Empathy (Remove filter)
Beneath the Noise
Thursday 27th February 2025 3:53 pm
This Is Today
It is not a fable or a fairy tale,
even a child could understand my plea
that is why I speak loudly and vehemently
I am outraged to see
how those who wield power,
supported by uniforms and boots
see us as nincompoops,
weaving narratives of a distorted history
as if nothing had been there
Their very accommodated stories
build paper monuments to their heroes o...
Thursday 12th January 2023 3:56 pm
tear out this heart, take it to the aching hearse
hang the coffin in the carcus of feeling
float a sanctuary around my waist,
then take me to the water to scream.
Thank you for reading! Also a thank you to the mighty Florence Welch for bringing back some of my creativity. Spending a Friday afternoon with ‘Lungs’ was both entertaining and inspiring. My first one of the year.
Friday 10th June 2022 9:27 pm
Its mid 70s the families of liverpool they struggle
Born babies the products of scandal and trouble
A woman in love at the time with a drinker
mentality destructive disturbed man dark thinker
He cared not a lot for his sons wife or health
Inside relives torture he's suffered himself
The wife didn't know this she cant understand
This was not what the vows read when gave h...
Wednesday 30th March 2022 3:46 pm
Drop The Tears
No-one likes to see tears, that
Liquid form of human distress,
Yet human life being what it is
They render make-up a mess
I'd never observed you weep
Your trusting eyes always dry,
Till catching me with Matilda
Made you break down and cry
Tears clear the air like a purifier
Provoking a quantum of sympathy
From anyone that can summon
A minimum degree of em...
Tuesday 24th November 2020 10:46 am
Sunday Morning Thought
I have been
Death has held me
Life has killed me
But you still think
You have the right
To give me advice
As if you’re above me
If you let me speak
You might learn
Sunday 30th August 2020 10:38 am
You call me selfish for trying to take what is mine, and mine only, and do with it as I wish
Your claim and the belief behind it, is even more so
And, though you may not realize, all you are doing is prioritizing your pain over mine
You pacify your fear of heartache with my suffering
So tell me true, if you were in my shoes - if you overlooked your own feelings to e...
Monday 30th December 2019 1:59 am
Take a Penny, Leave a Scar.
I'm just a number,
Put me in the back.
One of these days,
I swear I'll fucking snap.
Always keeping it in,
Forever pushing it down.
One day I'll strike this match
And burn this place to the ground.
Empathy is a curse,
A color I wear well.
I'm sick of always wondering
How other people feel.
I don't take care of myself,
I just bury my own bone.
I'm always there for everyone
But ...
Thursday 31st May 2018 1:57 pm
When, at the end of a complicated season
of argument and negotiation
I check, and find that the moon is dark.
And will soon be new,
I consider the things undone
That will not now be done
And the things unexplained
Which will leave large pools of dissatisfaction
And I breathe out, out, emptying the air
From my lungs, and the worries
From my head; letting it a...
Saturday 9th September 2017 5:38 pm
Pity those who act wild in the midst of anger,
who rant and rave and resort to slander,
for they are hurting beyond the limits of control,
to help them we must find the hurt in their soul...
For some it will be the sudden arrival of pain,
in others there may be some shocking shame,
what matters for all is to seek out the true cause,
and let it be known for it is conjecture t...
Tuesday 4th June 2013 6:16 pm
'The Lady of the House
Whom he loves'
within these ruined walls
you lived
- died
long gone now
only dust remains
yet carved painted stones
bring testimony
of your life
and warmth
down through the years
and suddenly
you are almost
close enough to touch
Tuesday 13th September 2011 8:56 pm
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