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Turned Tables

The sadness that swells inside my soul

Is taking hold and I cannot control 

The pictures and memories that make me so blue 

I wish it was though I never knew

Why can’t you leave me alone like you’ve done before 

While I chased you all you did was ignore 

Now the tables have turned and you're crying for me 

When all I want from you is to be set free

You’ve done too much now...

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Solemn Suffering

To the depths of despair I shall descend

As this pain I feel sees no end

The pain you have made me feel

Runs so deep it makes me ill

I doubt that I’ll ever heal

From the words and images that you’ve laid

Far too deep in my brain

I cannot sleep I cannot eat

I’m at my ends, my last defeat

Oh how I wished we’d never meet

For then I’d never know about your wrongs

And h...

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I sang a song 

upon that hill

wishing you would hear


but the trees and birds

were all that heard

for you were nowhere near


I raised a note

so full of hurt 

up to the heavens high


and without you,

I laid my pain

upon that midnight sky


I cursed the stars,


my words so black with hate


but they cursed back

and left me ...

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i’d lock myself up

so sealed away

in a tower, high up in the sky


away from all else

bleak, sorrowful peace

would give my own tears

time to dry


i could wake up alone

in this castle of hurt

and feel my dreams fade away


but the scene about us

where you stand at my side

is the one i still dream

to this day


i could hear the birds sing 


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Cry me a river

so I know you can feel

the heartache which splits me apart

in hopes you will come 

with a stick of glue


get me that violin 

and sing me a song

for I’d play,

until my fingers fell off

just to hear you sing along


or come kiss me goodnight

bless me with your gentle touch

and look at me with those glittering stars 

so I may fall asleep 


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I want to drape the page

with memories, love

with wandering thoughts and

painful regret


I want to wonder

what I could be, and would

if I took my words and

made them come true


or is that unwise?

to wish for a change 

for the dreams to leave my mind

and join the sunlight around me


I want to climb the tallest mountains 

and trees

I would fall i...

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Bitter Beer

I used to utter your name delicately 

like it was poetry.

Just as how perfume lingers on a person,

The sweet smell of cherry blossoms 

accompanied your name 

whenever it walked out my mouth.

But now all it leaves,

Is a taste so foul.


Your love was like alcohol to me,

It left me feeling euphoric at first,

But after the effect had worn out,

All I was left with w...

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I thank you for not being good enough

You pulled me into your orbit

when I needed your help

and so, I made you my centre 

to centre myself


That was my first mistake


I looked inside you

for places where I could hide

I hoped to run from reality

into the delusions of your mind

I was happy to believe you were one of a kind

chuffed upon chuffed that you were mine

and I felt adored

grateful to m...

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healingnarcissistnarcissismrelationship breakupReflectiongrowthidentityneedsHeartbreakmoving onself esteemself worthself workbreaking freeselfhoodindependence

Just A Man

a dream of mine came true

as I lay next to you

losing my worries in the wind


little did I know

I had naught to show

from the heart I was eager to win


as I carried on

in blinded pursuit

my path lit by your auburn eyes


I lost myself there

in your hands and your hair

waiting for my doubts to die


now left here I am

to think of what was

and ...

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I’ve peeled off my skin for you 

I’ve let you crunch my bones,

Consume beyond my flesh

Beyond my visceral tissues

Beyond my beating heart

Beyond the fibres of my being

Down to my soul

I’ve let you gobble up my spirit

I’ve let you slurp up my mind

Lick the lasting crumbs

of my emotions

Everything in me

Everything making me, me

All that constructs me


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loveheartbreakpainrelationshipemotionvulnerabilityvulnerablegivingsacrificejumpconsumefearpowerinterdependentinterlocksmitteninfatuationin lovebegprayhopedread


You were supposed to be temporary.

A Mr. Right Now

But you were so persistent when I was so hesitant.

You opened your arms when I shied away.

So believe me when I say, that it hurt to be betrayed. 

You looked me in the eyes when you told your bold face lies. 

I wanted to believe you, I almost believed you, because deep down I didn't want to lose you. 

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to pass you by is to long

for you close, lips sweet despite her

claim’s acrid taste. you wave.

your wandering hand runs up my thigh like

vines cling to ancient stone structures.

we make a sick picture, half-past-drunk

on years of tension, crushed

between mouths and confession in the dark.

you look at me as though

i might not run laps around the room

in hopes of catchi...

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Starting Today

As of today

I'll only be in your memory,

a trunk full of remembrances

you’ll want to throwaway

and remove forever

imagining you’ll forget me


From today on

I'll just be an empty space in your bed

you cannot embrace

and my scent on your pillow

that you will not forget


Starting today

I'll only be

a worn out image in your dreams

that will hush the pa...

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