12 days after Christmas
On the first day after Christmas
My true love and I had
A terrible, terrible argument
And in tempter
She threw a variety of pots
And pans at me,
so I strangled the
Partridge and burnt down the
Pear tree that my true love,
My true love gave to me.
Things didn’t get any better
By the end of the second day
When she started
throwing plates at me
like boomerangs
And so, in a v...
Tuesday 15th December 2015 10:08 pm
Poetry at Stalybridge Train station
despite not been at my best today, i was over today at a exhibition launch at stalybridge train station mixing together poetry and photography which featured two of my poems
it's in the waiting room on platform 4 if you are ever passing. excellent fun (
Saturday 14th November 2015 10:55 pm
poems-for-national-psoriais-awarness week
Long story short.. The other week i recorded two poems for national psoriasis week for psoriasisshoutout (wrote as i know somebody who suffers from it pretty badly last year to help build awareness) and after publication i got approached to have them recorded professionally a few week-ends back.
Hope you enjoy.. as a person who lives with diabetes, helping increase awareness for this is the lea...
Tuesday 3rd November 2015 10:33 pm
The Ghost of Mayfield Station
Calling out the same name
Over and over
The sound varies constantly
Before cutting out
Like a chewed up tape
Echoing with a sadness
Bordering on the verge
Of a panic
Almost like they are
Pleading for forgiveness
In a broken sadness
Skipping through
All kinds of turmoil
Of a love clearly died
Left on the platform
No matter
Whether cold or warm
Wednesday 28th October 2015 5:22 pm
Late night bus from Bolton
Thursday 8th October 2015 1:03 pm
International Exiles
Of course they are not
Simulating terror
Crossing the border
From one country to the next
Vibrating in fear
through rain
and gunfire
criss-crossing into brutal rhythms
across a gutted reflection
choking on echoes
screaming walkways
Choosing to sleep in the freezing air
looking at the camera
stone eyed
Pursuing hope
before their lives ebbed into pieces.
(For t...
Tuesday 29th September 2015 9:32 pm
Write Out Loud Stockport @ Stockport Art Gallery - Enchantment
Dear all;
A few of you may know I have been a regular at W.O.L. Stockport for the past few years and it was a pleasure the other day to be selected along with other members of the group to be selected for a few poems from a number of us to be published at a exhibition at Stockport over this weekend.
Hope you all enjoy.
It can be seen here
Sunday 27th September 2015 1:06 pm
The Return of Twaiku
(NB. A twaiku according to the internet is A twaiku is a haiku posted on Twitter, so is limited to 140 characters. I attempted these last year on this link
http://www.writeoutloud.net/public/blogentry.php?blogentryid=43470 I attempted them again this year on 1 and 2 September 2015 – on 1 September 2015 near a Cemetry on Ince Road and 2 September 2015 Bolton Food and Drink...
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 9:50 pm
Jazz Record cut off half note
Looking back in hindsight
I wonder how some
Of my ex girlfriends
Would have handled me
Getting diabetes
Sian who lived with her wealthy parents
And who kissed me with a desire
Beyond her tender years
Would have resented my inability
To keep running down to London.
Helen would have sat in front
Of her ever increasing cocktail bar
And have said what the hell
Can you drink now
Saturday 29th August 2015 2:06 pm
Collaboration in memory
Silently scribbled
Over my fathers notebook
His presence is felt
Before I even open it up
Touched with
His fingerprints
Stained in fountain ink
And his doctors
Spiral signature
On the back cover
Feeling out its weight
And the colour
Of its paper
Which I would have
Dismissed as been
Too forceful
The line lengths
Which restrict
The size of my words
To almost miniature
The e...
Thursday 13th August 2015 1:43 pm
Coming apart like stitches
Memories break off
As you grow older
Dissolving into skeletons
Drained of fact.
Stripping emotions
Into stark instrumentals
Confusing Sian
The first girl you kissed
With Helen, the second.
Diminishing the 8 years
Working at Great Universal
Your first job
When then you wondered
If it would ever end.
Padlocked in broken gasps
All the way out
Monday 3rd August 2015 12:57 pm
New Writing workshop news
can now confirm guys first workshop for my new creative writing workshop 'west end writers' will be 20 august 2015 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at West End library, Winsor Road, Denton, Manchester, M34 2HB.
Tuesday 14th July 2015 10:50 pm
Picc – Vic Project
2.3 miles the route was
planned to stretch out
all across the centre of Town
Doctor Hodge said.
2.3 miles in short cropped mounds
30 feet below the surface
from Topshop to all over the library
threaded with rotting metal
red dangled in drilled memories
stitched across half built shops
never switched on moving pavements
bolted up ticket offices
improvising in the wind
on an...
Friday 10th July 2015 5:16 pm
For Danielle
Met in damp light
Tattooed in broken eyelashes
Glove less hand over face
Turning away from shadows
At the edge of the window
Preserved for all eternity
A poem in a photograph
Standing a beat apart
Changing directions in seconds
(Inspiration taken off the above picture of my friend, Danielle)
Wednesday 10th June 2015 1:00 pm
The End of Summer Book is out now.
Almost Four Years in writing, my second full length book 'The End of Summer' is now out.
More details here (http://onewriterandhispc.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/the-end-of-summer-book-now-out.html)
Although it is a book for sale, if anybody wants a free PDF let me know.
Take Care
Thursday 4th June 2015 10:25 am
Soul Building / For Amber Leigh
Both of these poems were wrote today and yesterday and have published on iamnotasilentpoet today.
They can be read at
It's a great blog and i really recommend it.
Tuesday 2nd June 2015 8:17 pm
Ghost Story II Conclusion
Ghost Story II, my 2015 poetry story for Napwrimo has now concluded.
You can read the full story here
The last part can be read separate here which features a alternative ending from my good buddy Jeffarma aka Jeff Dawson. Hope you all enjoy. I will upload the full story as mp3's tommorrow night here
Thursday 30th April 2015 1:02 pm
Prologue 2 (Ghost Story II)
Cobbled together
the noise in the station
swept almost out of control
before the second shot
pulsed through the air,
translating footsteps
for broken screams
raking in chords
like pendulum drums
echoed across the ceiling
pulling together emotions
originally for some going home
or seeing loved ones
into blushed petals
trampled onto the floor
streaming through
stained glass
Sunday 8th March 2015 1:46 pm
Ghost story II - Prologue
Sunday 22nd February 2015 1:57 pm
The Sermon of Reverend Collier
Drumming across windows
In both of the toilets
Banging could frequently be heard
Dragging chairs under the stairs
In the entrance hall
Thawed in the cheesy music
Leading to the main bar
Twitching across your back
Like a whistle blower
Drowned out by the noise
Over the sticky floors
And watered down lager
Curving into a maze of bodies
Aglow in a series of frantic lights
Sweeping d...
Wednesday 21st January 2015 12:58 pm
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