The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 2nd Feb 2022 16:27

"Honestly, I enjoy writing poetry solely in an instinctual and emotional way, so I don't really spend any time reworking or editing my pieces. I'm sure they would benefit from me doing that but I've found that it removes my personal connection and passion towards the pieces".

It's fascinating how we all seem to differ in our approach to creating words. I use anything I've got near me when an idea or string of words happens along. Whether its the 'Notes' on my phone, a notebook by the bed or an open word document when I'm doing other writing, it HAS to be captured.
Where we differ enormously is in the editing. I usually take at least three days (attempts) to refine my words before sticking them on WOL. Even then I edit them further before they get on my blog pages.
However you write Alexandra, get it down before its lost is my advice (not that you asked for it, sorry).
Looking forward to more of your work and watching you develop as a writer

Comment is about Alexandra K. Parapadakis (poet profile)

Original item by Alexandra K. Parapadakis


Thu 15th Aug 2019 17:17

Thanks Alexandra (Albatross) Time moves on a pace from modern experiences - what once was a not so unusual everyday experience in the wider scheme of things (deaths at sea) - now forms a rather different kind of scenario indeed, especially as there is no merchant service as once was so familiar to us. Like the Smithsonian Institute in the USA discovered - our past history and artefacts of times past - help us look back and see anew what it was that everyday folk did for a living - in that looking back the events seem more golden in the re-telling. I was there and still see the faces from earlier days loom up at me from time to time - the good bits and the less good. If any of that makes any sense at all. Bestest. P.

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Mae Foreman

Tue 2nd Jul 2019 17:56

My utmost respect and admiration! You have raw talent! I can't begin to imagine the magnitude of the effort you put in overcoming your challenges considering that not only you seem yto have overcome them but you become excellent at it! With such determination you can do everything! I absolutely love your work!
Thank you?

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Big Sal

Fri 17th Aug 2018 19:03

You should come on the site more often, it's a shame I've only just noticed your profile and talent. Keep doing what you do best, your poems are excellently written!??

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Thu 18th Aug 2016 23:32

Thanks Alexandra for commenting on Out of the Mist. It was just an idea of strength disappearing out of sight !
I have now read some of your work and it is complex and shows a gracefulness with an element of confusion inwardly if I may say so. Compelling stuff !

Ray x (beautiful profile picture too.)

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Robert Mann

Sat 13th Feb 2016 18:44

Alexandra - just found your work and I'm impressed. I will read through your pieces on here and promise to leave comments, constructive criticism and collected thoughts where appropriate.

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Candice Reineke

Mon 27th Oct 2014 14:26

Agreed :) And sounds like the social media craze is about the same in England as it is here.

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Candice Reineke

Sun 26th Oct 2014 21:43

Glad to hear someone else can relate to "Pre-SocialMedia" :) In what part of the world do you live? I'm curious if perhaps this issue is more pronounced in certain geographic locations than others.

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Alexandra Parapadakis

Sat 13th Sep 2014 10:37

Thank you Candice! And no problem

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Candice Reineke

Thu 11th Sep 2014 16:21

Alexandra, wow. Inedible Topics. What a powerful and haunting story. The irony is that your poem really speaks! By the way, thanks for your comment on "the undies moment".

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Alexandra Parapadakis

Sun 31st Aug 2014 20:20

No problem Anthony

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Sun 31st Aug 2014 17:57

Thank you for reading my poem AND responding. I really appreciate all comments and feedback

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Alexandra Parapadakis

Mon 11th Aug 2014 22:38

Thank you Graham for welcoming me, I apologise for my tardy reply as I too have been on my annual holiday. I look forward to becoming part of the WOL community.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my selection Andy, I'm glad you like them!

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Andy N

Wed 6th Aug 2014 23:07

nice selection, alexandra. when i get chance will look at your videos but a excellent short selection of pieces here. top one

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 3rd Aug 2014 23:30

Alex, just checked out your redbubble stuff. Good to see another MK poet on WOL!

Keep up the good work.


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Graham Sherwood

Sun 3rd Aug 2014 23:18

Hello Alexandra,

Welcome to Write Out Loud. Please accept my apologies for this tardy welcome, as I have been away on my annual holidays and unable to communicate easily.

I hope you are enjoying the site. We're really looking forward to reading some of your work and I know that you will be warmly welcomed by other WOL-ers too.

Thanks for already uploading a picture of yourself.

Have a good browse around, there’s lots going on and if you have the time to make some comments about the work of other poets please feel free. It’s the best way to get some constructive feedback about your own work too.
There’s always someone who’ll help you out with a problem, so just ask and someone will get back to you. It’s a friendly place, so welcome once again.

Graham Sherwood

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Alexandra Parapadakis

Sat 19th Jul 2014 19:52

Hello, thank you very much!

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 19th Jul 2014 19:40

Hi Alexandra Welcome. Tommy

Comment is about Alexandra K. Parapadakis (poet profile)

Original item by Alexandra K. Parapadakis

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