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Dumping a fantasy

How do you dump one who's never been yours,

who barely cares you exist,

someone whose body you never have held,

whose mouth you never have kissed?

Though there's nothing to dump, dump you I must,

Dump you right out of my head

where images of you haunt and tease,

caused (to be fair!) by nothing you've done or said.

Tomorrow I get my life back I hope

after a fantasy-nightm...

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Lost At Sea

LOST AT SEA Weston Parks I'm perched upon the sandy shore, fast anchored to the land As I do gaze with one accord, through spyglass in my hand Far out to sea I do espy, my one and sacred love My Dearest One I'll ne'er deny, my bonded lady love Alone she sits and tears do fall, and reach her I cannot Though hoarse my voice I call and call, she's not within earshot She's suffered yet aga...

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Dead Flowers

She’s the kind of girl that gathers withered wildflowers, and sticks them in her hair even though their beauty has gone. There is a broken beauty is something such as flowers without life. Their crumpled petals and weak stems remind her of herself, and almost like looking in a shattered mirror the reflection seen is all too familiar. Is it wrong to collect the things that remind us so much of ours...

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Final Masterpiece

She was a painter and he was a performer. Both artists molded with talent but divided by passion. Nonetheless they connected emotionally and spiritually. Her canvas illustrated bright myriads of color and abstract scenes of memories and mental photographs. He sang with an emptiness of blues and love ballads intertwined with lost hopes and faded dreams. Empty acrylic paint tubes and coffee stained ...

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The rusty door knob and the dilapidated door,
falling apart at its hinges.
Brown colour of furniture, unpolished
Left to rot in the corner of the room.
The showcase gathering grey dust 
like ominous clouds about to burst.
The grand old auburn piano 
playing tunes of doom and gloom.

The sea shell shade of dirt white walls 
peeling off like skin does below freezing point.
The spider we...

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Significance of the Nineteenth Autumn

As the nineteenth autumn has come upon me,
It’s a whole new world I see.
Treacherous creatures, so often, hush and hide,
And it seemeth to me, a change in tide.

The poetry of soothing sensation has gone,
The glimmering golden glow of the sun is now none.
Some say,’ The Head is battling with the Heart’.
Well ! All Logic has been torn apart.

As I gaze into the vast emptiness
The dawning...

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When All The Laughter Stops

When all the laughter stops, when it abides,
And all the tears of joy begin to dry,
When all the world looks up from aching sides,
And all the breathlessness allows a sigh.

A light, so brightly shining starts to wane,
But hidden out of sight, battles in vain.

When all the smiles are full, when they recede,
And straighten out into a furrowed frown,
When all the life in vibrancy concedes...

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CelebritydeathDepressionLossPoemPoetryRobin WilliamsSuicideTragedy

Auntie Rose


Auntie Rose
lived next door to us
here in Southwick.
Twenties flapper hat
Twenties clothes
Twenties shoes was 1964.
Faded, but still glamourous.
Retired buyer
for Debenhams of Brighton.
Never married.
Every Tuesday
after primary school
I'd go round for tea.
Tinned herring roes on toast
Cheese and onion crisps
a game of snap
then home to bed.
Every Tuesday

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world war onefamilyloss

A Letter To Mother

I cried for your life

Grieving not only

For what I lost

But for all that you

Had taken from you

You deserved a fairer chance

To be, to live

I wanted those things for you


I wrote you a letter, once

When I was twelve, perhaps

It was less than a year

After your death

It may have been the day

Before cynicism reared

It's ugly head


Taking hold of my...

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Blood Moon

Blood Moon

“Sweet Katarina, dance for me”,
said the man with the black balloon,
whose face looked rather like a wolf
if glanced in the back of a spoon -
and for each dance she did for him
he would pass her another string
with a midnight helium ball
tied on to its end with a ring.

She danced until her little hands
were full of the magical twine
and the villagers all agreed
they’d ne...

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blood moonchild abductiondark fairy talefolk lorelossmagictemptationwolfrichpix


She screams

A sound that penetrates

The hearts of all around.


She breaks

Her heart explodes

She crumbles to the ground.


A child

Her childhood stolen

With the burst of a pea.


Her mother

Gone forever, gone

Her brain not meant to be.


What now?

The love stops here

A cry for help.


Don't leave

Come back to her

The child needs yo...

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My parents laugh from the other room,

Their happiness makes me sad.

I wonder if they are aware

Of my broken heart

Or if they have ever experienced

An ache like mine.


His face is everywhere:

In a building with a million corridors 

I can't ignore,

The feeling of a ghost

Lurking sore in the pathways of my mind

There is nothing to be said or done.


A source...

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Home By Christmas

Home By Christmas

I fear I let my feelings rule my head,
that you would have no trouble getting leave.
You would be home by Christmas as they said.

All through the Autumn, sleeping cold in bed,
I dreamt of all our marriage would achieve.
I fear I let my feelings rule my head.

Not since the day that both of us were wed
had we missed carols, sung that holy eve.
You would be home by Ch...

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deathhome by christmashopelossvillanellewar poemSITWB

Quoth Both


My daughter brought a Jackdaw in the house

And grief introduced itself


Melancholic and wounded

It hunched in the corner of the room

She fed him her loving eyes

Bread in tweezers

And named him Poe


Then this sanctuary

Took him

She phoned every night

He was mending well and with the magpies...

He was in the biggest aviary...

He was set free.

But w...

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Bespoke Monotony


Jaded lasting tedium

beset with gloomy cape


More I try ridding off

seems stuck at nape


Tattered and misshapen

the vilely kind of garb


Root cause for despair

inviting many a barb


Donned inadvertently

as cover up sort drape


From all harsh realities

 when I sought escape


Ever since it stayed on

not even once removed



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Despairlosspoignancyreflectionremorserue regret

Only For You

Life is precious beyond compare

Even though I no longer see you standing there


What couldn’t I help but miss?

Thoughts abound how it’s come to this


Alone and confused

Feeling mentally abused


The twinkle in your eye

That lit up the sky


The smile across your lips

That warmed me to my finger tips


The look you gave to me

That set my heart free


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