temptation (Remove filter)
They reach me,
I give them my all,
Yet after that,
They leave me Alone.
They will come back,
Once again, for sure,
With a different face,
A different name,
A new personality,
All along,
And once again,
I will give them my all,
Will they, this time
Stay by my side?
I don't know,
But that's how Trust works,
That's how Life works.
Friday 22nd September 2023 10:49 am
Here in the verdant meadows
All on a summer’s day
The dreaded army of the dark
Met with the noble fey
They fought until the long sundown
And the lost blood of the dead
Soaked into the sacred ground
And turned the roses red
When the fight was over
And the legion of the flies
Had swarmed across the corpses
Stealing hope from sightless eyes
Thursday 22nd October 2020 11:05 am
Lord Give Me Strength
Lord..... give me strength.......
Lord give me strength today, my eyes are trying to lead me astray,
I may have to pluck them out, but I really need to see my way.
The enemy is on the attack,
seem to have one hand tied behind my back.
Got to be strong, I know this,
but its so damn hard, some things I can’t not notice.
I need Help, I need a hand, I know I can be a better man.
...Thursday 13th August 2020 6:41 am
the strength of a begining and a end
give me the strength to make it threw this day
i promise tommorow will be different i wont let my pride in the way
today has been a battle of the mind and of the witt
for my foe is the most deadly of apponent i must addmit
you see this foe stands as my ego and it dont like to loose
but if a...
Thursday 15th August 2019 3:43 am
Don't Sell your Soul
For my friend Ray, I hope you haven't.
Don't Sell Your Soul
I told him not to sell his soul
That it would be unwise
The devil cheats and always wins
The end is your demise.
I told him not to sell his soul
It would be careless and askew
Satan laughs at all the fools who follow at his shoe.
I told him not to sell his soul
That he would never get it back
Tuesday 23rd April 2019 10:26 pm
Everyday Ritual
Pins and needles,
Trickling down my spine,
These thoughts that I have,
Are always on my mind,
In a dark room,
The walls are closing in,
Feeling all alone,
In a world full of sin,
These demons play games,
They fuck with my head,
They tell me to get high,
I Just pray instead,
Life and death,
Isn't what I fear,
Its the thoughts of my loved ones,
That bring me to tears,
Pain and misery...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 7:59 am
The Siren
In silence
She stole his soul
In love
He gave his heart
What took him from his course
What gentle zephyr force
What brought him to the isle
What beauty did beguile
In silence
She sought his mind
In sorrow
He felt her tears
What held him to his aim
What subtle noble flame
What kept him on his deck
What held his lust in check
In silence
She tempted ...
Thursday 13th December 2018 3:57 pm
Confessions Of The Broken Hearted
Took you deep inside my tangled body where no ones ever been,
Let you run away when times got thin, and escape when I needed you
Late at night I throw up all the lies you feed me in the day and lay in a puddle of my own stupidity.
Its never been easy, its always been hard, to love you
I love you unconditionally, even when your words show no emotion, and your actions no care, I love you...
Friday 12th May 2017 9:45 pm
Blood Moon
Blood Moon
“Sweet Katarina, dance for me”,
said the man with the black balloon,
whose face looked rather like a wolf
if glanced in the back of a spoon -
and for each dance she did for him
he would pass her another string
with a midnight helium ball
tied on to its end with a ring.
She danced until her little hands
were full of the magical twine
and the villagers all agreed
they’d ne...
Friday 4th July 2014 2:09 pm
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