The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

It's Christmas not Winter

Nearly bloody well threw up,

Today in bloody M&S,

Sick of bloody bull-shit,

Bloody “Winter Wishes” dishes!

Jesus Christ, enough already,

This is bloody Britain mate!

We’re celebrating bloody Christmas,

Not “Winter bloody Festival”,

Not “Winter bloody Holiday”,

This ain’t the bloody USA,

It’s bloody-well the UK,

Shove your bloody “Winter” bollocks,

Where the bloo...

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Untouched but not Unfelt

Untouched but not Unfelt

Spent years like a husk
now life is kindling again,
purifying from pain
and pleasantly plentiful 
at present. 

The cage of the State 

is nothing, 

for I traversed the labyrinth of my own mind
and survived.

So I shall recognise shackles
as a concept,
but be mindful of surrendering control. 

Isolate from crowds but not from feelings,
not from unde...

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SocietyUKUnityWorldwideCommunityLovequarantinepersonal journeygrowthmental health

Berlin Irony

9th November 2019



A wall of shame

cut through a city and a people

a bleak new division:

we and the world turned away



A wall fell

remade a city, a people, a history

a bright new union:

we and the world rejoiced



Now we fashion

our uniquely British wall

a tragedy of repeated history:

the world wonders, shrugs




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unionunitywallsBerlin WalldivisiondivideEUBrexithistoryKarl MarxUKGBGreat BritainUnited Kingdomhome nations

Contusion Blues

Have I caught a cold?
I can feel it in my bones
this hollow sense that I can’t shake
when I gauge the current state

Newspaper, newspaper
you’re not paper anymore
and it’s not news
just the inevitable unfolding
an unstoppable rolling
towards flag waving
a dismantling, dividing
dis-united kingdom

This news, this news
gives me contusion blues…

Politics is broken, democracy’s a jok...

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bleakcolddemocracymodern lifenewspoliticssicknessukus



it is all bleak broken; half-hell-heard House, blight blasted, a

sound spoke maelstrom where we see no substance swirling over heads

and hearts unheard - untending - unending obstacles to speech where

he, bright-tied bright-eyed, oversees the game's communication farce fail

debate: debate dire-drowning in the noise.





it is all blame blighted; w...

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BrexitgovernmentparliamentEUEuropeUKdemocracySpeakerPrime Ministers

Juvenal 2 (: Europe 0)

I will! I will join Juvenal

at the North world’s end

on the frozen ocean ice

if one more lie is penned

another argument to slice

our country from its friend:

to make us pay the price.

Enough! We see the trend

let that one vote suffice

another will just offend

divide and not entice.

Let the peoples’ will transcend,

better not to ask them twice!

We’re doomed to...

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JuvenalsatiresEUEuropeBrexitvotegovernmentparliamentUKuk government

And so this is eX Ministerial Accord Season

Can it possibly be true

How the twelve months flew

Really twenty-four have passed

In terror of being outcast

Since that dire vote to leave

The parties it seems must all deceive

Mindless of the real cost

All thoughts of governance long lost

So the lady May survive

Gainst all that ministers contrive

Regardless of the pundits' sense

Ever blind to the expense

Ever d...

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In The End

How can I cope with this devil on my shoulder, The heat is on but its making me colder, When I was younger it hoped I’d grow older, Started off small now it’s heavier than a boulder, 


You say I’m fine well I’m sick in the head, You say I‘ll cope well I’m sick of this mess, I don’t know how long I can stick with this stress, If it was my way then I would’ve writ this in red, 


I’m go...

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Mental healthdepressionLGBTmusictruthsuicidedarkdeepyoung poetnew poetukDnE

Irregular Apocalypse

“Got 10p for a cup of tea?”

“If you show us where you can get one for that price,

I'll give you a quid”

He never did...


Irregular Apocalypse.

Lonely and irksome.

The bitter glow of jaundice

tears at society's rustic chains,

one tragedy at a time.


“The Freemasons took my children,

they took my baby.”

Now she's hopping magic buses,


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ManchesterEnglandUnited KingdomUKHeroinHeroin AddictHeroin AddictionSmackSmack AddictFreemasonsConspiracyMental IllnessMentally IllCrazyCrazy Bus LadyMisunderstoodTragedyReal LifeBroken BritainNaPoWriMo

What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar? - NaPoWriMo Day 3

What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
Early in the morning!

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!

Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,
Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,

Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,
Early i...

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Canal StreetCanal StAnal TreetAnal TreatGAYGAY barGAY clubThe RembrandtRembrandtRentbrantREMCanalManchesterEnglandUKLGBTSea ChantyNaPoWriMoBidamanSilly SemanticsGUMOpenMind

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