I serched in many objects,
In many ways
to find peace.
I searched even in your heart.
wealth ! fame ! charm !
All fade or prove fragile.
Then I closed my eyes and
Keep my hand near my heart.
And talked with myself.
The spring came from within
A pure bliss !
I was a fool in deed
to keep distance from myself.
Tuesday 7th July 2020 3:53 pm
It has been long,so long
since you depart.
I was afraid my teardrops
could tear me apart.
It like a desert,
only dryness and thorns.
I plodded the letters
yellowish and almost torn.
One day a storm came,
and went insane.
I could not help letting me off.
then came rain.
The wound healed somewhat,
I am running away far.
There comes rain to
adore my scar.
...Sunday 5th July 2020 5:52 pm
And You...
How exquisite you are !
I get numb to think.
Your eyes-
unfathomable, unavoidable.
I am wretched,
lost in wilderness.
You engrossing beauty
appears as an oasis.
I know you are beyond
my withered fate.
I run behind the jack-o-lantrn.
Thats is my joy,my search,my work.
Dear,just reside in my memory:
more powerful, more careful and
wealthier than me.
Saturday 4th July 2020 7:17 pm
There Will be a Time
There comes a time
when the tiny sapling will be a tree
ignoring all sighs,wounds and strom.
If you wish ,come and sit
under its shade.
There will be time when
we tide over the vortex.
There must be a time when
live to the fullest extent again.
Hold you fist tight and welcome
the sobs and pains now.
Tomorrow we shall sing again.
Sunday 28th June 2020 7:56 pm
An Enmity !
I have an enmity with rain,
She comes and play outside,
She laughts with the rustle of leaves.
I got afraid,angry.
Those splash reminds those days
when I drenched a lot.
And now I am robbed by the cruel hand of time.
O Time,O Fate!
I adore the raindrops on the window pane,
And curse her loudly.
And curse all.
Saturday 27th June 2020 7:10 pm
And we walked a lot,
lots of laughter and fun.
Suddenly I stumbled and fell down.
I turned back
And there was none!
Thursday 25th June 2020 5:23 pm
Mystic Pain
There is no pain to see
my words sinking into the abyss of time.
Should I pity myself !
O readers !pour your fresh raindrops..
And there was none.
How fool I was to pity myself !
Nay,I adore my words, wreath of lines.
the readers,the audience,the listeners -
you are so mingy over the years.
Buy I must not.
I will cry out and recite all my lines
to all the trees,ai...
Saturday 20th June 2020 5:45 pm
A Tale You Know
"Come in the shadow
And get lost.
Here lights glare my eyes
I can not see you clearly.
Colourful lights eclipse beauty.
Come in the shade.
We can make our bower here,
little may be."
And you depareted...
This is a tale you know and I should.
I can see the patches of dazzling lights
all over you.
Monday 15th June 2020 7:15 pm
Being a poet
Its no pain
to be ignored,
to be unsung,
to be unread.
If you are poet and have true passion
for the melody of joys and sorrows
You know how to swallow them.
That why you are a poet
not a fiction writer.
I chew every sighs and winks well,
And digesting everyday.
And YOU ??
Saturday 13th June 2020 5:33 pm
The rain is falling,
the raindrops kissing my window pane.
I can see your blur face.
I can feel you footstep
on the narrow lange.
The wet moon perhaps
waving hands,
Why my lovelorn heart is so fool !
dragging me on and on
towards the hidden quicksand.
I know but I step out,
The withered leaves and none.
Yet I came down,
just to find the shadow of solitude.
Friday 12th June 2020 5:28 pm
Evening melts into the
furnace of my memory.
Who cares !
The birds make their way
to their nest.
The darkness comes bare footed
And whispers into my ear.
It reminds me of the bygone days.
The loner lucifer waving hands.
The unkempt hair of breeze
touches my face.
Then comes tears,
The world is calm and tranquil.
Tuesday 9th June 2020 2:51 pm
Ignorance! phew
I digested it well ago.
All your embroidered emotions
don't catch me now-a-days.
Pain ! wow
I befriended it long ago.
We chat everyday.
Indifference ! hurrah
I celebrate it often.
Just never talk of love,
It tears me apart.
Monday 8th June 2020 6:18 pm
Dear Love,
Even after some unremovable
scar marks,
I still crave for your love.
The painful wound is no past
but love can heal.
So why hatred?
Dear Love,
come again in any form.
Wednesday 27th May 2020 5:24 pm
The last withered cherry bud
promised to return and bloom.
I adore the tree.
And coax her.
I believe it will come and
bloom to a smiling cherry blossom
Tuesday 26th May 2020 5:57 pm
Time to learn
You can grow a lot,
you can change some rules.
Or modify as per your taste.
But you can not exceed your own shadow.
Nature bounces back.
Its time to learn again the alphabets,
to bow and to surrender.
Sunday 19th April 2020 10:04 am
Time is all,
dutiful,punctual,unforgiving and parsimonious.
travels a premeditated journey.
In between we watch tennis matches,
and controlled by the adrenaline.
Match ends,clappings do.
We grovel for own unkempt bed.
It was too predestined.
Thursday 20th February 2020 6:20 pm
The footpaths buzz with the sobs of
oppression and
dead letters of love.
Every lamppost knows it.
Just a man with a normal blood pressure
tends to forget.
Love,hunger,hatred and so ons
dime at a shabby hotel.
The lamppost and murky hoardings know all.
Wednesday 19th February 2020 6:00 pm
Mirrors are lying,
be aware !
You are hiding ,
You are avoiding,
You are befooling yourself.
There are mirrors called love,care and empathy.
Look through them.
You can not escape from you.
Tuesday 18th February 2020 5:57 pm
Today is the best time to keep silence.
And yesterday was the best time to keep silence.
I am sure tomorrow will be the best time to keep silence.
Its a deluxe habit,
A tricky formula invented long long ago.
Follow the rules and live with sophistication.
If you can not
Then ask for a cyclone,
not for any soothing breeze.
Tuesday 4th February 2020 7:37 pm
Ignore my halty words,
My pain tinged sorrow.
My words are too lucid...
too funny ....
I know.
Then you are ignoring
Your very own-
And a part of yours may be.
So, I have to agree its no poem at all,
at all.
Thursday 30th January 2020 5:11 pm
There comes a time,
when withered leaves and flowers
begin to rot after days of being unloved.
They rot over the weeks
and assimilate with the soil.
A tiny seed falls somehow.
Once in a morning,
a seedling peeps its out of the soil
and takes the kisses of Sun.
And promises to be a tree at all costs.
Sunday 26th January 2020 2:41 pm
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