The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Freewriting (Remove filter)

Poem in Progress E

Sometimes you just have to 
throw your cards 
against the wind 
and watch where they land 
six plus five is eleven 
shows me where to dive 
how to jump 

deep inside 
the mirror behind 
the future a wall 



©JM. Cole 

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free speechFreewriting

A Poem in Progress

I stare straight into the sun 
a rock doesn't in the river run 
unlike the witch 
I sink like a stone 
as in the beginning 
to my existence 
in oblivion 
a round a square 
to triangle crowned 
no coming back 
the clown drowns 
there is no sound 
out in the clouds
upside down 
hanging on a frown 
my colour fogs 
to a clay like brown 
I whistle...

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PaperMate (explicit)

I am my own best friend, 
me and my burning pen. 
Together alone 
through everything 
we have been,
my papermate and I 
find myself, I lose my way,  
I lose myself, I find my way, 
I come back around again 
then square I go, 

Cut the nose, spite the face, 
I got pride, I got space, 
not a number, not a mistake. 
Slave never 
a sheep black as me 
so black I am the light, 

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3 Idiots

There is a tale of 3 idiots that flourished in a city,

Nobody of them became famous was their pity,

Many wanderers came and came many magicians,

Neither of them was able to carve their creations,

Lest they became grief-stricken and more edgy,

For the most of time their sadness turned cagy,

Had there been any kind of charmed glare of hope,

Because then only these days have gone...

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Your hiding ahead of me is a speaking disguise,

What stays in mind of me is your soothing voice.


I doubt about other people about their advice,

They seldom know my heart somehow my price,

All I need is a entertaining simile of your enterprise,

What stays in mind of me is your soothing voice.


You are a great personality front of me at arise,

Jumbling your words that c...

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but not like that

not like the way that first sunray feels

when it hits your winter-pale skin

not like the contented way you fall asleep

in your hammock

underneath the moonlight

like the saltwater smell in your hometown

or the taste of banana pancakes on the weekends

not like the kick you get

when you snap a perfect picture

not the like the adrenalin that travels through you veins


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3 Write

3Write is a new free monthly writing event at the heart of the local community in Ashton-under-Lyne. It takes place every first Saturday at Ashton Library starting at Noon on Saturday 5th March, and is open to people of all ages and abilities.


The premise is 3 themes per session, and 3 styles of writing per session. We then 3Write. With the growing spoken word scene in Tameside (with big p...

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