beauty (Remove filter)
This is not a draft
I don’t want to mask my poetry
I want you to understand me
Curse your perfect rhythms, rhymes, haikus
Your lyricism, your literary
When I try to adopt it, I turn mute.
Something channels through me
(I’ve never really found the root)
A demanding stream of consciousness
That cannot stop to breathe, let alone
Wait, conceptualise, draft, redraft
I can’t!
Monday 7th October 2024 10:25 pm
Reason to Stay
When sun comes against all odds
And the colours of life just pop
Or when the rain falls
It falls and falls
And you wet your lips
With piping hot tea
With warm biscuit
Savour the crumbs
Cosy and safe
In the arms of a jumper
The padding of the sofa,
Like a huge hug
Or when your face aches,
Your stomach vibrates
Because you are fighting to breathe
Through ...
Tuesday 18th February 2020 5:52 am
He bleeds Autumn.
Your skin like the yellow brick road,
and what is it that creates that rush of blush?
I’d love to shovel out your flesh or drill through your cheeks
to reach those autumn leaves,
that grow behind the golden weeds,
the red leaves that were never green.
No, never new, they never grew,
they stayed and they remained:
Dying, but never dead,
thriving, behind your face of ...
Friday 31st March 2017 3:47 pm
I’m gonna be so pretty for you,
She says
As one layer falls off and tumbles to the ground -
Hugging your feet
Like a lash of waves.
I’m gonna be so pretty for you,
Let me be pretty for you,
I will be the prettiest I’ve ever been,
She says
As one layer of flesh peels off, along with her clothes.
One layer of soft lips melts from her features -
Layers and layers till...
Sunday 14th February 2016 11:56 am
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