The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

God Rays

Staring too long into the looking glass,

trying to predict the future and

make sense of the past.

Time goes by lightning fast. 

Poetry sets the cast.

Call it dreaming...

cloud surfing,

cartwheels on high wires,

living, laughing, loving

singing, no regrets.

Drink every drop of life,

before God rays 

absorb the wake

and your soul sails

into moonlight.

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Savaged Soul

If I knew your poetry would suddenly 
I would have memorized 
every poem,
to comfort me
when I feel alone. 
Your words help heal 
my savaged soul.
I'm sad you had to go.

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Dancing with Poets

Thank God for kindred spirits

who get it,

this lyrical love affair

that consumes our days

and lights up starless nights,

that eases the strife

of a messed up life,

that creates a paradise,

where passion pervades,

and love never fades.

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kindred spiritlovepassionpoetpoetryrelationships

Arrogance Immunity

Here comes arrogance again,

slipping into our conversation

like bacteria on a sneeze,

threatening to strangle

my humble light of being.

The challenge is to continue talking,

without letting it infect me.

My soul gives yours a wink,

understanding that compassion

is the antibody. 

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Fan Girl

I snuggle up to your virtual feet, 

raring to read

your magical poetry,

that makes me purr, 

like a cat in heat. 

There is no need to wine or dine me.

Just string a poetic line,

I’ll be yours until the end of time. 





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Don’t give in to the madness.

Save it for another day, 

long after you’ve left this life 

that’s full of opportunities.

Life is like the weather.

All you have to do is wait

for the rain to go away, 

the storm to pass,

and enjoy the sunshine

in between. 


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Go Fish

Look at you go girl.

Swimming in our veins,

straight to the soul. 

No sweet lullabies 

or sugar-coated lies.

Wielding words of a survivor, 

who has been around the block a time or two. 

No one is getting anything over on you. 

You have mastered

the blues, 

turned pain into power,

helping us forget 

our worries by the hour.

Go Fish!

Making dreams

more th...

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bluesdreamslifeMusicrelationshipsSamantha Fishsuccess

Good Days

God bless the good days.
Days a smile is no stranger to your face. 
Days your favorite songs play, and you sing along. 
Days faith is restored in humanity. 
Days sunshine and fresh air makes life seem fair.
Days you feel the gentle touch of love. 

Good days will see you through tough days, 
down days,
diseased days,
bitter days that never seem to end, 
days you have no friends, 
days ...

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You ask if I'm okay,
because I am 
unusually quiet 

I'm just trying to keep memories 
behind the flood gates
so they don't sweep me away
to a dark place.

Thank you for being my escape,
a bright light,
my way home, 
my touchstone. 

Your love helps ease the pain.
I don't mean to push you away.
There are so many things I want to say,
but I must go, feed Jake. 


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Cactus Kisses

Cactus kisses 

butterfly wishes

life is a sink full 

of dirty dishes 

waiting to be 

scrubbed clean

to serve 

love on a plate. 

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My Secret Life

He fools everyone
and I fool myself
in my secret life.
Makeup hides the bruises
in my secret life.

Distractions abound  
in my secret life.

I smile, laugh, cry, drink 
the pain away
in my secret life.

Food fills the gaps of despair
in my secret life.

I pray for salvation
in my secret life.

Hope for a better tommorow remains 
in my secret life. 

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What is Poetry?

Poetry is my 
drug of choice,

calming rain, 
rays of sunshine. 

an antidote 
to suffering,

waltzing words
on lonely nights,

my lost lover 
in my ear,

of fear,

wind beneath
birds in flight,



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The dawn is breaking,
no sense you're making
leaving me, although
better off I will be.
No one will ever 
satisfy you, until
your heart bleeds through
the tough exterior 
that makes everyone inferior
to the image you see 
in the mirror. 

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Beautiful People

Hail to the beautiful people...

   who smile in the face of adversity,

   overcome their demons,

   make their dreams come true,

   lend a helping hand,

   make the world a better place,

   give us hope for a brighter future,

   make us feel young again...

We salute you, 
   look up to you, 
      want to be you, 
         love you.

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beautydreamsfuturehopeovercome adversitypeoplerelationshipsyouth

The Favor

Thank you for 

the favor

of pushing me away. 


For helping me see 

the price of loving you 

is too high to pay. 


For saving me 

a life of heartbreak, 

torment, and dismay. 


For all the things

you wanted to, 

but didn’t say. 


For apathy 

as I go 

my own way. 


I hope to repay 

the favor 


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Destiny Bound

You think you can 
break my heart
without breaking 
your own?

We are one. 

Your tears 
are my tears.
My tears stream 
down your face.

Interwined energy,
we try to escape,
but it keeps pulling us back 
to this silent space.

You turn away,
nothing to say,
rue the day.

I laugh through the tears, 
because I know we will be 
bound again for years, 


Our des...

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My Pied Piper

I drink of you often
in my day dreams
about night things.
When I'm lost and alone,
you soothe my soul
with your sweet melody
that dances on the wind
and carries me 
to a faraway place
where love never ends.

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Willpower and Discipline

Willpower and discipline,
have long been two of the 
most despised words in the 
english language to me.

What character flaw prevents  
the willpower and discipline
necessary to be the person
I imagine myself capable of being?

A half-lived life is heartbreaking.
There is no acceptable excuse, 
not age or disability.

Even people with no limbs 
live empowered lives 
built on willp...

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disabilitydisciplineempowermentfriendsheartbreaklifeloneliness. regretpoemspoetryreflectionrelationshipsweaknesswillpower


Feeling down
because my muse
abandoned me again.
Maybe to teach me
another lesson
about leaning on him,
instead of mining inspiration
from deep within.
Seeking satisfaction
outside ourselves
is perhaps the greatest sin.
It is a game no one wins.
So, back to the blank page I go.
Just me and my pen.

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abandoneddepressioninspirationlife lessonsmuserelationshipswriting


While the world
goes about their day
talking about trival things, 
laughing their troubles away,
I am struck with 
paralyzing pain
that I try to contain. 

Everyone close to me 
is oblivious 
to my suffering.

Why should they care?
They have their own 
drama to deal with.
There is nothing 
anyone can do anyway. 

Meanwhile, my body
betrays me more 
each passing day.

I want t...

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Do you ever want to 
hold on to a moment 
because it feels divine?

A moment when the stars align, 
and everything is fine. 

A moment when you make peace 
with your past, and your pain. 

A moment when there is 
no sorrow, no shame.

A moment when fear
takes a hike.

A moment when the sky is clear, 
the air is forgiving,
and sun shines bright. 

A moment when everything 

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Love Letter to My Muse

All day long 

I think of you. 

I can’t wait to get home 

to be with you,

to feel your ink drip 

between my fingers.

You are my love,

my passion,

my muse.

I know you will 

never leave me. 

We are bound 

by a legacy of words, 

that braids our soul.

Our poetry echoes 

through time and space, 

leaves a soft place 

for broken hearts to land. 

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Silent Light 

Hello silence, my old friend.
It's good to embrace you
once again.

No flashing phones.
No clashing tones.
No distracting memes.
No broken dreams.

Just breathing in gratitude,
marinating the moment,
exhaling ego,
connecting to the prophet within.

Listening, learning, loving, 
by the naked light you bring.

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Image by Gerd Altmann...

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At Last

I can’t believe I found you at last. I haven’t seen you since I was 17. 

A few times I felt you near, but couldn’t see you because I was blinded by my attachment to shining knight fairy tales, white picket fences, and the American dream. 

What a relief to know you never really left. You have been here all along, patiently waiting for me...

to smile at my reflection in the mirror.

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Interpretive Dance

go away.

I only want young, thin, pretty girls 
to look my way.

I don't care if they have anything 
intelligent to say.

I just want them to ooh and awe 
at my game. 

Of course I have no shame,
my past is to blame.

Yes, this dance could drive  
the thinker insane.

So, leave with your dignity,
while I toss back another one, 
and twirl my ring. 

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dancedignityshamerespectdiscriminationlifelovemisogynynarcissismrelationshipsthe past

Can We Pretend

Can we pretend
     social media highlights
     are every day life.

Can we pretend
     children aren't starving,
     neglected or abused.

Can we pretend
     Mother Earth will
     pardon our plundering.

Can we pretend 
     animals don’t suffer 
     for our gluttonous pleasure.

Can we pretend
     greed doesn't 
     fuel disease.

Can we pretend
     God is real and 

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abusefaithfriendshipgluttonylifelonlinessloverelationshipsSocial mediaSuperman

Delusions of Grandeur

How can you adore me one day

and forget I exist the next? 

Was I just another notch 

in your belt? 

Why can’t you see that your world is 

darker without me,

the one who loves you 


Someday it will all make sense.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep convincing myself

you still care.


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addictiondelusionslovemental illnessrelationships

Spanish Rose

My beautiful Spanish Rose, 

  the most fragrant flower

    in a crowded garden,

      withstanding harsh winters

        and choking weeds

          to remain



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Go for the Glow

Go for the glow
of good health.

Go for the glow
of a clear conscious.

Go for the glow
of forgiveness.

Go for the glow
of dreaming fearlessly.

Go for the glow
of giving generously.

Go for the glow
of loving unconditionally.

Go for the glow
of a life well lived.


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Third Eye Blind

Mind spinning faster than a cyclone.
Do this, do that ad infinitum.

Worry about things beyond my control
until the scowl line blinds my third eye.

Waste life surfing the net, 
following every link that promises to take me higher, 
faster, farther than the languid loop of my existence.

Why does it never seem enough?

I long to escape the stoic-ease,
walk hand-in-hand among redwood t...

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My Entity

Wherever I go,
there you are.

I see you
in stormy skies. 

I feel you
in twilight. 

I smell you 
among the pines.

I hear you 
whispering at night. 

I taste you  
in the words of every love poem. 

You are nowhere to be found,
yet always around.

My entity,
you are the part of me I long to set free.

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Good for You

Good for you,
    found your flow.
Good for you,
    got that healthy glow.
Good for you,
    navigating storms like a willow.
Good for you,
    used your pain as fuel to grow.
Good for you,
    no more living on tiptoe.
Good for you,
    no longer afraid of the scarecrow.
Good for you,
    escaped the tornado.
Good for you,
    found your rainbow.
Good for you,
    taking time to...

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average joedarkness to lightenlightenedfaithindigo childinspiring poemlightloverelationshipsstormsstrengthsuccessvangogh


You ask if I believe in God...
How can I not?

To deny my Father
means I leave my existence
to some 30 year old predator
who impregnated a girl half his age
and left her to raise their child
in the wilderness, among wolves 
that feed on loneliness and despair.

Without my Father, I would never know
that after suffering comes deliverance,
pain leads to compassion,
forgiveness breaks b...

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affectionbabybirthchildrendeliverancedespairdesperationfaith familyfatherforgivenesshopelonelinessnatureprayerrelationships spiritualityreligion


Forgive me, for not 
being the mother 
you needed me to be.

For being too busy,
too naive to see 
what was happening 
in front of me.

For being silent
when your father 
screamed and demeaned.

For when I thought it
was sweet that your 
boyfriend carried you
to your room when you 
"fell asleep".

For not enough hugs
and too many lectures.

For not seeing the signs
of addict...

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addictionconnectiondaughterfaithforgivenessfamilyhealinghellhero's journeyloverecoveryrelationships


You neglected me, 

didn’t protect me, 

abandoned me,

chose an abusive man 

over your children... 

I forgive you. 

I give you the

unconditional affection

never afforded me,

because I love you 

despite everything 

and I don’t want 

the past having 

power over me.


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abusechildhoodfatherforgivenessmotherrelationshipsunconditional love

Moral Abyss

Meet me in the 

moral abyss, 

the interwebs

of eternal bliss,

where we will 

confirm our love 

with a virtual kiss. 


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Twisted Love

Love once bloomed 
like a fragrant flower
in eternal spring.

Through years of 
torrential summer tears, 
then droughts,

the scent faded.

All that seemingly remains
are scorched petals that drop 
like dead leaves in fall.

But, far beneath 
the frozen surface, 
intertwined roots run deep...

Making our twisted love 
hardy, to weather the 
toughest seasons.


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Poetry Understands

Poetry understands
walking dead,
monsters under the bed,
voices in your head.

Poetry understands
wounded souls,
storms, walls, 
severed rainbows.

Poetry understands
broken hearts,
rainy days, lonely nights,
moon light.

Poetry understands
star-crossed love,
hopeless romances,
second chances.

Poetry understands
twin flames
guilt, shame,
the blame game.

Poetry understand...

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depressionlonelinesslovemusicpoetryrainbowsrelationshipssad songstwinflame

Wild Life

Life is too full of people 
willing to share their soul 
to focus on those who
aren’t open to your light. 

You were meant to soar with eagles,
not wallow with nocturnal wildlife. 

While they may be beautiful, 
mysterious, alluring, 
they thrive in darkness, 
a place you escaped long ago. 

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When I was 7 years old, I went with my mother to visit her friend. I heard a dog bark when we knocked on the door. I love doggies! "Where's your doggie?" I asked. "I put him out back. He's an old police dog and isn't used to kids." 

"Stay away from him," my mother warned. 

Despite her warning, I went in search of the doggie and found him chained to a stake in the ground, head down, dark eyes...

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dangerdistancedogshuglife lessonsloverelationshipsshepherd


Mortality stalks me 
like a jealous lover.

Breathlessly follows me
wherever I go, incessantly
banging a gong, 


it won't be long, 
come to me, let 
the pain end.

My eternal soul sees
this game of mortal gods 

and challenges me

to go where mortals
fear to tread...

Meditate in silent space
past the black hole,

beyond illness,
depression, despair

to that ...

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The Writer's Plight

For some, the writer's plight may be staring at a blank page, fear of rejection, or resistance presented in various forms. For me, the writer's plight is being available morning, noon, and night to welcome a steady stream of pop-in visitors with expectations of providing conversation, cooking, cleaning, even childcare for hours on end.

With a Mona Lisa smile, I weigh the importance of what my d...

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comfort zonedrama queenfamilyfocushabitlegacymuseprioritiesquality timerelationshipswriter's lifewriting


Fool me once 
shame on you.

Fool me twice 
shame on me.

Fools forever 
chasing love 
and destiny. 

Think it through
before you give up 
for a moment 
in the sun 
on the sinking ship
of fools. 


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A Poem a Day

Oh NaPoWriMo 
how you challenge me.

Calling me to rhyme on time
when I would rather procrastinate
with this talent of mine. 

A poem a day keeps the doldrums away.
Read it, write it, recite it,
makes no difference 
to me. 

Just do what you can 
with what you've got
and see how happy 
you will be!

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Precious china, 
after the fall. 

No longer valued,
or wanted at all. 

Enter the ancient
mending art of

where the broken pieces 
are filled with gold.

Alas, they are stronger
than before,
a sight to behold. 

How befitting God 
did the same thing for me.

Filled my shattered heart
with His love, mended me.

It’s stronger now. 

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Dear Muse

Hide away 
if you must. 

I don't understand 
what prompts you 
to surface anyway. 

I will do like I always do,
show up on the page,
stumble through what 
I was put on earth to do,
share my truth.

I know even though you 
fly away again and again 
to do whatever muses do, 

you will come back, 
when I least expect
and light up my soul
with your beautiful words, 
like you alwa...

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destinyfateghostsjourneylovemusemusesnamastepoetrypromptssoulstarcrossedthe universewriters block

Love Lessons

He loves her but, 
she loves him,
but he loves the mirror 
like his lost love loves selfies.

Adoration, pointing every direction, 
like weather vanes in a hurricane.

Each unware their 
love affair 
is bound to end. 

Love lessons often repeat 
until we understand that 
real love begins within, 
then overflows to others, 

making the circle of love 



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agapedestinylost loveloverelationshipsself loveSelf-awarenessself-esteemsoulmatestwinflame


You are a creator.
I am a creator.

I created you
and you created me.

Together we create
our destiny.

Will we fill our life
with strife or harmony.

Will we hide behind fear and doubt 
or flesh our gifts out.

It is up to you.
It is up to me.

To be all we created 
ourselves to be.


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creatorcreationi amdestinylifegodfaithspiritualitymanifestingthe law of attraction

Love, Me

Beautiful dreamer

take solace with me

and a soft melody.

I will soothe you,

woo you,

set your spirit free.

You are never alone 

when you love me. 



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Gilded Cage

Time after time 
I give you another chance
to prove you still care.

You respond with 
the venomous bite
of a rattlesnake.

How much more 
poison can I take

before I am consumed 
by the same dark spirit
that possesses you?

I know I should run
far away

but I have convinced myself
of the old cliche...

better the devil you know 
than the devil you don't.

I know what to ex...

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comfort zonedarknessdevillovepassionpoisonrelationshipssoultoxic relationships

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