BBC (Remove filter)
Anti Semite! Anti Semite! Anti Semite!
The trouble with continually crying wolf
is that you end up being trampled
by the herd of elephants in the room,
you for too long ignored
and who will make of you an example;
like it or not, I’m a poet,
whether a good one
or a bad one’s
for you to decide;
but if there’s a line,
my task’s not to toe it,
but to write it,
to tell it out loud,
tell the truth ...
Saturday 16th December 2023 5:21 pm
Illegal Refugees Bill = The Bill that IS Illegal
The UK Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, is believe it or not, a barrister; yet she is proposing to break the law with her dog-whistle of a bill.
So she has been forced to make the following admission, under section 19(1)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998:
“I am unable to make a statement that, in my view, the provisions of the Illegal Migration Bill are compatible with the Convention rig...
Tuesday 14th March 2023 1:19 pm
Flying Pig Squad
I know that he’s lying,
He knows I know that he’s lying,
They know that he’s lying,
They know that I know that he’s lying,
They know that I know that they know that he’s lying,
I’ve not found any evidence that anyone is lying,
Because I’ve not looked for any evidence,
Why don’t I give a flying pig?
‘Cos this brown envelope’s big,
And he’s got that job at the Beeb.
Saturday 28th January 2023 10:10 pm
BBC Radio York on Friday evening 31st January
Text post, and 'at work' :(
I'm on the airwaves @8.20pm Friday during the Harry Whittaker show - reading Mudland - although I did record the audio in a very creepy voice, I'm very sorry about that. wish me luck!
Thursday 30th January 2020 12:09 pm
Sunday morning time
My mind is calmed now
Just rested today as music plays
The radio emitting nothing thoughts
chilled sounds of instruments
Tuned to songs and voices in melancholy talk
Creative mind can awaken now
As a rare creature from its cave
The dangers of crazed crowds
Far away from the this morning
Sunday's best for breakfast time
6 Music BBC just beats away
A Welsh soft voice DJs to start ...
Thursday 26th July 2018 8:35 pm
On the Nature of Inspiration III
At a workspace in the reading room
Sits the youth engrossed in writing
In peripheral of mind and space
Onlook gravely the collected works
And weight of human history
Unrestrained by abstruse semiotic
Advances the uninducted
Through warnings of unheeded cipher
To pastures rarely trodden by
Adherents to the doctrine
Unheeding of imposing presence
Uninhibited by its stricture
The wo...
Monday 14th September 2015 11:48 pm
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