Imagine a day
Imagine a day.
Not any particular day,
just a day, one like any other.
One born in the bright dawn
of a morning.
A day that dies like any other
under the death shroud
of the night sky.
Imagine a day
where ordinary things,
the morning's coffee
the commute to work
the lunchtime walk
the sounds,
just the sounds of the day,
and the evening
just the ...
Monday 5th December 2016 9:58 pm
Winter's Song
It starts as nothing more than air.
The curl of frozen breath or a
hint of smoke collapsed on the wind
icing latent tress laid bare.
Carried through winter's dark womb
of hard silver frosts. Muted snow
a million silent lights, sharp
in the stiffening cold, a harp-
song of hope. Until suddenly
it's obvious. Obvious like
the moon, full on a cloudless night,
through t...
Wednesday 25th December 2013 1:05 am
Hidden horizons
Slightly amended with comments from WOL users
Small rivers on the train window,
rain refracts grey light, distorts landscapes
moving backwards towards the origin.
Distance swallowed in cloud,
colours washed until the remains
are indeterminate shapes and sky.
Ah the sky! So bloated and low.
Could I reach, push it back,
reveal hidden horizons?
Monday 16th December 2013 11:43 pm
Hidden horizons
Rain as small rivers on the train window
refracts grey light, distorts landscapes
moving backwards towards the origin.
Distance swallowed in cloud,
colours washed until the remains
are indeterminate shapes and sky.
Ah the sky! So bloated and low.
Could I reach, push it back,
reveal hidden horizons?
Friday 13th December 2013 11:24 pm
Tuesday 25th June 2013 11:14 pm
Mourning for summer
The rain falls in vindictive little spikes
On this cold May afternoon. The month
Claws itself from the endless winter towards
A season lurking beyond the horizon
Consumed in the darkening Brume.
A figure stands on the corner, stooped
With collar stiff in vain protection.
The mirrored pavement reflecting a form
As withered as the look he flashes
At the ...
Tuesday 14th May 2013 11:55 pm
Traces of you
I have reposted this with some minor changes suggested by helpful contributors to WOL
As I sit upon
This empty bed
White cotton frayed
From nights
That punctuate
This thin veneer
Of wakefulness
I look for traces of you.
Saturday 13th April 2013 4:49 pm
Traces of you
As I sit upon
This empty bed
White cotton frayed
From nights
That punctuate
This thin veneer
Of wakefulness
I look for traces of you.
Tuesday 2nd April 2013 11:40 pm
The Darkening Brume
What light across the cloudless bay
Falls placid on thy peerless face
Relected on the now calm sea?
That in its rage did toss in
Tidal abandon the wreckage
Of the human condition cast
Recklessly from the shore.
Do not despair nor fling thy dreams
From this vapid spit which clings by
Wiry Marram to this wretched
Isle, detritus ringed on littoral
Monday 25th March 2013 12:39 am
These books that lie
beside your bed
in towers that climb
beyond this spartan room,
Hold words that -
as I watch you read -
form dreams upon
your stormless face;
And free from the
anchor of the day
I see you fly
Monday 25th March 2013 12:10 am
Sunday 24th March 2013 12:07 am
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