

People haven’t always 

been there for me, 

but the muse always has. 


Lighting my path, 

healing heartbreak, 

the one making life fun. 


Makes sure suffering is not in vain, 

dances with me in the rain, 

stays beside me come what may. 


I return the favor by making

my muse’s words known. 

Spreading love as we go.

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Ever Green

Your soul song is addictive, 
makes love evergreen. 

Peace flows through my veins,
amidst a world gone mad. 

Play on, in the misty starlight 
of my mind.

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Soul Songs

Your poetic words 

bring comfort

my mind

cannot comprehend. 

Floating in the

healing waters

of your soul, 

is my favorite pastime. 

Two stars colliding,

creating a kaleidoscope 

of time. 

In the space 

of your song, 

life is sublime.

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The Price

The price of life,
  is death.

The price of love,
  is forgiveness. 

The price of peace,
  is judgement.

The price of success,
  is failure.

The price of fame 
  is freedom.

The price of freedom,
  is discipline. 

The price of discipline
  is faith.

The price of faith,
  is fear.

Everything has a price.

What is the cost,
of the life you seek?

Are you willing ...

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One Love

Worries dissolve

with each drum beat,

guitar strum,

heartfelt harmony. 

From floating, 

on a river of dreams,

to cosmic flight, 

weaving a cocoon of peace.

One love.



Hope springs eternal,

in your soul song.

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May peace be with you,

the whole day through.


May aches and pains

sail away with the blues.


May sunrise open your eyes, 

experience make you wise.


May your soul find its way home

on the wings of love.

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Not-So-Happy Father’s Day

Jealousy pokes at me 

like a schoolyard bully,

as I scroll social media greetings 

professing undying love, 

to fathers here and above. 


I can’t help but feel cheated 

to not have a father’s love.


I cringe at the dissonance

between my children

and their father. 


How can fate be so cruel,

to curse multiple generations 

with dysfunctional fathers. 


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abuseFather’s Daylifelossloverelationships

Primal Howl

Hurdling moral barriers, 

past caution flags of life,

towards red lights,

to feel alive,

something, anything. 

Excitement rising 

in your second brain,

adrenaline coursing

through collapsed veins, 

primal howl, 

lost in the now,

while consequences growl,

like a tornado.


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Music Makers

I will miss music most,
when I leave this life. 

Yes, I will miss family,
friends, spirit guides.

But words, set to melody,
is champagne for my soul. 

Vibrating space 
between the lines

diminishes strife, 
makes me high on life. 

It's a magic carpet ride
to the other side,

where angels annoint wounds,
dreams circle the moon.

Long live music makers,
I love you!


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A magenta sky 
greets my morning sigh.

Another majestic day, 
lost in the minutia of life.

Shoulda, coulda,woulda,
paralyzing dream sabers. 

Distractions abound.

Download another book,
refresh the poet's page.

Escape, behind a waterfall
of tears.

Long nights,
paved years. 

Fandango memories
sustain me. 


Dry your eyes,
face your fears.


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