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eyelids and earlids

eyelids and earlids



beauty from color



glimmer from a lake


all lost with eyelids closed


birds songs in the forest,

symphony of city car horns

beeping to a crescendo

cooing of a morning dove

breathing of a lover


all lost with ear lids shut


is one better

to lose than the other


one would have to ask Helen Kel...

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Carol's a novice bell-ringer

campanology is her forte

she pulls my bell with gusto

at night especially naughty


she couldn't leave me alone

never enjoyed a silent night

my bell was at her mercy, a

fast Treble Bob her's by right


in the bell-tower she excelled

Christmas peals lit the snow

triples at the end of her rope

enough to lay a reverend low



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the sound of the sun

the sound of the sun


lying in bed

he hears the sun rise


forest full of trees

trees full of birds

birds full of song


he rises, feels for his cane

shuffles his way outside 

to the warmth of the sun

and orchestra of birds

turns towards the rays

that he cannot see

opens his ear lids and 

smiles at the morning

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You hear me?

You hear me?

When spirits speak,
many will listen.

Hearing and listening
are not the same.

We may listen to the words,
and not hear their meaning.

Some one will say blah blah blah.
If that is you, please move on.

It's amazing how words can flip
the switch. You hear me?


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