The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

foundation (Remove filter)

I believed

I believed, because we believe all the time.
We believe in the structures around us,
in what we were taught, in the promises made to us.
I believed in what was given to me as certain,
in love that is, at the same time, a bond and a prison.

But time, that relentless teacher,
showed me that truth is plural,
that certainties fade away,
that the world is complex,
and that true freedom comes...

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birth of new foundation

birth of mankind
birth is a new birth of joy
a new foundation is a new birth of joy
foundation is foundation of joy
mankind is founded by joy
mankind is founded by mankind
new joy  is new birth of joy

birth is a new joy founded by new joy
foundation is founded by a new birth of joy
new joy is new foundation
birth of mankind is a birth of joy
joy is founded by joy
joy is founded by a ...

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