The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

broken promises (Remove filter)

When a promise is made

When a promise is made but those words vanish in the embers, your cries echo from the deceit.

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promisesbroken promisesvanishcries

Meritless Words

Words are such a funny thing,

Without actions that align, what value do words bring?

An illusion curated specifically for you,

By someone you wish so deeply would speak things that are true.


Screaming in anger, giving passionate praise, whispers of love, tone dripping in disgrace,

Love and hate simultaneously spewed in your face.

How is one supposed to feel,

Not knowing w...

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raw poetrydarkbroken promisesdesperationhopeless romantictrustpeople and actionsdisappointment

Raising The Standards (With Banners Held High) [MUSIC VERSION]

Raising The Standards (With Banners Held High) [MUSIC VERSION]


You said that you wanted a land fit for heroes,

a place to call home that they’d show off with pride

but somewhere along the way you forgot

the reasons they fought and the reasons they died.


They thought they were fighting for honour and justice,

suppressing the tyrants and saving our land -

but returned ...

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with banners held highfestivalwakefieldanthemhomelessbroken promisessoldiersmining communitysocialist values

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