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Beyond the Garden #6

The angel ushered him on.

Dense, impenetrable, jungle parted,

paths opened for the gleaming, smiling figure

with joyous eyes.

It did not seem real

His breath came in short pants.

The track rose steadily

It did not seem real.

A gaudy parrot flew clacking through the creepers above,

the jungle was vivid, vivid,

the angel eyes caught him and drew him

again, and again

it did not seem real.


The trees thinned.

“We have arrived” his guide said,

gesturing gracefully to the summit


The jungle lay before him.

But where before there had been chaos,

now he saw order.

Tracks of course,

and in the distance, the lazy smoke

from his cottage chimney

but everything else fitted

and was in place,

wildly in its wild wild place.

Every tree knew where it had to be,

every leaf had self-belief.

And still it did not seem real.


Without warning,

the angel touched his eyes.

He gasped and shook

as the molten fingers remade him.


Then opened his eyes.

And it was real.


And he saw that his cottage

his tidy, snug little home,

was part of the jungle.

He saw that his neat, squared-off, cultivated garden

was a jungle glade.


He shifted his gaze

and saw the jungle all his garden.

All was his, mastered and nurtured by his hand,

the cottage, the centre of a vast estate

of tamed wild fertility.


Shifted again and all was jungle,

Shifted again and all was garden.

Shifting, shifting, shifting...




and he awoke

in his armchair

in his neat little cottage.

His cup of tea

cold beside him.


Half-dazed, dazzled and haunted

he wandered into his garden.

He stared at the dense, impenetrable jungle

over the freshly clipped privet hedge,

and said, quietly to himself

“Now where did that angel start?

That dream was no accident.

There's a path here

for finding.”


These poems flow from what pictures come. It feels like this may be the last. Did I hear "Thank heavens for that" ?  Many thanks to those who have commented

◄ Beyond the Garden #5

Stupid crows ►


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Elaine Booth

Sun 6th Mar 2011 22:39

This is inspirational, Dave. I fully agree with Laura (again!) including the lines about the leaf and the angel. For me the possibility of redemption hinted at in the end is very touching. So many great themes.

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Chris Co

Thu 17th Feb 2011 11:20

I like this and the first poem the most out of the series.

Very different in terms of prose in style from your usual poetry.

It makes me think;

I would like to read you write prose stories/a novel.

My Best



Mon 14th Feb 2011 21:22

Hi Dave - I agree with all that's been said - masterpiece

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jane wilcock

Sat 12th Feb 2011 22:05

Lovely poem, I think there might be another series about that path( if he finds it) and where it leads judging form this one! best, jane

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 12th Feb 2011 16:33

Dave, it has been a privilege to read this 'series' of poems. Your poetry 'journey' has been inspirational to me.

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 12th Feb 2011 01:19

Nice one or six Dave love the line about the gaudy parrot, cheers for comment on Nat of the Wanderers, Boltons Dixie Dean! good to see you at wigan last night, cheers Jeff

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Cate Greenlees

Fri 11th Feb 2011 13:00

Beautiful Dave! Very uplifting and spiritual.
Cate xx

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 11th Feb 2011 12:31

Marvellous Dave - this does seem like the natural conclusion - it seems complete now. all the best. B

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winston plowes

Fri 11th Feb 2011 12:06

Hi Dave, I think its a shame it may be the last, it has been an interesting journey. Still. he seems to have started to find himself and his path. Win

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Laura Taylor

Fri 11th Feb 2011 10:18

Heh - I'll say it again, absolutely BRILLIANT.

Took my breath away this one when you showed it to me last night...I love how it verges on the sexual, and religious, surreal as well as capturing elements of hyper-real nature, and has the potential for almost a kind of redemption at the end. Each one develops the epiphanic feel.

Loving lines like the leaf having self-belief, and the angel touching his eyes.

Thanks Dave - if this is the end of these, it's a shame, but it must end at some point I suppose. It's been ace fun :D Ta la

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