The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Sunday, Oh Sunday....

I need to tell you something
Sunday is so boring, I can't take it anymore
To sit around and do nothing
Then roll on the couch, no energy to explore

I need to breathe
The same air that reminds me tomorrow's work will arrive
And on my skin, I don't want the sun
Because it just reminds me the weekend's already done

I need to touch you
But you're on your phone, not even noticing me
And r...

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Going Nowhere Fast

At first glance we can safely claim to have it all

An observer would say we had a bright tomorrow

Yet beneath this glimmering facade lies darkness

The prospect of pain and possibly, sorrow


I met you at the Albany races when my ebb was low

Fast thoroughbreds reflected in your hazel eyes

We lost our shirts but won each other's hearts

For people like us there was no greater ...

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Arrive Alive


Road crashes are every minute 
Here and there, in every point 
More than a million killed a year 
And speed is death, no doubt 


“Drive Safely” is only choice 
ٍSafety belt, has no "price" 
Come back safe for the family 
We live "once", not twice 


Road is not real excuse 
But the behavior is a main cause 
For crashes all over that world 
No more anger .. no abuse

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