The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Christmas Poem for Cathy (2013)

Put your head against mine
On Christmas morning
Just before the Alarm goes off
And your cats start marching
Up and down in your kitchen
And remember what it was like,
Of the way Snow used to come down
Outside where you used to live
Leaving that taxi taking us to my parents
Going up and down that hill
Like it was trying to tackle
A ski slope rather than a ride ...

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For Nelson Mandela

Another voice was buried today
in the breeze,

scattered across the oceans,

trampled under the walls of time.

Another hope lost across
another song
trapped on on a record player
singing along for freedom
before a boy turned into a man
in a different decade.

Another voice clutching to a piece
of paper,

lost across the years
whispering hope.

Another child bleach blonde
who ...

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Nelson Mandela

new poetry published

Three of my poems - Refugee from the Past, Noir Scene and Land’s End have all appeared on this online magazine here

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In the end
It meant absolutely nothing
Once the killing
And the butchery started.

The collective voice of 80,000 people
Who had marched
For hours and hours
Meant absolutely nothing
When they were cut down
Like cattle by the score.

Everybody had arrived in a
Disciplined and organised contingent
Like a troop of soldiers
From the hills
And the outskirts
But ran ...

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Suspended in the
Silent, stubborn wind.


Rubber was split bent double
Across the pitch
Like an un-answered prayer.


Ghostly, dismantled
Across a sky of open wounds
Substituting noise for silence
Over lepping lane
With fear watching over
The scoreboards.


Memories dismantled across stands
And dissolved into a absence
Half rubbed out
With justice r...

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Goodbye Maggie Thatcher


Causing tragedy what was she was good at.
Not making funny cups of coffee
With floaters like walls
Or making molehills
Out of mountains.
Not creating wars 
to keep themselves in power
Or lining up bottles like bullets
And missing the target every time.
Not forging letters
Containing made up offences
Or causing ...

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magaret thatcher

More poetry published

Dear all;

More blogging of material off me soon when NaPoWriMo for this year starts ( which my blog ( will feature but in the meantime, I've had some more poetry published at:

The End of Summer IV at 'The Home of the Exiles' Volume 1, Issue 2 which can be seen at:


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Almost from the beginning




The first few times we met
Was under a crossing of invisible bridges
Watching the boats setting out
For distant isles,
Plunging our love
Into a monochrome
Of steered moonlight.


The first few times
Was buried in half baked clues
Pressed tight in your eyes
And whispered words
Sometimes lost
Under droning boats
But never your intent,



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