The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

heart break (Remove filter)

Wrestled to girl

I wrestled you down


Into woman

I grew your thoughts for you

Lifeless of the party


You vacuum expression

And drain me,



I gave you emotions

Give me energy

Any kind just give

Give and give 

I must drink

Always thirsty am I

But I drink for you

So what’s this lull in your throat

Dip in your tone



You ...

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Wrestlefightabusemanipulatetoxictriggertraumabondconnectioninterdependentcontrolobsessnarcissistsociopathrelationshipheart breakhealbreak uplearnreflectself awaregrowpainrealisegaslightliarcomplicatedmonologuecharacterpartneremotional abuse


Sometimes I wonder if you ever loved me

I wonder if you ever felt the way I felt for you

Sometimes I wonder why you stayed by my side so long 

Why did you watch my light slowly die

And then blamed me when it was all gone

Sometimes I wonder why did you fall in love with someone else when you had somone by your side who gave you all her life who gave you her heart

Then I realize th...

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lightself loveterrorheart breaklovebrokenfaithprayrelationshipgodsadhatelove and hate

Love is not enough

When nothing you do is right
And everything you say is wrong
Life seems to be getting tough
And you just don't get along
When you argue almost every night
And you feel that you’re already hung
The edges seem too rough
Because love is not enough

A smile starts a false hope day
For a while everything’s okay
But it only lasts for a while
Because the cracks break through that smile
You h...

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breakupsLovepainsorrowheart break


It's been a year since you've been gone and I'm still picking up the pieces,

You were often my strength but more so my weakness,

Everyday you're on my mind I can't escape these thoughts,

It makes my chest burn and my stomach twist into knots,

Sometimes I feel like its too much to handle,

What you did to me was truly a scandle,

All the times that we shared and everything that we w...

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Heart breakDivorcebetrayed

I saw my future before my eyes for the first time in my life 
It wasnt just ideas but plans with who I 
pictured my wife 
The mother of my children and my partner 
through strife

But I lost it 

It was almost here and gone in a moment
It felt so good but now there's pain and I 
ow it 
Started to slip away so I desperately tried 
to hold it 

But now it's gone 

Was it my fault? I'...

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Loveheart breakpainmiseryseparationmarriageself worthhope

To love is to suffer

His words twist into my heart, in bold letters they tear me apart, leaving my eyes bright and green, I can't hold back the tears, I'm not trying to fight, expressing my feelings is damaging, he takes it wrong and here comes the sting, I guess love isn't meant for me, no matter how sweet I can be.

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Heart breakbattlebullying


Call me the doormat,

The infestation of rats,

The ‘oh she ain’t all that’,

Call the kettle black!


Call me the diva, the princess, the moan bag,

The emotional one, oh isn’t it sad?

The hot head who can only nag nag nag,

That period trainwreck – a handful for a lad.


Call me whatever deflects most from what reflects

When you stand by the mirror and boast,

When ...

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break updoormatemotional tormentempowermentheart breakletting gopushoverrelationshipsaying goodbyeself-healingstubbornthe end

World's end

Suffocating under the rhythm of your heart beat

Like drowning beneath a sea of thumping marbles.

You are the ball pit, the sand pit, without end – falling!

But who can ever stand when they are - head – over – heels – for someone –


And you pulled me in like a rip tide, a whirl wind, a sinking pool,

Wrapped me up like pig in blanket with your tangled hair

And the salt of it...

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heart breaktraumapassionloveworldapocalypsemonumentsfearin love

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