gothic (Remove filter)
The Haunting of the Necromancer
The Necromancer knocked on the door of the office of his father the king of the grim reapers nervously.
"Come in," he heard his father shout back. He walked into the paperwork-filled office to see his dad signing and reading papers with a quill and ink.
"Glad to see you give me an excuse to put the pen down. I hate this pen," the Grand Reaper said he looked like a man at that time.
"then why no...
Saturday 4th December 2021 2:15 pm
The Raising Of The Trickster
The Raising Of The Trickster
When the western sky turns slowly into the colour of an old bruise
And the last orange streaks of daylight bleed from the setting sun
A cold white vapour swirls through the fields of corn its fingers prising apart the stalks
As the lands of Albion darken and strange noises start to crawl from the mist.
At the edge of the fields there sprawls a ...
Monday 14th December 2020 4:47 pm
Damnation Trail
Damnation Trail
Through forests dark and shadowed vale
He follows the damnation trail
Along the river’s twisted course
Through bracken thick and clutching gorse
The ancient path cut through the land
He walks with devil’s hand in hand
And where his steps flatten the crops
No more will grow the wheat and hops
For he has footsteps cast in death
He steals the fa...
Wednesday 28th October 2020 12:25 pm
Here in the verdant meadows
All on a summer’s day
The dreaded army of the dark
Met with the noble fey
They fought until the long sundown
And the lost blood of the dead
Soaked into the sacred ground
And turned the roses red
When the fight was over
And the legion of the flies
Had swarmed across the corpses
Stealing hope from sightless eyes
Thursday 22nd October 2020 11:05 am
The crows tell of the walking man
Who travels fields by day and night
The walking man who’s not a man
Who strides between the dark and light
Soulless, cursed to stumble through
The endless hedgerows of the land
He wished for life but walks in death
He is the sweet prince of the damned
The hares and rabbits run from him
The fox and wolf walk by ...
Thursday 15th October 2020 5:39 pm
Lazarus Curse
Lazarus Curse
I trudge across these ancient lands
Where crops are reared by human hands
And all I leave are footsteps deep
a crop the scythe will never reap
I see the changing seasons turn
The new shoots grow, bonfires burn
From the soil the world will grow
I track the sacred rivers flow
These things of beauty pass me by
I have no soul I cannot die
Monday 12th October 2020 11:24 am
This Stranger in the Room
you crawl yourself forwards
wearing their feet
among spindled legs,
those limbs are anaemic
and cannot amble
the room into a door,
boughs teeming with another’s blood
it’s soft tissue from another’s film,
I follow it now-
see this copied onto
your corpse I might watch,
and see this stranger in the room,
and feel a stranger feign their face,
claustrophobic bre...
Friday 29th May 2020 4:02 pm
Ich Du
“Ich du, Ich du!”
Those words meant nothing to you.
Nought but bindings
Tethering me to you.
Your loving face turned hard,
Your gaze hurting me like barbs.
“Ich du, Ich du!”
The words that bind me to you.
Your ghastly glare
Evoking within me so much fear.
“I truly do love you dear,”
Barely but a long-lost whisper in my ears.
Your gentle touch tur...
Monday 18th June 2018 3:41 pm
Goth Fall
Goth Fall
What a cool gothic chick I hooked up with online.
We shared the same interests.
A pretty, kind, intelligent, funny woman.
I thought this is it.
I've met my soulmate.
No more loneliness or being misunderstood by the wrong gals.
What a catch.
Something stopped us being together.
She sensed it.
Bad news got in the way of us.
Half a bottle of vodka engulfe...
Monday 19th February 2018 10:52 pm
In a town called Tumbleweed
sound is deadened
so that every conversation
crawls like a gentle breeze
through cotton wool.
Beggars are kings,
politicians pariahs,
policemen thieves,
priests parasites.
Suzie is a victim.
The streets of Tumbleweed
host sinners, saints and surrogates
sneering into bibles
left to them
by agnostic pa...
Wednesday 6th April 2016 12:00 am
The Meeting
Hello readers
It's that time again and a new Poem is upon us, gone for something very different this time which I'm really happy with. Not usually one for writing Fantasy Romance but this just came to me. Hope you enjoy it.
The Meeting
The moon hung softly in the sky
incandescant behind thinly veiled cloud
he waited beneath the bandstand
the sound of waves brushing the...
Friday 21st September 2012 2:36 pm
Natalie. Politico (from my new series of Natalie poems)
Natalie. Politico.
There was trouble in The Argentine. A few of Natalie’s friends spoke out against the military junta who ruled the country. The two girls and one boy, all aged eighteen had simply vanished. Natalie was scared. Roberto warned her not to speak out. The same people who forced him into the army, ending his college studies, had apprehended the teens. Their fate was unknow...
Sunday 8th April 2012 2:41 pm
Gothic storm across the heavens, splitting
the sky in two creating a rip in the fabric
of the sky into which the earth will fall,
doomed and dead into the abyss of time
forever more. We are the generation of the damned,
condemned to be this for the rest of our lives
until we die, by our own hand
or that of Old Father Time or of our enemie...
Thursday 12th January 2012 1:27 pm
To be a Goth, do I have to suffer so? Have loneliness burn into my soul, sadness fill my heart, loss bring me to my knees?
All I have is my life and a few songs to help me by in this endless grey world of mine,
no Goth girl to save me, no real escape from this morose existence to gain ascendancy to the heavens.
A soul mate I yearn for, to escape the barest mini...
Monday 12th December 2011 4:36 pm
Thaumaturgically Charged
Now I have released the Beast
I send it forth
Tail whipping; teeth snatching
the old
the young
thither and yon
until thaumaturgically charged
it breaks forth
Lightning striking
red slash/
and lo
black and gold
until thaumaturgically charged
it knows....
Monday 14th November 2011 12:48 pm
Gothic storm across the heavens, splitting
the sky in two creating a rip in the fabric
of the sky into which the earth will fall,
doomed and dead into the abyss of time
forever more. We are the generation of the damned,
condemned to be this for the rest of our lives
until we die, by our own hand
or that of Old Father Time or of our enemie...
Tuesday 25th October 2011 4:26 pm
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