If the art galleries shut
If the art galleries shut
It’s not just a case of where
Would all the pictures go?
Not just a case of where
Would all of the staff go
(even though there is precious
few of them left altogether now),
or drawing classes
not being able to draw
or sketch
anywhere else.
It’s more of a case
Of it the art galleries shut
Where would you
Be encouraged
To look...
Thursday 6th December 2012 1:50 pm
Is still a huge mystery
And got demolished shortly
After you moved.
About Moss Lane East
Apart from that one winter here
When the boiler kept breaking down
Reducing the window
To floods of tears.
That first spring at Barton Road
When your football smacked
Your sister that...
Saturday 6th October 2012 11:32 am
From a Midnight train (Bolton)
Dear all;
Some of may have heard this, but I had a new poem 'From a midnight train (Bolton)' performed at Bolton's annual best of bolton night at the Octegon Theatre and somewhat later, the poem has now been published here - http://ink-sweat-and-tears.blogharbor.com/blog/_archives/2012/3/3/5009421.html
Why not have a peek and tell me what you think.
Andy N
Sunday 4th March 2012 10:05 am
Pinned back against the Wall
Dear all;
A new poem of mine about the Stephen Lawrence murder and also the Carol Anne Duffy poem on the same topic has been published here
Why not let me know what you think
Andy N
Thanks to Cathy for her help with this one.
Sunday 19th February 2012 9:32 am
Prologue to a final solution (Scenes from a film unfinished)
All over the top of the ghetto
To the nearby river
Almost as a replacement
For the fresh air
That sneaked in from
The outskirts of Warsaw.
All over the truth
In a sea of panic
As the Police fired into the crowd
And two pregnant women
Were trampled to death.
Thursday 26th January 2012 8:50 pm
Acrostic poem on Libraries
Libraries I used to think offered a very out of date
Insight into life offering nothing but dusty shelves
But as I began to grow a little older I have started to
Realise times have totally moved on and their
Approach has stepped away from the straight academia
Reflecting all the many changes in society but making
You now wish people didn't take them for granted.
Thursday 19th January 2012 9:31 pm
Hands in my pockets
Before telling me you love me.
Don’t close your eyes
And mutter under your breath
Until your lips start to tremble.
Don’t close your eyes
Or start picking your eyelashes.
In your pockets
Or start fiddling with
Your damp gloves
On the radiator.
Just tell me
You love me
And stop fidd...
Sunday 8th January 2012 9:43 pm
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