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I am a son of the heavens. 

I do not fall,

I can only fly.

The way the wind whispers

determines my path.

It has never once led me astray.

A gentle breeze ruffles my feathers,

while the sun's bright smile warms my face.

Clouds dance above my weightless form,

forming all kinds of shapes to entertain.

The world turns as do I.

Leaping carelessly through the endless sky...

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The Fall

Derek plummets from the summit

paper feathers attached

fashioned wings upon his back.

Lift him high through the clouds

gently swaying to the ground.

Each trip up the cliff

is a daunting grind.

Daily, Derek makes the climb.

The woods reveal a blissful calm.

But, nothing beats his daily fall.




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Still Waters

Birds of a feather flock together

Sitting in my stillness whilst the outside world continues to move in it's very own ebb and flow.

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stillnessebb and flowwaterbirdsmovementflying


Although I'm super safe harness goggles well wrapped

Ear plugs in windproof attire snug secure no gaps 

Fast heart irregular beat 

Sweaty palms cold feet

Safe yet frightened 

Amplified fears senses.. heightened 

Here goes make way 


Highest cliff 

Beautiful surroundings 

So so high

Have to look down to see the birds fly 

Blinded almost by clouds 

Ears ...

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flyingfreedomParaglidingvertual reality




Sixty tonne of metal bellowing down the sky

assails the quietude

of reeds and muddy pools

where spoonbills sift through sludge and seagulls drift nearby.


The mouth of the Ria Formosa’s a birders’ paradise:

miles of salt pans hosting

birds of low-lying coastline,

in thousands upon thousands. It’s Eden beyond price


in every way but one: the fence of Faro A...

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a gull or an angle

a gull or an angel


watching a gull

catch an up current of air

higher and higher
until it was so small 
I could not see it

maybe it was an
angel returning home

or a gull who was
seeking freedom

wonder if gull knows

kris kristofferson’s

poem line

“freedoms just another

word for nothing left to lose”

or knows jonathan l. seagul

who loved to fly

was a ...

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A Pilot's Joke

A Pilot's Joke / Michael Kwack


Once upon a time, there lived a flying man

Who kept flying on, never thinking of landing...


One day accidentally he had to land

Somewhere, or nowhere, on the sand...


After having lived alone very happily ever after,

He left a poem in the sand when he finally left his land;




I used to love sand,

For, where ther...

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Swing chains squeak
like unoiled screen door hinges

with each push, I get closer
to touching clouds.

Once I’ve achieved maximum
momentum, I prepare to launch

into the stratosphere
everything slows down;

I feel the heaviness of each heartbeat;
the impending weightlessness of my body

I catch a glimpse of the proud smile
decorating your face;

your mouth wording inaudible sound...

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Humming bird

Humming bird, buzzing bird

flying high, oh so absurd.

how i wish i flew to see the forming dew

then left another morning new.

there will be room for you.


on the star we'll fly so high

over, under, in the sky.

singing fairies lulabies.

watching rolling tides.


flying slow flying low,

over swaying medows

seeking stars that glow,

then going home.



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Dawn Demure

Dawn Demure

Dawn demurely dooms darkness, dewy December day.

There! The shape of a machine peacefully sleeping.

Slumber banished, RAF pilot strolls to his mount -


Kept warm by his fleece flying jacket,

fine silk shirt and thermal flying suit.

Mission time, Norway bound.

Land of ice and snow, glaciers and fjords, valleys and mountains.

Open the cockp...

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spy planespitfireflyingwar of machinesnazi shiptirpitz

What a Plane Day


What a Plane Day

I came home from work and saw GMP Defender spy plane circling where I live. I heard the turboprops as it did racetrack patterns going into clouds. I also saw a kid's balloon black on grey sky. Did Defender's camera pick it up?


Then I saw a second spy plane! A plastic Diamond DA42 prop plane. Hey, prop jets are more cool. Even crap Defender has them! You two ...

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planes in the skyaircraftflyingmachines

Dawn Demure versions


Dawn Demure

Dawn December day.

Machine peacefully sleeps.

Slumber banished.

RAF pilot.


Kept warm, mission time, Norway bound.

Snow, fjords, mountains.

Cockpit, aboard, checks,

rise, feathery clouds.


Fine machine, woman.

Precision engine.

Exquisite cameras, spy on Nazi’s Christmas.

Thousand mile trip, freedom.


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recon spitfire spyplanetirpitz battleshipnorwayflyingfreedom

Natalie. Politico (from my new series of Natalie poems)


Natalie. Politico.

There was trouble in The Argentine. A few of Natalie’s friends spoke out against the military junta who ruled the country. The two girls and one boy, all aged eighteen had simply vanished. Natalie was scared. Roberto warned her not to speak out. The same people who forced him into the army, ending his college studies, had apprehended the teens. Their fate was unknow...

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Lady of the sky, flying so high up into the blue,

all silver, a cloud’s silver lining. Now nothing

but a ghost, image on an old photo, in memories.

My aching dream to resurrect the lady of the skies

and let her exist again. I know I will fail.

I am a mere man. Lady of the sky, where are you now?

Lady of the lake, under fresh water wait...

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