The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Sorry for Apologising

At some point during my childhood

I decided that I would apologise for everything, just in case.

I must have done so many things wrong as a kid

That it was just easier to apologise for everything I did

And I found it was a very easy habit to adopt

Once started, I’ve never really since stopped

And pretty soon, in all forms of communication

I was ...

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slam poetryslamapologising

My Brexit Poem

Preamble: I know some folk are not going to like this, but it's my right to be angry and I don't care who knows it.

Live version on Youtube:


On the 30th of March 2019

I shall wake up significantly older

And no longer European.


What a great birthday present history has prepared for me -

After 4 decades on this planet, “we’re revoking your Eu...

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Brexitslam poetrySlam

that moment is so golden

You are the silence between breaths, that moment that encompasses every potential

Where I’m not only questioning and I’m not just knowing, I'm filling every space in between.

You are the strings that tie my heart down, keeping it from flying away with every little joy.

Fuck you bring me such joy!

Joyous flights of ecstasy in your hugs.

And when I hear you say you need me as much as ...

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Panic in the Paddock

You deserve this break, having been up since even the early-bird was still in bed,

Even awake while the stars were still high in the sky

And the moon bathed the grass with its pale white eye.

Moving these animals from their sleeping state,

Off of their beds doubling as dinner plates, doubling as dinner-

Their begrudging moans loud as they leave this place of rest to go to work,


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Winning the first Poetry Slam Online interview

Poetry Online Slam was created by Bristol based Poet Matt Duggan who won the erbacce prize for poetry in 2015.

You can find out more about Matt here  

Why did I create the Online Slam? I wanted to connect poets from all over the world who wouldn't get to see some poets reading LIVE! Plus, None of that dodgy judging or rent a room Poet B/S. I hope this projec...

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SlamSpoken Word poetryinterview

Current Promotions

Current Promotions

We’re pleased to announce the following promotions for our 24th September OpenMind event at Fuel Cafe Bar.

*2 for 1 entry for all OpenSpacers – bring a friend free!*Quote GERBIL on the door to be entered into a prize draw for free entry for yourself and a friend to our OpenMind Halloween Special at Fuel on 22nd October.

*All who share the event page for OpenMind...

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OpenMindSlamSeptemberOpenMind: Slamming SeptemberGERBILFuelPoetryMusicArtDanceTheatrePrize DrawRaffle

OpenMind: Slamming September Poster

Take a look at the poster for our OpenMind: Slamming September event at Fuel on Monday 24th September.



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SlamSeptemberOpenMindPoetryMusicDanceArtExhibitionAcousticTheatreSpoken WordRapVarietyCompetition

OpenMind: Slamming September

OpenMind: Slamming September:


Following on from our highly attended and jam packed 2 year birthday show OpenMind are back at Fuel on Monday 24th September for OpenMind: Slamming September, our first ever multi-genre OpenSpace slam event. This event will be presided over by GrIm who's taking his first ever crack at presenting an event, so be sure to give him your love, energy and full ...

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OpenMind: Slamming September

OpenMind: Slamming September:


Following on from our highly attended and jam packed 2 year birthday show OpenMind are back at Fuel on Monday 24th September for OpenMind: Slamming September, our first ever multi-genre OpenSpace slam event. This event will be presided over by GrIm who's taking his first ever crack at presenting an event, so be sure to give him your love, energy and full ...

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ArtPoetry. OpenMindMusicSlamOpenSpace

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