The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Free will


No wind blowing

nary a breeze,

no unease,


voices stilled.

Dead calm.

Phone off the hook

Emotion off-line.




Go deep, make a leap.

Action breaks the circle of the given.”


Was it free?

Did I choose?

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Elaine Booth

Sun 22nd May 2011 19:19

Like this a lot, Dave. The line "emotion off-line" is very good. I really like questions in poems - it directly challenges and engages the reader. X

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Dave Carr

Thu 19th May 2011 18:37

Very thought provoking Dave

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Wed 18th May 2011 16:18

I like the questions you raise Dave. The exercise of free will is hard for so many of us - dictated to by the needs of those around us. Are our choices really choices - or just a number available to us out of a zillion that aren't...
Very philosophical for this time of the day...

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