disappointment (Remove filter)
The Day They Came
A tingling, a taste of the past.
Before it started. Before time.
Such memories would have been nice.
Though winter packed a punch that year,
Us two, wrapped up in desire,
Barely remarked the snow and ice.
For we, young and unbreakable,
Took slippery falls in our stride
And bought up love at any price.
Until the day they came.
Monday 10th February 2025 9:28 am
If Galaxies Could Kiss
he never kissed me
there are no
borrowed breaths
bridging us,
no revival
on his lips.
just empty space
between memories
of when
there were no fireworks
and my feet
never leaving the ground.
Sunday 4th August 2024 10:41 pm
Meritless Words
Words are such a funny thing,
Without actions that align, what value do words bring?
An illusion curated specifically for you,
By someone you wish so deeply would speak things that are true.
Screaming in anger, giving passionate praise, whispers of love, tone dripping in disgrace,
Love and hate simultaneously spewed in your face.
How is one supposed to feel,
Not knowing w...
Tuesday 14th May 2024 9:04 pm
I Swear I Won't Mourn You
I swear I won't mourn you
I won't miss the days
Of snuggling up to you
Of you kissing away my fears
Of the long phone calls talking about our days
They never happened anyway
I won't miss the time you visited
And baked my favorite dish
And watched the kids while I went for a run
And folded my laundry tightly
It never happened anyway
I won't mi...
Saturday 26th August 2023 5:49 am
It's Not a Story / No es un Cuento
Everyone loves a story,
whether it's made up or true,
the Pharisee commander, with his tongue,
was a master of this art
People looked forward to hearing him
when he went out to preach,
he would recite litanies for hours incessantly;
everyone applauded him endlessly
Stories well told by the Pharisee commander,
so elaborate that they were taken as the truth,
and bewitched people gave ...
Friday 5th May 2023 10:14 pm
Starting Today
As of today
I'll only be in your memory,
a trunk full of remembrances
you’ll want to throwaway
and remove forever
imagining you’ll forget me
From today on
I'll just be an empty space in your bed
you cannot embrace
and my scent on your pillow
that you will not forget
Starting today
I'll only be
a worn out image in your dreams
that will hush the pa...
Tuesday 17th January 2023 6:43 pm
Lock Down Bank Holiday Let Down
The bank holiday, just like any other it would seem
People lined up for burgers, queued for ice cream
Traffic jams and chaos, they raced to beauty spots
Roads filled with cars and bikes, so few parking slots
They parked on pavements, blocking walkers' way
Locals wished the tourists had not visited that day
Was it too much to hope, common sense would prevail
I wish that th...
Tuesday 26th May 2020 9:23 am
My gums are bleeding again.
There’s a stack of papers that need attention
But I can’t find my glasses.
My truck is making that funny noise.
I sleep too late
Because no one wakes me.
I don’t write
I feel it’s all been said.
I find I’m repeating myself
No one takes me seriously
Your point’s been made:
I am selfish and fickle,
Say whate...
Sunday 10th May 2020 4:55 am
real total silence
wouldn’t be so bad
what´s cruel is that you never get
total silence
you just get
enough noise
to remind you
how beautiful music is
but you never
get to listen
to a full song
Not enough
but just enough
Friday 24th April 2020 9:05 pm
Without saying anything
What you were,
what you embraced
and I discovered
When we were,
or so I thought,
overflowed my imagination
thinking I loved you
You could be the twilight in my dreams,
the breath of my words,
the taste of my mornings,
everything I've longed for,
but you quickly forgot me
It's hard not to feel the imprint of your conquest,
just thinking of it m...
Monday 20th April 2020 7:14 pm
Sorry, I'm temporarily done
Sorry buddy for what's gone on
If only you had actually known
How much that I sacrificed for you
And this friendship that I thought was true
I honestly stood by you always
I was the friend that would have stayed
But in the end it was you that betrayed
Me in the most hurtful of ways
We had a history that we kept a mystery
Because it wasn't knowledge that we wanted freed
Why is that a...
Friday 7th September 2018 6:02 pm
The Tower of the Winds
The Tower of the Winds was built in marble more than 2,000 years ago in the Roman Agora (meeting place) of Athens. It is believed to be the world's first weather station (and public time-piece). Almost intact, its octagonal construction echoes the eight principal compass points. Saved from the depredations of Lord Elgin, who plotted its removal to Britain over 200 years ago, the restored Tower now...
Thursday 23rd November 2017 3:45 pm
Sometimes I’m here,
others elsewhere,
gone, lost in my head,
a round, a square.
disappointment frowns.
At my best always
when there’s nothing left
and all I ever do
is stand on the edge.
Sunday 22nd January 2017 1:08 am
'I am open to the possibility' you said,
'of love with you, at least I was,
then something happened which drove me quite mad.'
Love is not a possibility
a stranger at the door
you may invite inside
if fancy takes you;
Love is not a beggar
after a bowl of soup
which you can refuse
if your day’s been rough;
Love is not a tree in the garden
which you...
Thursday 24th March 2016 10:02 am
Interest Only
Friday 20th September 2013 9:00 pm
How unfair is human’s nature!
A man is a lucky creature!
He can see a woman’s breast at once
And tries to get his chance.
But what a woman should do?
Sometimes she realize that….
She’s got a surprise
When she see the gun’s size.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
January the 12th,2011
Wednesday 12th January 2011 6:29 pm
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