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Latest Mental Health Poem: In Therapy

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In Therapy


There ain’t no guessing why it’s in Harpurhey

Where all the Mams who drag prams are on ESA

And depression clings to all the buildings

And they’re Manchester’s biggest exporter

Where suicidal thoughts seep between the bricks and mortar

And knives on skin is just one of those daily things

And they eat cold paranoia for dinner

That’s where I drag myself to every Wednesday

And the school kids who won’t be told

Cut across the road in front of me

‘Cause they don’t think I have to see ‘em

One, two, three times in my rear view mirror

So I know I’ve not run ‘em over

And in a room so uninspiring I find my eyes glued to the clock

I sit

And I tell him all of my secrets

And I tell him shit I wouldn’t tell my husband

And I’m proper fucking rude to him

‘Cause he challenges everything I know about me

And he challenges the status quo within me

And I don’t know why but it makes me so angry

And I cry

I cry like I can’t when I’m on my own

And I cry like it hurts when I feel all alone

I cry for the scars that line my limbs

And I cry for my failures, my sickness, my sins

But it helps

I don’t know why or how it does

But after I’ve slunk off

And touched up my fucked up eye make up

It kinda feels good

And for a moment it’s OK to be me

And for a moment I see what other people see

And I’ve stopped counting the steps

From the door to my car

‘Cause instead  I kinda skip

And I guess that’s why I stick

In therapy

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<Deleted User> (11123)

Thu 16th May 2013 19:04

I really like this

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Elaine Booth

Tue 1st Mar 2011 21:09

This is stunning. "Where suicidal thoughts seep between the bricks and mortar / And knives on skin is just one of those daily things" and "And I’m proper fucking rude to him / ‘Cause he challenges everything I know about me" are fantastic lines. There is no question - this is a lived experience. I recognise it but this is so strong that even if the reader didn't have personal experience it would still be a very potent poem.


Tue 22nd Feb 2011 20:29

Powerful and inspiring - well done

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Gemma Lees

Mon 21st Feb 2011 16:09

thanks for all of your feedback, i really appreciate it. ray - i meant that it is the exporter of depression as the community mental health team for manchester is based in the centre of harpuhey, i might need to tweak that a wee bit so thanks for flagging it as not quite working. i feel i must say that the metaphorical 'skipping' is rather a hope for the future than a current feeling.

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Ray Miller

Mon 21st Feb 2011 13:51

Tis a powerful poem, alright. Cold paranoia for dinner - I've had that.One thing I didn't get was Manchester's biggest exporter. Of what?

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Andy N

Mon 21st Feb 2011 08:14

lot of excellent stuff in this Gem... I would have loved to heard a audio off this as it'll be interesting to see how you read this aloud too but it's top banana still.... Andy x

<Deleted User> (8943)

Sun 20th Feb 2011 17:48

Love it. Identify with so many things.

Feeling like its ok to be me, no matter what I've talked about, no matter what life threw at me.

And, "counting the steps

From the door to my car" mmmm yeah controlling the little things...


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winston plowes

Sat 19th Feb 2011 19:33

I can hear your voice ripping through this piece but it would be nice to have an audio attached to it if you do that sort of thing, Win.

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winston plowes

Sat 19th Feb 2011 19:32

Gemma, great impact with this really 'Mancy' poem. "depression clings to the buildings" and "And I cry like it hurts when I feel all alone" are lines composed of simple words to give a shakingly powerful read. Thankyou for posting, Win x

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Dave Bradley

Sat 19th Feb 2011 18:55

Hi Gemma. Saying I'm glad you've continued with the mental health theme may not be appropriate as no doubt you wish things were otherwise. But they have been very good poems saying things that need saying, demanding understanding and empathy from the reader. Thank you.

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Chris Dawson

Sat 19th Feb 2011 15:14

Found a lot to identify with in this. Like Rachel - never skipped away from therapist's office. I went for about 3 years - still have mixed feelings about how useful it was. I daresay several peeps that know me would say - it was a waste of time. :)
The line that 'got' me the most was: And I cry like it hurts when I feel all alone
It's a bleak line, but sums up the poem for me ... the pain and the looking for an answer. Difficult emotions to get down on paper - well done.

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Gemma Lees

Sat 19th Feb 2011 15:05

id love to read your 'rebuttle' so to speak. i have to say it's taken a long time to write, i've been going for 12 months!

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Rachel Bond

Sat 19th Feb 2011 15:00

i like this poem gemma its really well written, the rhythm of it carries you through. its bleak and hopeful at the same time. although not my experience of therapy at all, ive never skipped out of the office. maybe ill write a therapy poem also, ive been stuck for material so thanks for a bit of inspiration :)

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