unrequited (Remove filter)
When the World is Not Enough
You pick up the trees and you wave them like fans
But her face continues to sweat.
You unravel the ground and you drain it of soil
But her stomach never rounds,
Her mouth remains open.
You bottle up the ocean till all water is extinct
Yet she continues to faint of thirst.
You take life from the earth,
You remove breath from the world
And she continues to perform still bi...
Saturday 21st May 2016 4:59 pm
Loving the girl from the moon
I think that I was born on the moon.
But it was never ‘written in the stars’,
I think that when I landed here on earth,
My voice was left behind
Because you can’t hear me.
When I talk,
You can’t hear me,
You look up to God for answers...
And you kiss me like your investigating the saliva for my heritage,
You go inside me like your searching for my identity,
Saturday 21st May 2016 4:40 pm
When you lit that cigarette
The bones of me shuddered,
The blood in me halted.
What I wouldn’t do for you to light my flame with your lips....
Because I’ve had men tell me that my lipstick tastes of petrol,
That my mouth lights fires,
That my tongue causes explosions
And of course, that opening my legs is the best way to put a fire out.
But this fire begins at you...
Sunday 28th February 2016 4:50 pm
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