The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

self-knowledge (Remove filter)

six word poem

six word poem

how do you know

I don't

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factsself-knowledgesix words

Watch Who & What In Your Life You Allow.

[ ] See the red flags and watch who & what in your life you allow.

[ ] A smile can be a frown upside down.

[ ] The energy vampires brings what appears as holy water only to watch you drown.

[ ] They see your King/Queen royalty & they want your crown.

[ ] You may not see them peeping, lurking, spying, but they're around.

[ ] They're studying you lowkey up & down, hair folli...

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growthknowledgeLifereal lifeself-knowledgeWisdom

Finding Himself in Nature

Deep in the heart of the forest

He lingers a moment to rest

He knows well his destination

Two hours meander his estimation

Finding the oldest tree of all, he hesitates

Sat, leant against the trunk he meditates


High within the mountain peaks

Within himself answers he seeks

All the world below somewhere

Quietly he finds his spot up there

Sheltered by cairn, thought...

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The beast

I have a beast within my head
He hews my heart I wish him dead
He turns my passions into pain
A mocking echo of loves refrain
He defiles my tender dreams
Turning whispers into screams
I fear to enter filled with dread
I have a beast within my head

I have a cold and lonely heart
T’was warm once till he did start
My passion leaked through every pore
Through rents inflicted by his wick...

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self doubtdepressionself-knowledge


Old wounds have begun to heal.

This new life feels unreal. 

The shadow hanging above my soul.

I was once trapped within a role.

The wounded one full of anger

Dragging his worthless anchor.

Behold look into the mirror.

Now gaze upon your own error.

You thought you couldn't stumble

But it's the season to be humble.

No time for embracing illusion.

The former has reach...

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Others create self-serving expectations

That they thrust upon you with no hesitation.

Always remember you have two choices,

To heed or ignore the many voices.

Most define themselves by what others say,

Resigned to play the games people play.

Sooner or later they will awaken,

Realizing that they’ve been mistaken.

Then a rebirth for all to see.

Some will rejoice, some will...

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High priced clothes, foreign cars, money, hoes,

living the good life, trips around the world living right

but you missing something in your life.

Even though you have the money you looking around like “where my friends go?”

You chased them away because you thought you was something

flexing on "em" making big money


In a blink of an eye God took it all back

now you stu...

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What is love? Is it real? Is it even a possibility? I can not fathom another person really loving... Life is what it is. Humanity is cruel, and to find ones other half is only a miracle given by the one who created us... Love is strange is it instinct or is it only self preservation? Does the mind trick one into feeling only to have two more hands and a mind to help provide and support? the human ...

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Dead Wood

Dead wood, no good.

Get rid of the dead 

wood that won’t burn 

like wet yew branches.

People are dead wood,

like soul callouses.

They cling to you,

bring only judgement.

Spouting forth sin,

or their own piss;

its all the same

when you don’t drink it.

They call you wrong,

say you are useless, 

no use for burning.

I smack the dead wood

out of my life,


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When, at the end of a complicated season

of argument and negotiation

I check, and find that the moon is dark.

And will soon be new,


I consider the things undone

That will not now be done

And the things unexplained

Which will leave large pools of dissatisfaction


And I breathe out, out, emptying the air

From my lungs, and the worries

From my head; letting it a...

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Fear, expresses no emotion.

It neither wraps itself

In cotton anger, or

Brittle sanity.

It lives in the deepest part;

Of your dream.

Taking up room -

Where the life-force should be.


This living ghost,


It does not chew it's food,

It devours it.

No table is enough to

Satisfy it's cravings.

When every opportunity feeds


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