The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

christ (Remove filter)

Golden Rule

“Do unto others”, the Savior once said,

a golden rule given to sum it all up.

But we seem to want something complex instead,

like it is too simple or it’s not enough.


But nothing more’s needed and that’s just a fact,

that if we all lived by a new day would dawn

where we’d live in harmony with peace intact,

for so many ills would forever be gone.


But we are too b...

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Pivot Point

He did it because no one else could have done.

Hands raised in praise, yet so few ever know.

I guess it’s enough just to know that he won,

but there’s more I wanted to understand so


I sought for an answer, unwritten in pen -

why he subjected himself to it all?

Why the injustice from birth until when

the climax when God turned his face to the wall,


leaving him suff...

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christatonementwho demands justice?

He Could Have

He could have come to rule the world,

he should have been a king.

He could have had all that he want,

but then what would it bring?


For he knew who he was and also

what the world would need.

Thus, he chose life a poor man’s son

who lived a life to bleed


upon the cross, between two thieves,

completely left alone.

‘Twould seem at glance a failure

in this w...

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Naive enough to believe that it's true –

the world spins around the old red, white and blue.


God set it up, and so surely it's his.

He'll keep it forever, I’m sure his plan is


to return some fine day and then next I suppose,

he'll start a campaign and go after your vote.


He'll take out some ads and he'll put up some signs.

He'll make lofty promises, "Thin...

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Jesus Christchristsecond coming

ReMember The Night

ReMember the Night


How can you go meekly into the night 

When your world no longer gently goes around?

How can you go meekly into the night

When lives of who you cherish depend on you being wise?

Do you forget that in the beginning time started?

And yet this time has an end as so do you.

For if you have, forget not that all times have their moments besides one Holy one


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inspirationalpoetryclimate changefuture worldNelson MandelaChristJesusmothers. children

thoughts on piss christ and photography (06/21/2023)

consider these solipses:

measured, carried steeples 

round a brined Mary 

suspended in the plasma 

of hapless, desperate donors 

centrifugal refugees

all unknown behind glass


this is a king's country:

a throne grown too small 

phagocyclic in the flesh

bedsores in the shape of sin 


lead of goblets held within


my crucifix is a bullet

made from ...

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pisschristrevolutionfutilitycyclesorrowblueand borrowed

It's Christmas not Winter

Nearly bloody well threw up,

Today in bloody M&S,

Sick of bloody bull-shit,

Bloody “Winter Wishes” dishes!

Jesus Christ, enough already,

This is bloody Britain mate!

We’re celebrating bloody Christmas,

Not “Winter bloody Festival”,

Not “Winter bloody Holiday”,

This ain’t the bloody USA,

It’s bloody-well the UK,

Shove your bloody “Winter” bollocks,

Where the bloo...

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Blessed with Worldly Poverty

Can you imagine waking up every morning to slave for a wicked house?

Im at the lowest part of my life in this world,

But the highest point in my life with God.

Im poor

Yet rich.

Im oppressed

Yet free.

I am a slave

Yet I am proud to slave for the Most High.

I cant complain even though I dont have much.

I thank God for what I have.

I have not in this world,

But I ...

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ChristGodMessiah12 TribesIsraelElect

howl steppin (09/11/2016)

'you never write me back in the cold and sober howling winds of daylight, where you're in danger of being seen. you never write me when your form cannot bleed into the formless, rooting in, burrowed deep into the ground, wrapping ahold of me tight, feeling rather than seeing -- much unlike this stark and starchy daylight living. You only write when we re both tasting death by the precarious and cu...

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Don't be a sheep in a goat's age

A sheep and a goat once
Got locked in a fracas

“Off you go!
Don't you know
You are an embodiment
For an idiot!
How dare you trample
On the leaf down
From the stem of an apple
That dangle
And which I was apt
To cut and eat.

I really hate
A sheepish creature of your sort
With alacrity to a dictate
Going to an altar is whose fate
And that no offense on others inflict
Or none cont...

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Please keep on the grass

Please keep on the grass

Smoking allowed

Nine people in this lift

Play your music loud

Please play ball games

By the entry sign

No speed limit

No closing time

22 units every week

Leave open the gate

Don’t sign in on entry

Stay out until late

Please unfasten your seatbelt

This will be an unpleasant ride

Don’t say I didn’t warn you


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defiancesmokingno smokingmusicspeedalcoholsecuritydrivingChrist

My Automare

You truly are my automare

My four-wheeled bankruptcy

My fuel-injected money pit

Made from steel and reformed shit

A velour upholstered credit card hit

Five gears of utter hell


We got off to the worst of starts

And it went downhill from there

Grinding brakes and groaning springs

Ropey tyres and front wheel spins

These are a few of my least favourite ...

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Jenson ButtonJeremy Clarksoncarsnervous breakdowncar dealersbionicChristsuicideraingrey hair

The Jesus Gene

The Jesus Gene


In a Papal palace

a piece no bigger than a postage stamp

is missing

from the pranksters shroud.


Christopher waits on tables

at the local Pizza Hut

and changes water for wine

upon request.

His mother is a virgin,

in all but hymen,

and keeps a photo of a pipette

upon the mantelpiece.

She tells Christopher

it was an...

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turin shroudleonardo da vincigenetic engineeringchristfrauddesigner baby

Christ Love in lamp shape
















Heart beats young

heart beats old,

with a love of Christ

Your heart beats bold.

Be ye rich, be ye poor, with

a love of Christ you'll have so

much more.

The rain falls

on just and unjust.

But remember Christ

rain settles the dust.

Don't float listlessly

on a s...

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Lanterne Poem








beats young

or beats old,

make yours his home






This is my first attempt

at writing a Lanterne poem.




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