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fairness (Remove filter)


Because I clean the lavatories,

I’m considered quite low grade;

In the last place on the list,

Overworked and underpaid.


Though down the pecking order,

At the thin end of the scale,

You rely upon my labours

With my brushes and my pail.


Do toffs and chief executives

Have to sanitise this mess?

I should get higher wages

Than the barons of the press.



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fairnessdirty jobs

"Soro Soke" (Battle Cry)



"Soro Soke" (Battle Cry)


Soro soke!

It is the dawn we have been waiting for,

A dawn where darkness bows to light,

And the wicked at the feet of the righteous.


Soro soke!

We are done with the silence,

We are done with the fake smiles,

We are done with hoping in their dead promises.


Soro soke!

The giants have risen in the form of a youth, 


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activismjusticefairnessgovernment for allEnd police brutality in NigeriaEndsars

"The Struggle"

"The Struggle"

9 a.m on a dull Tuesday morning,
I walked with a heavy head,
I've been carrying this for a while now,
Something common to men of my status,
Scamperring at the feet of the scavengers at the top of the national bounty,
They come with tummies tucked inside and mouth full of fairytale,
But leave pregnant with our wealth,
And then hands it over as a heirloom to their kind.


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In this world are we all different

Or are we all the same?

Don't we all deserve to have respect

And the right to have a name?


Do we not all have feelings?

Do we not all breath the same air?

Don't we all enjoy the same weather

In this world that we all share?


Do we not all have the right to be safe

And the right to feel secure?

And should this all last just f...

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Stuart VannerEgalitarianismEqualityFairnessHopePeaceFreedom

Hunting (Game and Witch)

The need to post about this subject has been growing steadily since the story broke. I am of course referring to the American dentist and his murder of Cecil the lion. This event like a number before it (see Kony and his children army) has enraged the majority of people leading to a whole lot of tweets and Facebook rubbish. While this outcry is commendable it is sadly misplaced, self-righteous and...

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Welfarefairnessmeatlionshuntingwitch huntingvegetarianCecil

Wistful Wanderings

Wistful wanderings of my mind,

take me from stubble scratching

to thoughts of just how to unwind

the complex issues we face today…


Mankind is gifted with intelligence,

we know that is a truth for sure,

yet still pursues ancient grievance

that only serve to bring pain for more


Better that we stop and think of more ways

to shape a society where all give as they c...

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In Search Of Honest Politicians

Dream drunk, post punk,
who could see how far we'd sunk,
under the crazy bankers weight,
No politicians worthy of this state...

Once we had some national pride,
but under their greedy thumbs that died,
now we head for third world wages,
screwed by those on the city stages.

We really need to wake up soon,
before we enter perpetual gloom,
destined for slavery under filth...

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