but can imagine you
stood there even now
in your uniform
with your slightly bent cap.
I never looked up at you
growing up
and said with a wide eyed
you were almost
as a big as a tree
(All 6 foot 4 of you).
Never served beside you
through the mud in Burma
which must have been
hell to crawl through
before being transferred
possibly against your choic...
Tuesday 14th December 2010 9:11 pm
The Other Side (Space Poem)
Looking back now,
the space between us
was like looking through
a sheet of ice
from the other side.
was as timeless
as the void between
earth and Mars.
like Saturn’s rings
in all of their
haunting beauty.
was an intense as
the purple evening sky
soaring over
the nearby street lights
Wednesday 24th November 2010 8:23 am
Freedom Competition Winners
Sunday 7th November 2010 12:58 pm
A few short short poems (1)
Friday 29th October 2010 7:38 pm
Freedom (follow up competition to Biting the Bullet) Competition entries so far
Monday 18th October 2010 11:57 pm
Freedom (follow up competition to Biting the Bullet)
Friday 8th October 2010 12:07 am
Biting the Bullet
It was never proved
she actually bit the bullet,
but the evidence suggested
she must have put up
with a near Buddhism
amount of fortitude.
The evidence failed to say
Of what actually happened
And whether it had
Been spread out
Across days of endless torture
Or over in a few
Literally bloody minutes.
They tracked her movements
...Wednesday 22nd September 2010 8:07 am
Chamber Music XIII
The sky was pitch quiet
With a slight breeze
Undercutting the smoke
Of the two welsh girls
(who I am guessing
Could have been sisters)
But I still couldn’t get
You out of my mind.
The band were on a break
At the palm tree
Near victoria park
And chris had just texted me
Saying he was struggling
To get money...
Tuesday 31st August 2010 11:28 am
First Holiday in Ireland
First holiday in Ireland
I don’t remember if I am honest
much about my first holiday there
apart form all of the photographs.
I don’t recall which station it was
all the way down from
Dublin to Belfast
when the train broke down
and we were forced to stand
in a tiny box with
a half working coal fire
for four hours
before they finally
Tuesday 27th July 2010 10:05 pm
Things We don't write about
Things we don't write about.
We won’t write poems about wanting to Kill David Cameron
(although Gordon Brown did bore me senseless)
Nor do we write poems about the recent cuts to benefits
And the whole way the country is still mismanaged.
We won’t write poems about rising crime
And why unemployment is really rising again
Without looking at ourselves and ...
Friday 25th June 2010 8:21 am
Pandora's lost Box
To listen to their laughter
was almost too much
like listening to a row of dominos
crashing down in totally
the wrong order.
To listen to their laughter
was almost too much
like listening to the waves
from the nearby coastline
choking itself to death.
Two beautiful young women
swinging cigarettes and beer
Thursday 20th May 2010 8:08 am
A short study
Thursday 8th April 2010 9:48 pm
Goodbye Central Library
The books all stood there silently
In a mournful prayer
As they were all lifted
Letter by letter
Into card board boxes.
The shelves were pulled down
And lined up in the middle
Of the great hall
Like a huge bonfire
Before the windows
Were all kicked out
Which had a feeling of
Ghosts tramped over by time.
Floors crumbled into
Large chunks of rubble
As sledgeham...
Friday 19th March 2010 10:57 pm
Detective Novel
There was nobody else here
the body said
without leaving any clues
like a detective novel would.
There was no cold murder
with the thrust of
a steel knife
and no silent voilence
that stung in the night.
This body lay there un-found
with a zen like silence
for long than it could remember
staring at the moon-light
the sun-light
and then the moon-light again
Sunday 14th February 2010 12:52 pm
Early January Snow Blues
There is calmness
Like a Buddhist prayer
On the road
When it snows
And cars are afraid
To come down it.
There is softness
In the trees rustling
When the wind
Shakes it off
Which reminded me
Of my father
When he used
To shake off his boots
Before he stepped back inside
After gritting
The front path.
And as it gets so...
Monday 11th January 2010 1:57 pm
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