Card Story (A Christmas Poem)
Stuck in the middle of another drift
The sledge looks lost without reindeer
As Father Christmas stands there
Looking over the roof
At firstly the smoke
Blowing off the next house
Choked out by the wind
Taxis turning into snowploughs
On the next road
Almost by magic
Out of total nowhere
And dogs morphing into wolves
Howling over and over
In the moonlight
Children in the nearby fie...
Monday 22nd December 2014 12:43 pm
more poetry published
Hi Guys;
More poems to follow soon as i will start blogging a new sequence soon but in the meantime, two poems of mine 'Magic II' and 'Kissing my every Scent' have appeared on Page & Spine' and can be read here
Also in addition, two more poems 'Priscilla' and 'Prisoners of War III' (both of which also appeared in my split book 'Europa' (co wrote with Nick Armbrister) have appeared in Poetic ...
Saturday 29th November 2014 1:43 pm
Beyond the Sub-conscious
His fingers waken running through her hair
Only pulling back when she opens her eyes
Blinkered by the yellow sunset like flowers
Dropping consciously across the windowsill
Dangling on like fingers on a balcony
Tied up in invisible chains across derelict moods
Journeying beyond invisible emotions
Streaming conscious all over the place
Like totally mis-matched kissing
Beyond the sub-conscio...
Thursday 20th November 2014 12:41 pm
Boat Poems
Several of my poems (Boat Story 1 and 2, River Story) alongside other poems by members of Write Out Loud, Stockport (John, Linda, Nigel and Meschach) about rivers and boats have appeared on the healthwaterystrust website.
These can be read at
and as be seen from the website looking for additional poems too.
Tuesday 21st October 2014 12:58 pm
Unsaid (for the children abused in Rotherham)
So many it is said
Will be paid compensation
For the countless lies
Brushed under the carpet,
Phone calls not returned
And personal callers
Brushed away
Letters dropped in confidential waste
And meetings deleted
From diaries
Warnings ignored from youth workers
And support workers
That something was really wrong
Inquires that seemed to get
Constantly delayed
Until they are al...
Friday 5th September 2014 12:34 pm
For Stefan Kiszko
And always the silent smell
Of music follows
Each time his name is mentioned
Never justice,
Covered in ignored pleadings
With pinpointed accuracy
Constantly kicking
The ladder away
From his freedom
Evidence suppressed and misplaced
For 16 years
In cross currents
Of ignored medical reports
Miscarrying justice
And innocence
Constantly brushed
Under the carpets
Drawn back on ...
Friday 22nd August 2014 12:39 pm
15 short short poems for heatons twaiku
NB. There maybe more of these but i am busy for a bit now.. These were wrote for Heatons Twaiku (
1 - 9 were done on 26 July 2014
10 - 15 were done on 27 July 2014 (Blog updated)
Buried in borrowed light
You're glad you are wearing glasses
walking home in the darkness
Catching dreams
You reflect on your youth
Writing songs...
Saturday 26th July 2014 11:22 am
Last night I dreamt
Of the dark alleyways
Leading to the Sands
And the black bags
Getting pushed around
Outside in the wind
Like a circular sleeping bag
Than a photographic reflection,
Singing through the windows
Of half torn memories
Of a delayed youth
That hung on the edge
Of the Old Arndale
Where we used to go dancing
In mops of blonde perms
And watered down lager,
Sunday 20th July 2014 9:44 am
Disappear and Kissing my every Scent
two of my poems 'Disappear' and 'Kissing my every thread' are due out at issue 11 of Ariadne's Thread today. not seen my copy yet but made up over this.
Tuesday 27th May 2014 11:58 am
New Poem published on Perfectly Write Poetry
A new poem of mine, previously unpublished and until a few days ago didn't even have a title 'Nahariya, 2001' have appeared on a new poetry blog 'Perfectly Write Poetry'.
More details about this can be read here
Tuesday 13th May 2014 7:53 pm
Prisoners of War II
Once the rifles finished
silhouetting in Wagner
and they were rescued
from the camps,
their half cut screams
across that last moonlight
followed them all the way out,
every footstep
half sinking like quicksand
through the tarmac
weaved in terror
nested deep In open wounds
gurgling with squirming limbs
alive in a conflagration
roasted In the flames.
Sunday 9th March 2014 12:38 pm
Prisoners of War
When they found him
he had been a prisoner
for just over 4 years
gleaming with a skeletal silence,
rattling with memories
tangled with the wind
carried out of the door
and the chargrilled chimney.
Each cell a tally chart
of lives stolen
shackled in invisible shadows
and the silence reshaping
around him in relief.
(Another poem from the upcoming book ' E...
Sunday 2nd March 2014 3:44 pm
Counting to Ten
Dispatched to our recycle bins
the memory of their suffering
comes across as a
thawing out window
lost across the decades
rather than perpetual
constant moaning,
An epitaph in the wind,
sleeping in the distance
with shell like heads
and shaved eyes
staring at the camera,
counting to ten
engulfed in silence
in front of a candle
between emotions
that lie betw...
Sunday 23rd February 2014 7:43 pm
Cat’s Prayer
Steeped in silence
At six in the morning
Across bright lights
From a nearby field,
Seagulls land on the ground
Before leaping into the air
In a circular pattern
Leaving nothing
But feathers in the mist,
And the tapping of my paw
On the window.
Sunday 2nd February 2014 6:33 pm
Miracle (New Poem Published)
Thursday 9th January 2014 12:25 pm
Jeffarama! Loud and Proud Book Review
The review for this book can be read here.
Sunday 5th January 2014 2:32 pm
Dropped Phone Call
I ring you in the usual way
During a early lunch
But you drop the phone
When you hear my voice
Leaving me with nothing
But the droning ambience
Of a lost call.
Perhaps you are still in bed
In the middle of a deep sleep
After a late
Late night
I had forgotten you mentioning
With a few bottles of wine
At your friend Jane’s
And couldn’t be bothered
Staggering o...
Friday 3rd January 2014 11:10 am
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