My Second Adventure Into New-Age Poetry
My Second Adventure Into New-Age Poetry
(I have posed important questions we all need to ponder in this day of hither-thither rush.
Read and be blessed)
You and I are travellers of the multiverse.
The goal of sub-atomic particles is to plant the seeds of passion rather than greed. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is energy.
The cosmos is calling to you via electromagnetic forces.
Can you hear it?
blip blip...
Our conversations with other seekers have led to an awakening of pseudo-powerful consciousness. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the solar system via pulses. Reality has always been bursting with starseeds whose souls are transformed into serenity.
Selfishness is the antithesis of love. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an ennobling of our hopes if we are going to survive. Yes, it is possible to obliterate the things that can sabotage us, but not without peace on our side.
Nothing is impossible. We exist, we live, we are reborn. By awakening, we believe.
Humankind has nothing to lose.
We are at a crossroads of grace and bondage. We are in the midst of an ancient deepening of choice that will let us access the quantum soup itself. Who are we? Where on the great mission will we be aligned?
Don Matthews
(New-Age Poet in Learning)
October 2019
New-Age poem 'Love Chair'
Sat 26th Oct 2019 17:16
Hi Don - this elecro-magnetic communication comes to you from the outer reaches of my cosmic brain box. How did it get there? Ah, it was sent, it came and now it done gone went.
The theory of The Force fails of course for force is only horse power and too impersonal a rational to rely on, to fly on, thinking to escape the fate that awaits, thinking to solve the human situation.
All power, from horse to electro-magnetic, kinetic, frenetic, torque, talk, comes from A Person. The One who came as a son and got the job done. In Him we are made one and the angels do hum the song that saves, the poem of the brave that will run and run into and through the new age to come.
blip blip