The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

breathe (Remove filter)


Night falls, slowly, over the asphalt
and time, that invisible thread
ties us to the ground
We wait, motionless
while the world spins
and silence becomes a voice
echoing off the walls of emptiness

Patience, they say
is the art of waiting without despair
but how to hold the moment
that slips through our fingers?
How not to feel the weight of hours
when love fades
and loneliness settl...

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Sunday, Oh Sunday....

I need to tell you something
Sunday is so boring, I can't take it anymore
To sit around and do nothing
Then roll on the couch, no energy to explore

I need to breathe
The same air that reminds me tomorrow's work will arrive
And on my skin, I don't want the sun
Because it just reminds me the weekend's already done

I need to touch you
But you're on your phone, not even noticing me
And r...

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(This breathing technique turned into a meditation practice masquerades as a poem.)


< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Calm In In In In In
Stress Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Joy In In In In In
Sad Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Hope In In In In In
Fear Out Out Out Out...

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Approaching Melting Point

Oh there's a change, there's a change a-coming
Oh no there's a change, something won't be the same,
There's going to be some blame a-coming.

Begin the breathing, there's that sinking feeling.
No. No, surely we can swim, maybe we can win
We can float or find a boat, or keep the water under chin...

Oh there's a change, there's a change a-coming
Another source of pain, each time they're ch...

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SEND Parentmeltdownstressbreathe

To Be Decided

Oh you are stranded on a mountain
you are deep down in a cave
you are in a burning building
you are threatened by big waves

There's a hurricane surrounding
The earth is quaking underfoot
you're marooned and you are drowning
you are in amongst the wolves

And you are paralysed and voiceless
you're exhausted and in shock
you're bewildered and defeated
you are hopeless and you're lost


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breathecouragecrisisfearmeditationperspectivepower of mindSEND parentstrengthuplifting


Thoughts racing fast

Heart beating 

You can’t seem to find your mind 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat 

Thumping,racing, thinking could this be 

Energies so strong you can’t sit still and  breathe 

Thoughts racing fast 

Heart beating 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat

Thumping faster, racing, thinking could this be 

You tell yourself breathe...

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Breathenew feelingsheartanxiousbeatingloveenergy

Bird Strike

Like fish out of water they cluster, gasping for

Herd immunity,

Scrap aluminium

Shadowing hot tarmac.

High on kerosene we were

Flying blind to Armageddon

Until a bird-strike did for the engines

Clipping our wings


Wake up and

Reclaim your baggage,

Be humble

(Latest score: Coronavirus 6-Humanity 0)

Ground your brain, breathe deeply and

Learn to get by with...

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bird strikeherd immunitywingscoronavirusbreathemarco polo

Just Breathe

When all before you appears to dessipate, Breathe

When those you held dear are nowhere to be found, Breathe

When words your mouth cannot form, Breathe

When memories flood your mind and tears your eyes, Breathe

When voices fill your thoughts, and all you want is to feel them close, Breathe

When the world moves on, without a second thought, Breathe

When screams fill your lungs and ...

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What is next?

What is next? I ask God

Tell me please because I feel so lost

Losing control of all that is around

What is next? I ask God

Then a small voice howls in the wind saying, "Worry about now!"

Smile, Breathe, Relax

Don't worry about the future nor the past

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godfuturepastbreatherelaxmoving oncontroluncertainty

second wind

My vitality feels resuscitated with every breathe we share

two halves of a heart

you are the oxygen that pumps, vestibule, pair of consonance heartbeats

bounce off the walls.

we jump up and down hand in hand

your touch warms through and lights a fire inside and around

sound mind when your whisper incites a riot

the night is charged, god particles in the air.

our souls dance...

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beautybreathehappinesslifelovelove makingnaturepoempoetryrelationshipsspiritualspirituality

What next?

Here I go, take a step onto the stage called life.

Finally awake for the first time. Fully present here and now. What a gift.

Hold onto your handlebars. 

I take this breath like dope.

Into my blood, down into the depths of my being.

Where being is seeing.

Like a probe searching for answers.

My feet carry my swiftly as I walk.

Rooted firmly in the earth, I am strong.


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Just another breakdown

It's hard when you're always lying,
Always hiding the way you feel.
Losing your sight on truthful words,
Forgetting what is real.

It's hard when you forget to laugh
And you're scared that someone might see.
Hoping no one saw your face,
As you struggle to remember how to breathe.

It's hard to pretend you're happy,
And you're terrified someone might ask.
It's becoming harder every day;

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Breakdownanxietydeathhard to smilerunliebreathe


From 2,000 and now
Until 2,000 and when ever...
I'mma keep it pressin',
My endeavor...
New World Order
Wanna bring it all together.
H.A.A.R.P Technology 
Controllin' the weather...
Yeeeah, it's a conspiracy
From Lincoln to Kennedy.
And it's gon' be plenty more, 
From here until infinity...
Every 3 hundred and sixty centuries
Humankind is aligned
With the ori...

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breathepoetry 2010words


These are other people’s stories you lose yourself in to escape, to live another life, to become someone different..Yet you don’t see how beautiful the one you are in is.

Breathing incense and admiring the little pot of sunshine unselfconsiously lost in your head. I see you wrapping Christmas presents and drinking tea, full of laughter and happiness. Don’t forget where you are and where you hav...

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My lungs breathe in most of everything,

No matter the toxicity.

Some days I hold in the putrid air,

Until I'm left gasping.

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We take so much for granted

from this world on which we play,

the breath inside our lungs

drawn in from a cold and windy day.


Draining the life from a world already

so drawn and stretched to it's limits,

desperately trying to imbibe

the scarcities still deep within it.

To live; to breathe; to follow time

as down the wind it sails

against all odds and obstacl...

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