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On The Train This Morning

On the train this morning
I sat alone, by the window
Where normally there’d be coffee, warm
and all the world’s news in my ear

Instead, I chose dry silence
I chose the undulating wildness
strobing past my view way
I chose high green hills
and glinting mirrored rivers 
I chose lone trees, centuries old
strong against the elements
I chose lambs and sheep
moving in pairs or herds
I cho...

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Is there something to explain?

Is there someone left to blame?

Do you know why you are here?

Would you rather disappear?


As there's so many young people out there

Looking for the same thing

And there's so many young people out there

Trying to play the blame game


So listen up young people

Tell me what it is inside

Trying to cut away your heart strings

and ...

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mental health issuesyouth mental healthadolescent mental healthrestraintemotional wellbeingself regulationmindfulnesshearing voicesself harmmedication

Mindfulness calling

There's a phone at my work

And you might think me a berk

But it calls me from a mindful zone

A place I like to visit alone


Ear to the top

As sounds fizzle and hop

It is a direct line

To feeling fine


I hear wind, birds, hussle and bustle

A universe unexplored in the rustle

Even in short bursts, it quenches my thirst

Distorting my mind toward what's first


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Mind watcher

Take a seat, it's a fine show Watch thy mind

where it fetters you in incendiary emotions,

thoughts who feeds whom, both they say

Parochial it might seem, it weaves a chimera of self

plays with the woeful past, fretful future


For it fears the present,

an impendance to its survival

You are not just your mind

Here comes the mind watcher



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she'll still be here in ten years

our relationship but a crime

I will ony survive this trial if

I take it on one day at a time


philosophies come in guises

some aim at personal charm

other strive for success, or

the avoidance of self-harm


mine is to keep my head up

dont get agitated at her tics

ignore the tone of her voice

the jabs and yells and tricks


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copingphilosophiesdeep breathingmindfulnesscannabis

Reflections (View Through A Window)

In an otherwise empty building,
One lighted window.
Pot plants, and maybe someone standing
Beyond the curtain.
I can see buildings in the moonlit water,
A lake behind trees,
A tree behind glass,
Glass behind me,
A picture of myself.
My bardic table 
Reflected on itself.
If I see four truths in one picture,
How many could there be?

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Mindful Monday

Can we be brave and kind,
Strong enough to speak our mind? 

Can we be mindful of the words we say,
As we go about our busy day? 

I challenge you to try this week,
to reflect on every word you speak. 

Will you be kind and gentle with yourself and others?
Friends, strangers, sisters and brothers.

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My Safe Place

A deep calming breath.

Take in the oxygen, let it fill your aching lungs.
Blow out the pain and the suffering into a the air, 
Free it from the shackles of your body. It felt like a stranger.
Feel your fingers tingle as the blood rushes up and back down. 
Feel your soul leave the confines of your physical being.

Don't be afraid. You are still here. You are in the world,
Your body is sti...

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The sun is out but I have to stay in.  A black pen and a white piece of paper await my creative side to begin. There is no noise here inside my house.

I sit still while the chaos continues outside. I lift the black pen and I start to write. My body is calm and these four walls have been my safe space. 

I have heat, clean water and fresh food in this place. This place I call, my home. How luc...

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The Quantum Poet...

Our bodies borrowed from the Universe

A billion years old

Yet renewing every moment.

What will history say when your story is told?

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mindfulnessNew Age Spiritualitymeditation

Ordinary Magic

The realisations that a bit of mindfully living in the moment can bring....


It's magical that we taste

There's magic in a touch

Magic surrounds all the things

Which we don't think of much


The splendour of our sunshine

Remarkable drops of rain

The miracle of each day

That we've awoke again


The greatness of those blades of grass

That grow beneath our feet


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What next?

Here I go, take a step onto the stage called life.

Finally awake for the first time. Fully present here and now. What a gift.

Hold onto your handlebars. 

I take this breath like dope.

Into my blood, down into the depths of my being.

Where being is seeing.

Like a probe searching for answers.

My feet carry my swiftly as I walk.

Rooted firmly in the earth, I am strong.


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Got to Talk

Scream lung deep into a brown paper bag,

Let the pain poor free to drain the bulls red rag,

I don’t hear where the devil lives for the rustling distorts,

I know you’re hurting but your hand is moving and I can’t see all the warts,


Until you choose - until you can,

Until your soul finds the strength to trust a man,

I will hear words only spoken in different tongue,

What yo...

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