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social justice (Remove filter)


The cruelty of the world we woke up to,

A tapestry of lies and deception.

Hopes bestowed, dreams squashed.

Duped with their sweet words 

Our trust we gave them, shuttered they were.


We thought it would be better with them,

Regrets now siege within us.

We thought they were one of us, 

Wolves in sheep clothes they really were.


Where is the sweetest of our promise...

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social justice


You shall eat with us on the high table, A place where your voices shall be heard, A hush dream where your dreams will take a flight, A place reserved where stars align our voices weaving verses so divine. Yet our cries still persist, our hearts bleeding, And still no remorse. Don't worry "rustic progeny" we will wipe down our tears and yearn for better embrace   Nuisances ...

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social justice




My internal spirit of rebellion

Is far from calm--



Anger builds

Single spark ignites

Observing injustice


From figures of authority,

Power moves, prejudice--

Inferno in the making


Refusing to be

The next victim, the next pawn,

I know these sensations well--


Long ago, I marched on California's streets


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social justiceactivismstreet marchpolice intimidationprotestloudhaileramplified chantingfree speech

Unholy Boss

Unholy Boss

It was during the Pandemic of 2020,
when I heard a boss chewing out a worker.
“You’ve been coming in late…Lately”
“You check your phone too much, buddy”
“You drag your feet too much, after lunch.”
“You take too long when you get the stuff.”
“Your attitude has been terrible, man.”
“And that’s why I have to make rules for everyone.”

He says this while working during a shut d...

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Spoken Word poetrysocial justiceworking class menfreedom

Intertextual protest

I like my music ANGRY. My favourite types of song

Are those that call for change, to try to right some wrongs.

I’ll take lyrics about war or peace or duty socially bound,

Over any heartfelt soulful dirge about love lost or found.


But it seems my favourite protest songs have limited success,

Judging by the fact the world is still in such a mess.

The answers blowing in the win...

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SRCSaturday Rhymers Clubprotestsocial justiceprotest songs

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