The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.



Four walls

Little comfort

Self control, the rage inside

Missing choices
Voices taken
Expelled forsaken
No choice
To live..
To feed the fallen
Four walls
One door
No comfort,
challenges acceptance
we shall over come

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Out of the darkness and into the shadows is where they lay motionless and without morals clinging onto life as it drips away from them as each breathe is harder than the last

Here they lay within the pit of life, in search of a new chapter
a new verse like verses of a prayer or hymn
they sing there misfortunes which fall upon deafened ears
no one will listen to plight for life an...

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Mother Nature Darkness Is Calling

One voice tired to pull us under
I was caught In your horrendous thunder
In this endless torturous sea
Oh Mother earth show me a warm embrace Darkness is calling
Show us, Show us . show us your sweet embrace
I lay here wondering what will be
lost, cold,torn By natures cold thunder

One voice tried to pull us under
One voice tried to pull us under

Cascading waters like falling leaves

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A Haunting Fantasy

A Haunting Fantasy

Deep inside I scream to escape the silence of my own voice
The words I long to speak I drowned out by the sound of your own decaying being
You drove me to the point where I could only fear you, your love delved deep inside my stone cold heart for as before I only ever wanted to please to anoint thee
Your presence was what I craved
You became and were once a drug a kiss fr...

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My Mind is in the darkness of the four corners it can go no further
As I lay here in my slumber waiting to be awaken by those dreams of dreams
the nightmares of my younger years fading away in the silent realms of my own world
Nor fantasy nor reality here I lay upon the moist earth where I shall decay

My waste shall feed the souls of lost souls as I am now weary as I am now alone wi...

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Sitting in the darkness
With just my dark thoughts that occupy my mind
A single tear slides down my cheek
I wipe it away
I wish sleep would come
My journey along this long winding road
And all I’m longing for is you
Your touch, your fingers tracing where that single tear appeared

Pushing me down
I close my eyes you are the sound that blinds me
You are the passion that runs thr...

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Just Words

Just words

Clock ticks
Time shifts
Silent stares
Whispered nothings
My voice hushed
Meaning nothing

Lost passion or was it
Something to be used
Something to be had to be taken
Cast aside
Worthless object
Used pain
Simply forgotten

It hurts
A stab to the chest
In need of a release
In need to escape

What was I
What am I

Friends hmm


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Silent Tones Of Unearthly Souls

silent tones of unearthly souls

within silent tones of unearthly souls
I hear your cries scantly cascading down from the above upon a doves tails
here I lay, looking up at the stars above
the cold frost nipping at the palms of my hands as the lay flat against the earth
penetrating me like the knife so sharp from your tools of your trade
the razor blades that prick and slice my skin above m...

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The Narcissist

There he stood, in the shadows
his smile broad as he shoulders no self doubt in the deeds that he had dealt upon others weakened by his debauched venom, his tongue as sharp as his cane, he did not care how many hearts he would tare apart,
how many lives he would ruin as long his needs, his wants and his pleasures where satisfied by those he chose oh how they thought they where the ones one after...

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So Close

So Close

So close you are
As I carve your name upon my stone cold heart
as within the darkness I hide from your beauty
self taught fractured minds
embracing the old and the new
your eyes sparkle as my shadows burn
from the remnants of what was

my tears they fall to put out the fires that you had created
so close you are how hard I try not to let you in
bring fourth the reign of your ...

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A Dance Without Music

A Dance Without Music

Standing tall graceful and calm
I begin my Dance with out music clasping my hands with aloud Clap
turning whirling .. as the tears flow from my eyes I can hear my heart beating

steadily like a drum, one beat after another steady and calm
I fall upon my knees reaching and searching from within I breath heavily
my need is great, I push and I push past it wanting more ...

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Four walls
Little comfort
Self control, the rage inside
Missing choices
Voices taken
Expelled forsaken
No choice
To live..
To feed the fallen
Four walls
One door
No comfort,
challenges acceptance
we shall over come

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I look up at you, like a flower that needs nourishing
for you to wash over me the fear of lust and pain
you came to me in a dream the garden of a universe so far
You delved into my mind placing triggers here and there for me to overcome
you pinned me in place upon the sanctuary of Eden's vast expansion of an un for boding grace You became thy hunter and I was the prey
unwilling to be taken to...

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The Burning Of Man

The sun will shine upon you and I
The bonfires burning above the ground
slowly ashes fill the sky
a blackened cloud filled with despair
bellows down upon Man

in haste you gave chase
it is your hour your haunting and you are there love
catching ash upon the lips of your spawned mind
once a gentle soul who became the teller of loves undying age
the burning of man

of life, of woe you ca...

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We May Be Weak

We maybe weak, But we are many
welcome to our hell but this is not our end
our fate is in own hands, Only us can overcome this storm
Not a storm of mother nature nor of greed
Man made may it be, Isolated repented and sometimes out of our own control
taken by the neck and dragged through the dirt
but this is not our hell and we shall weather this storm
heart to heart side by side behind the ...

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Prisoner of war

Prisoner of war

catching a glimps of a memory through the window of the hut
an image of what was the memories of the blood shed of the battles that you won and lost
after the war....

Prisoner of war
standing with your number tattooed upon your flesh
you stand proud, no shame, tears fall
your ability too be, taken away

after the fires have gone out
your memory lives on after the war

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second world war

The Drowning Of Sound

Sat at the table looking out of the window as the heavy rain falls
Silently upon the Window Pane
The Drowning of Sound,
The Darkness that creeps upon us clinging onto our Minds
We sit in it's pitiful existence drowning the sound with the tears that fall
inside our minds no moistness falls upon thy cheeks
closed off inside, screaming to escape the never ending fear that builds so deep
it ric...

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A Moment Of Peace

Silence of the unspoken truth
That she longed for, the brush of your lips upon her own
Yet the coldness lingers so near
No escaping the visions that you bestowed upon her frozen breathe
and Yet here you are Motionless in your own poised devotions
screaming out her name, In your lifeless Nightmares the cold steel
that once penetrated the very being, the very essence
of her own true being


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Looking upon my soul through a looking mirror
All the little pieces falling shattered, oh how small the pieces so sharp to try and put me back together your smile so sweet as you lift me from my shallow grave dug so fresh
Where you stand casting shadows upon my flesh so white so cold

Between myself and what was my reflection upon the shattered sheets of an in a mortal being where I bleed and ...

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Your kiss fortold a thousand lies
Your touch left me wanting you more
Your passion left me without a heart
You tore me in two
But yet like the fool I was I came back for more

You left me reeling in a pain, a pain I have never felt before
The slicing through my insecurities my own demons which you enjoyed
You took the very life out of me and while my lips where still red with breathe you d...

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poor little lambs

An old man, sat with his back against a dry stone wall
That ran the entire length of a high steel ridge, over looking the river Darrent in the county of Kent.

A great swaythe of red poppies, the soldiers flower covered several acres of the ridge
And besides the poppies, a great cross had been cut out of the chalk that lay only inches beneath the soil.

The old man was a survivor, one of the...

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the great war

The Cause Of My Sorrows

You trouble me like the autumn wind.
Which leaf by leaf, Strips the tree's bare
Leaving only the possibility of a tomorrow
If memories were like the leaves
Blown away by an idle breeze
Then I could Dismiss you and your memory
and leave you to decay"

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Faith Vortex

Irresistible compulsion, fearful
drawing, fulcrum searching. Treading
backward the onward pulling tides flow.

Fall rising, high tide low.
Ephemeral joy, ephemeral acceptance
Eternally desiring to be drawn
From disputing logical hesitation

Mathews Gospel Mark, Nietcher
Light or Dark
Eleusis secret kept, ear of corn
wafer host.

Mithras light, Jesus cup and pain
Burial resurrection,...

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The Mighty Hood

Down so deep there are no bones
flesh and bone dissolve like clay
leather lingers but the wood decays
Even the steel our riveted bulwark
melts away.

We were the pride, the far flung Bastian
of our own race. But born of another age
all our proud armour was decayed .

One moment laughter to keep the spirits up
then the darkness and the tilting deck
The sound of rushing water. then the n...

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Human Body

A hand reached out , and smothered the candles flame.
and the darkness filled the temples hall
The new Gods priests departed.
Leaving the abandoned Gods home desolate
Desolate but for an old man
who looked upon God's Image and sighed
And the sun sank down , beyond Parnassus
And Phoebus , departed the vale
Leaving the Judean in his triumph.

My body can take me no further
The strength th...

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If I could recreate today.
those yesterdays which have slipped away
would the resurrection, of the past, our hearts elate
Or would we despite our love
Stumble over the same bitter mistake
Embedded in clay
the spirit hides
burning in earthly purgatory fires
to cleanse the soul
from vain desires
And silent lips are wise
shush now embracing your own mortality

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free falling

when you free fall
crashing burning and worlds collide you may lust for your hunger in me
you may try to control the urge to lunge for me
what ever you maybe without the security of my loving arms keeping you close
putting your hand in mine
when you crumble before me clinging longing to be torn apart biting your lip will not help you my sweet
for you have fallen into the darkness of your own...

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through tainted glass

You see, I'm not like those other girls
I am chaotic, Psychotic, the quietness in your silence... I am the one that thrives for the taste of painful pleasures You wouldn't survive my wicked Bite!
Make Me crawl, make Me beg, make Me plead really!!
Make me want you, Make me Hurt, Make it hurt! Can you make Me Bleed
The only thing I'm wanting is for me to be bleeding
From your dangerous kiss


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