fake news (Remove filter)
The Gilded Fist of Greed
The Gilded Fist of Greed is a call to awaken from the suffocating grip of wealth and power. This poem tries to unveil the stark reality of a world held hostage by the few like Musk, Zuckerberg or Bezos et al., as they manipulate nations, control media, and plunder the earth. It warns of the destructive consequences of unchecked greed and the looming threat of totalitarian dominance. Yet, in its co...
Sunday 29th December 2024 9:59 am
Alternative Facts
My theory is as good as yours,
I am entitled to my facts.
We both have our opinions
But it's me that the truth attracts.
I saw it on the internet;
It’s as valid as your learning.
It says the world is flat and square,
Not round and daily turning.
And don’t expect me to believe
All this talk of global heating;
The weather’s always on the change:
Someone sai...
Saturday 9th March 2024 7:37 am
That's How We Are Right Now
We laugh at experts and suck up to fools,
Effortless amateurs from public schools,
And love the chancers who sidestep the rules.
That’s how we are right now, that’s how we are.
We laugh at research and usher away
Facts and achievements on public display;
We’d rather go down on our knees and pray.
That’s how we are right now, that’s how we are.
We laugh at the trut...
Monday 26th February 2024 9:02 am
Facts are very boring; this much is true.
It’s hard to face them by the light of day;
Much easier to make the truth become
What you or someone else would like to say.
You will deny you dropped that bomb or shell;
You say the other side attacked its own.
You muddy waters, sow some seeds of doubt.
And cast the bleeding obvious as unknown.
You say you’re sceptical of...
Friday 5th August 2022 9:45 pm
Call It What It Is
Heatwaves radiating across the country,
common occurrences every summer
now occurring every season.
Summer stretches long into Fall,
makes a cameo during Winter
And begins earlier every Spring.
It’s a heatwave, they say.
No, it’s global warming.
No, it’s now called climate change, haven’t you heard?
No, that’s all fake news.
It’s only a heatwave, you see.
...Friday 21st August 2020 4:46 pm
Domestos Daze
We watched fake news race
From that perma-tanned face
Those Harpic locks pre-fabricated and bleached
He wants vaccination by Domestos
No wonder he got impeached
Saturday 25th April 2020 10:48 am
Chinese Whispers
Chinese Whispers
We thought we’d done everything right
Taken precautions to self-isolate
Avoiding those risky types
Who would pass it on
Making sure we didn’t
Pass anything on ourselves
Fourteen days later
We thought
We’re probably safe now
Safe to come out
Safe to mix with friends and family
Once again
But no
We’d b...
Monday 2nd March 2020 7:40 pm
Screaming Blue Murder
Screaming Blue Murder
I’m screaming Blue Murder
at the state of the nation
and how we blame our ills
on Muslims and immigration -
talking about people
as though they’re an infestation.
I’m screaming Blue Murder.
I’m screaming Blue Murder
at the Banker’s greed
and the people on the street
who we can’t seem to feed -
the way that we trample
on sexuali...
Wednesday 15th August 2018 3:12 pm
Red Herrings
Red Herrings
From Dealey Plaza to Salisbury
and all points in between,
the Bear has been the symbol
for the west to vent its spleen.
“There’s reds under the bed”
often heard, but rarely seen,
while a pumpkin president
conducts his grizzly Halloween.
From Novichok to Lee Harvey
the red herrings abound,
drifting through our freedoms
but hardly ever found...
Monday 9th July 2018 12:36 pm
This Is The News
This Is The News
You know that there are statistics
waiting to be displayed
when a BBC reporter
stands to the left of a brick wall -
and when the report’s about finance
and they’re stood out in the rain,
you know they’re going to make a pun
about saving for a rainy day.
When did the news become a vehicle
for cheap shots and sound-bites?
Where young report...
Monday 7th May 2018 5:00 pm
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