The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.


Glyn Pope grew up on a council estate in England. He studied theology at Nene University. In addition to writing short stories and novels, Glyn interviewed Bob Marley the night before Marley canceled his UK tour and went back to the warmth of Jamaica. Glyn has published articles for both Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan 'fan' magazines, and has won a short story competition in the magazine 'Devon Life.' He has the novel, 'The Doctor, The Plutocrat, and The Mendacious Minister' published by Cactus Rain. ( On the 31st of January this year Vagabondage Press will be publishing an anthology of love poems for Valentines Day. His first published poem is included in this.


The Young Woman At The Model Railway Exhibition What seemed like a good train of thought that morning or even the day or week before was a lousy idea now helping Grandpa at the Model Railway Exhibition Grandpa, your daughter should have given birth to a son But no, Grandpa had a family of girls and each a girl And only I loved him enough to play the boy Two years ago at eleven years old I would have stood by you proudly seen the envy of the children watching but now? What if this afternoon Roger, whom I love nearly as much as Grandpa, from class 3B turns up clutching the hand of a little brother? Today, Grandpa, I’ll stand amongst the old men who wear the don’t care clothes worrying about my hair looking for anyone I know Last time, Grandpa, I’ve blown the whistle on this I’m catching the five twenty four out of here For the girl at the model rail exhibition Easter Cardiff 29th September 2011

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Katy Megan Hughes

Wed 27th Jun 2012 21:40

Hi Glyn

Thank you for your comments on my poems - look forward to reading more of yours..


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Emma Stradling

Thu 3rd May 2012 20:10

Hi Glyn. Well I should update my profile as I've now managed to read my work out twice now! I must admit that I lost my nerve and pulled out on Tuesday but it just didn't feel right. Apart from that I'm glad I read my poems out and I think they went down well. I sat back down so fast im not sure! Hope it goes well for you.

I'll have a look at your poetry. Is it your poem The King of Thorns that you'd like me to read?

<Deleted User> (6315)

Tue 24th Apr 2012 13:10

Thank you Glyn for searching me out! :)

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Fri 20th Apr 2012 14:19

Oh bless you for your lovely comments!

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 19th Apr 2012 17:35

Please, Glyn! Be so kind and read my comments on "I am a lady".

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 19th Apr 2012 17:31

An emperor can walk naked but everyone will say that his clothes are beautiful.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 19th Apr 2012 09:17

Hello, Glyn! Thank you so much for commenting on my poems. I've read all your poems posted here and world like to say that they are not for me. It's not my style.
Best wishes,
PS I've commented on your comments.

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David Cooke

Thu 5th Apr 2012 17:02

Thanks for kind comment on the poem, Glyn!

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Barbi Touron

Fri 23rd Mar 2012 21:05

Glen best of luck reading on stage. You are a Rock Star, just remember that when you're up there. Best Wishes - Barbi

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John Coopey

Wed 29th Feb 2012 21:11

That's nice.

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Glyn Pope

Wed 22nd Feb 2012 06:53

Stella, how old is Dervla Murphy? Never too old for anything. You could be the travelling poet. A book of travel poems. Does such a book exist? The first of its kind maybe.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Tue 21st Feb 2012 21:19 flights of fantasy take me wherever lol..Oh to have been a travel wonderful is that?..I think now I am a little old..I guess I was trying to convey some kind of difference with Eating Mango..tis all made up.

Appreciate your comments very much Glyn :)

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Glyn Pope

Tue 21st Feb 2012 12:03

We have a zoo very close to here. You'll be able to visit it in September. A most beautiful zoo where the animals are kept in natural habitat, based in a Troglodyte village and quarry. In the zoo is a vulture centre. You can walk amongst the vultures, even at feeding time.

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David Cooke

Tue 21st Feb 2012 11:35

Hi Glyn Thanks for comment on the Miami birds! Didn't know you were on WOL! (By the way - they were American Black Vultures!)

<Deleted User> (6315)

Sun 12th Feb 2012 22:22

Glyn, an incrdibly kind comment from yourself and you have left me well chuffed! Thank you!! If I ever get to bind my work into a book sometime I think I would have you write the preface lol...big smile :)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 7th Feb 2012 23:33

Cheers Glyn for kind remarks
re "Of Earths salt"
Aye,the owd feller waz a gudden!

Welcome to WOL-and wow!
very impressive biography.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 26th Jan 2012 21:07

Perhaps what cost christmas? I added a couple of verses to this put have not put the editied version up reads ok, sets the scene. Forlorn is okish I think...gonna look at my online dictionary to see what I can come up with..and I think is is fine to use head is not so full of words and I am not so articulate as to be able to have all the right words..the idea yes, but not all the right words..obviously my own opinion. :) And having looked on Rhyme Zone I think I may use castaway?.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Wed 25th Jan 2012 22:22

Thanks for you comments on the village, yes forsaken is a bit twee innit?..I shall have a think..

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 22nd Jan 2012 16:16

GP - thank you for the kindness of your comment
about "Be Grateful". As a model railway fan in
the days of my youth, I agree with Ann about your poem. I notice you have contributed to
"Devon Life". As a Paigntonian (Torbay) by birth, I bought that magazine a number of times on return visits. A good read. Well done for your success.

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 18th Jan 2012 18:34

Love your model railway poem - welcome to WOL!

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