How did you come across 'To plumb the depth of soul....'? I remember sharing it recently with someone, quite personally. Was that you?
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Mikhail, I shall go back and read more of your work. I don't know how I missed it before.
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
...thanks for that speedy response Mikhail- I webbed the word and it was confusing and awful. Tommy
ps I was born in Liverpool and still am (born) and living there. Lewis's and all- (been thrown out of the cafe for messing about)
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Many happy returns - personal and poetical!
Briefly returning to your "gate" poem - it also
brought to mind the Tennyson poem about
"Crossing The Bar" - an additional reason for
liking it.
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Hi, thank you for your comment on my poem.
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Tx Mikhail, you've turned the mood of 'blank' upside down. Like it a lot! :)
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Hi Mikhail, welcome to WOL, sorry for delay in replying to cadence Qs, if you want to add me on facebook I can keep you informed of future events in addition to info on here.
I also organise Bolton poetry noghts if you fancy that, been very busy lately but will catch up with your work soon, cheers Jeff
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Wow, that's impressive if you wrote it in a few minutes - I take weeks to get something/anything down. I hope the dark cloud descends more often if it makes you write like that. Jade x
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Thanks so much for comments (Dowser)- have just added an audio (but it's a bit "thrummy"). I know just what you mean about Houdini - but then, maybe he just couldn't do it? We cross our fingers and hope maybe...
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Lol! I was flying British Airways!!
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Mikhail, thank you so much x
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Hi Mikhail
Welcome to WOL. I very much like your stuff. I inhabit Crosby for my sins. Are you still there?
Also read The Master and Margarita not so long ago. What a strange book.
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Hi there, thx for the comments on my rochdale poem. received and understood. Win
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Mikhail, thanks a lot for the comment, glad you liked the website stuff. I hope to keep adding more as life goes on...
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
I haven't read it tho I did try - it was my dad's fave book but he had a copy where the paper is practically transparent and the print is really tiny so I gave up! As far as I remember it was an autobiography that started practically in the womb - written as if he remembered everything. I really like your poems btw - hope you get more feedback. One way (if you want feedback of course!) to get to know people on here is to comment on other people's stuff. But it's up to you of course.
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Thanks Mikhail. Glad it resonated.
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Hi Mikhail - welcome to WOL. Interesting poems! Look forward to many reading more.
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith
Lynn Hamilton
Mon 6th Apr 2015 13:32
Thank you for your comments Mikhail much appreciated. If I ever did, there would be no need to pay!
Comment is about Mikhail Smith (poet profile)
Original item by Mikhail Smith