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Wigan August 2011

Another great night - I only arrived 1/2 way through and apparantly missed some cracking poets.

Been wondering... what does it take to get performance poets to riot? A few months back I did a poem taking the mick performance poets at the Tudor - everyone loved it! Tonight I did one assasinating the character of Wiganners and instead of throwing things at me. they clapped & cheered. Weird bunch!

The night usually over runs. Due to slightly lower numbers and Darren's deft (deft not daft) comparing, it finished early. That's when things got a teensy bit bizarre and the I got a glimpse of what society would be like if it was left to performance poets.....
The raucus, appreciative crowd were not willing to call it a day there. They yelled for Darren to share his lobster! He obliged. Dave C shared his bitch with us, Ian and his green ukukele had us going GaGa. Laura filled the space with infectious clicking... and Adele did the splits. I guess you had to be there! See you next month.
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 12:06 am
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it was a proper Tudor night and I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a few more members of WOL. and yes the poetry was tops all night . I think Bernard Cribbens would have approved ... as Joy said maybe you had to be there ;)
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 10:01 am
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It was a great night - I loved it - and all the impromptu performances at the end - it could only happen at the Tudor.

I enjoyed Ian's Lady GagGa number on the Uke - next time could he dress up a la Ga Ga - I've got plenty of stuff he could borrow...

Darren entertained us well as compere and the atmosphere was buzzing. There is a particular chemistry at the Tudor that comes from the genuine interaction of the regulars, the audience banter and the great camaraderie between poets - even after we've kicked the shit out of each other on discussion!

It was nice to meet Martin Rimmington from Bolton - a newbie on WOL. We hope to hear you performing next month Martin - or maybe at Butterflies in Bolton.

That's me done - I won't pick favourites - they were all guest poets! xx
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 10:59 am
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Hahaa Joy - when you type it all out like that, it does seem a little bizarre!

I had SUCH a great night last night - for me personally it was one of the best. A raucous heckle-filled bantery bear pit! Gerrin! :D

Darren was on top form compering, with his bloody endless TERRIBLE riot jokes, that poem with the American/Wiganese accent, and he even recognised himself on the front of my t-shirt ;)

A huge THANKS MATE to Mister Togher for supplying some brilliant freebies - I got there early so bagged all the best stuff :D

Me and Isobel smoked the peace pipe - well, not really, more of a girly hug ;)

The standard of the poetry in the Tudor is AMAZING, it really is. Bloody great to meet Stella, what a fine poet and performer you are, an absolute delight.

Have to say I LOVED the end of the night, still grinning about it now, although am totally knackered and a teensy bit muzzy in the head. Can't think why, *ahem*

Big thanks to the lovely Shoeless too, for offering us a lift home, allowing us to stay on longer and have a good ole natter. Thanks darlin :) We usually have to rush off for the last train, so it was grand to be able to stop around a bit longer.

Quality night - can't begin to tell you how delighted I am that I found you lot! Feel like I've come home :)

*passes sick bag around*

Fri, 12 Aug 2011 11:14 am
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Oh and Joy - that's the thing about us Northerners eh? It is our culture to take the piss big time - just a sign of massive affection :D
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 11:16 am
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What an excellent night. As Izz says the chemistry, banter and camaraderie were brilliant. I had a friend with me who'd never been to an open mic night and he loved it. Wrong to name anyone - can't think of a single weak performance.
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 09:21 pm
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There was, for much of the night, the usual battle to be heard above the folk in the bar as they as usual got drunker and louder.... then the strangest thing happened - - - they got involved. First they shouted things like "What's he on about?" as Pete started but by the time he had finished they were whooping in support. More appreciative heckling ("remember you're a womble" during the Bernard Cribbins homage!)followed then..... unlike many other nights where the last performer often struggles to be heard, they went totally quiet during Elaine's spot all listening to every word!!!! Then, as Ian came off stage after doing his GaGa extraveganza, they all were applauding him. Maybe that's happened before but I've never seen it :)
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 10:43 pm
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<Deleted User> (9593)

An entertaining evening. Really liked the WIGAN poem. Learned a lot about delivery. Great rapport between poets/performers and audience. Thanks to Isobel and Yolande.
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:51 am
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Oops Graham. Did you mean mine about the pies etc? - wasn't aware that there was someone new from Bolton when I changed the ending to insult Boltonians as well. Glad you took it in good spirit (am not apologising to anybody though as everything I said was true!!!!!!!)

Did you read? As I said, I was gutted to miss the first half but still had a great night.
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 05:15 pm
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<Deleted User> (6315)

And I have to add what a wonderful evening I had too!...So lovely to meet new people and the reception that I recieved was second to none..So a big thankyou to you all for making my first visit to the Tudor such a memorable one!!! Thanks Dave for the lift, I remember Mick quoting poetry on the way home?..addictive you see lol
Tue, 16 Aug 2011 01:05 am
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one of these days i will defo have to make it down there, but it's dead far for me so would have to con the MC to put me on first half, but glad you all had a good time.. A
Tue, 16 Aug 2011 08:30 am
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Riotous asembly.
It made me realise how good some of you are when I got up for the impromptu bit at the end and realised I couldn't remember my poem without having it written down.
I learned something from that anyway. Funny how the month before there were grumblings that people were taking too long. This time there was time to fill at the end. You didn't get all the best books Laura. I got some! Thanks John.
Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:24 pm
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darren thomas

I’m afraid that my publisher INSISTED that I had a stunt double for this event and therefore I couldn’t attend. I’m led to believe that my stand in was an authentic performer of incoherent crispy waffle that lacked any amount of poet ‘big-up’ intros? May I apologise on his behalf.

The ‘riot’ jokes were topical if not typical.

Hopefully suitable insurance cover can be obtained shortly, which will allow me to attend in the very near future.

You raucous, rowdy bunch you….

Thu, 18 Aug 2011 09:39 am
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