Must We Be Merry at Christmas
We can't all be merry at Christmas
For some folk a smile just won't last
They bravely play on, into injury time
Dodging ghosts of Christmases past
Merry Christmas to all Write Out Louders, have the best of times you can.
Saturday 24th December 2022 4:22 pm
Trees in Winter
In winter, trees undress slowly, discretely
Allowing their leaves, to subtly reveal new colour
Growing darker, shrivelling, shrinking
Until, when they can hold on no longer
They fall, carving a slow path through the air
Drifting, making patterns. Which joining,
become one design of early winter shades
Settling on the earth, a natural carpet
Branches are left star...
Monday 19th December 2022 8:09 pm
The Story Teller
At midday, a man,
Tall in stature, noble of bearing
Made his way into the village Inn
He wore a coat decorated
With feathers and patches
Took a seat by the fire
and asked for bread and water
He had no money
But said that he would tell a story
At first the company laughed
At his suggestion
Until, he raised his head
Turned his dark and
Bewitching eyes u...
Monday 12th December 2022 8:03 pm
Late Knight Shopping
Late Knight Shopping
When the gallant, valiantly
Do battle with the crowds
Wednesday 30th November 2022 7:50 pm
All Hallow's Moon
The moon at Halloween
In adolescent phase
Filled out a little
Tilting back on its heels
Draped with pale grey
Cobwebs of clouds
On a sky of light pumpkin
Shining down, with a secret grin
Monday 31st October 2022 4:52 pm
The Nation Bids its Queen Farewell
The immaculate hearse
Noses its way forward
To meet the crowds
Within its protection
A coffin fashioned of English oak
Draped with the Royal Standard,
The noonday sun and sadness
This would be the final journey
One of committal; for our Queen
Deeply loved, honoured and respected
The route lined with loyal subjects
Their faces lined with tears
Wednesday 21st September 2022 8:38 pm
The Poet She is Fierce
At the beginning you were all that I wanted
Charming, innocent, self-effacing
Each phrase chosen with such thought and care
Each word immaculately turned out
Precisely placed upon the page
Every stanza neatly stacked, in logical order
I was seduced by your beauty
You drew me in to your world of words
Controlled me with language
Dazzled me with rhetoric and hyperbole
Thursday 8th September 2022 8:30 pm
# Upside
# Upside
The river is up
Fresh in the morning air
Skies are vast, open
Clear, cloud-free, azure, stunning
Boats rest gently, nudging against the water
Masts, pert in the sunshine
Cast long reflections
Reaching out into forever
Wednesday 10th August 2022 8:42 pm
Summer Rain
Summer Rain
When the much prayed for summer rain falls
It is scant and meanly given
A few fine drops, sprinkled from the skies
Last longer on the window pane
Than they do on the ground
The earth can only crack
And turn to fine powder
In reply
Friday 29th July 2022 5:43 pm
When the World Grew Weary
There came a day
When the world grew weary
When the sands of time
Were finally running out
The sun had lost its sparkle
Could no longer rise in the morning and shine
But hid behind the clouds
Which had themselves
Become dull, grey and sad
Groups of people had protested
For many years about many things
Each one of them, hoping to change the world
Until they too, ...
Wednesday 13th July 2022 6:05 pm
Walking In The Wonder Of Midsummer Day
The morning light is bright, expectant
Footsteps echo, voices are soft
Riverside homes wait quietly
Behind pots of vibrant summer flowers
Banks of grey mud, gleam
Reflecting silvered sunshine
A woodland underworld opens
Inviting the traveller into its kingdom
To shelter beneath a leafy tree-made bower
Sharp noonday sun filters through
A moving cover of green
Friday 24th June 2022 9:15 pm
Vast oceanic presence
You reign above us
An ever-changing canopy of colour
Choreographer of clouds
Transmitter of rain
Carrier of weather
And wearer of rainbows
You are the queen
Who governs our days
Wednesday 25th May 2022 8:34 pm
Hope is the thing which tethers
Anchors us in a disintegrating world
When we are lost in the darkness
And all has turned to ashes
It rises like dust and smoke
From smouldering remains
It grows from the kindness
And friendship of strangers
The hand held out across
An insurmountable distance
The force that drives us forwards
Into a future that maybe u...
Friday 13th May 2022 5:06 pm
The Hawthorne Tree at Night
The night time air grows still, chilled
The sun now well below the horizon
Children lie snugly in tidy beds and cots
Quiet, slumbering from a day of work and play
Grown-ups nod in the firelight’s glow
A ginger cat toasts his whiskers
Draped across the hearth
Like a discarded feather boa
Outside the black tom cat
Spits at a lone rust-coated fox
Who prowls its...
Friday 29th April 2022 8:52 pm
The April Pink Full Moon
On the day of the April full moon
Named for the moss pink flower
As the night lengthens
The moon’s glow will grow stronger
The sky will fill with brightness
Drenching the earth with light
Heralding the coming of spring
Moving the seasons onwards
Harmonising the earth
With the phases of the moon
Sunday 17th April 2022 7:58 pm
Bitter April Winds
Bitter April Winds
That winter
While the West
Waged a War against Covid
The East prepared
For a War against its neighbours
The wind was bitter that spring
Chilling, cutting like a scythe
Across cold, hard land
Carrying a message, a warning
Which arrived too late
The wind became a force
Which brought anger
Violence, greed and hatred
It was cruel, inhumane
...Saturday 9th April 2022 5:51 pm
The Ferryman
Will you be the ferryman?
Will you take the helm?
Will you steer the cautious?
To an unknown land
When the sea grows wild
When a harsh wind roars
When the boat is rocking
Will you take the oars?
When a fragile cargo
Fearful of their journey
Grows both tired and weary
Will you give them cheer?
On that final journey
When alone I stand
Will you...
Thursday 24th March 2022 11:53 am
Stay With Me
Stay With Me
Stay with me in the dark hours
When the world grows still
Be at my side
When there is only silence
Take my hand
When I feel lonely and lost
Steer me towards the light
Lead me home
Monday 14th March 2022 4:17 pm
The Western World Watches
The western world watches
With a heavy heart
While Ukraine grows weary
With an unwanted war
We wait and wish for peace
For freedom for all
Send what we can
We stand with Ukraine
Tuesday 8th March 2022 5:47 pm
The Bitter Night of the Soul
The Bitter Night of the Soul
A large full moon
Bathes the earth
Giving shape to fields and hedges
Defining roads and buildings
All is closing for the night
Growing still, quiet in the darkness
There are no fierce flashes of light
There are no sudden explosions
People do not run, in fear
Children are not crying
Calling for their mothers
In the churchyard
Of a...
Sunday 27th February 2022 12:29 pm
The Wild Winds of Spring
The Wild Winds of Spring
That spring
A wild wind blew
Which stirred the land
Shaking the trees until
Twigs and branches
Rained upon the ground
Crisp dry leaves were lifted
High into the air
Where they danced or fell
To skitter crabwise
Across pavements
Then hid in doorways
For shelter
Friday 25th February 2022 1:55 pm
The Night of the Flaming Beacons
The Night of the Flaming Beacons
We could see the flames
From our carriage on the road
Huge beacons blazed
Drenching the driveway with light
A crumbling, neglected mansion
Slowly flickering back to life
Clutching large capes
Peering out
From our masks
We walked forward
Uncertainly, cautiously
Ascending crumbling steps
Passing through a massive da...
Monday 21st February 2022 5:27 pm
Number 3 Curlington Mews
In a quiet corner of London
Behind St. Bartholomew Square
Just beyond the reaches of theatreland
Where the curious still come to peruse
You will find Curlington Mews
It’s now only rarely frequented
Is small and known to but few
Out of view, shrouded in shadows
Where the lamplight tends to diffuse
Is number 3 Curlington Mews
Its owner, she was quite a beauty
...Wednesday 16th February 2022 6:26 pm
February leads the spring
Pulling sharp spears of green
Clear of the vestiges of winter
Leaving behind decaying remnants
Wreaths of pale dried grasses
Which drape and skirt hedgerows
Edge the trunks of mature trees
Gather damply in shady field corners
The dark months give way
To growth and renewal
February takes the season forwa...
Sunday 13th February 2022 1:01 pm
Why Am I Here?
Once upon a time
There was an ordinary woman
Who lived an ordinary life
She married, had a family
Was a quiet, compliant wife
Then, quite suddenly, her husband
Of many years, grew ill and died
It was a time of shock and sadness
But she was brave and strong
Struggling on, in life’s injury time
A friend, a mum a grandma
All was well, until she changed, bec...
Wednesday 9th February 2022 2:57 pm
Painting the Day in Rhyme
Winter sunrise, at dawn emerging
Paints the sky azure and rose
Behind the mist with mellow softness
Morning daylight spreads and grows
Through a day that’s full and busy
In hedge and field, tree and sky
Nature toils and works its magic
Doing more than man might try
Close to dusk a new moon rises
While the sun drops out of sight
Birdsong quietens, roosting beckons
Saturday 5th February 2022 8:37 pm
The Beauty of Moss
You grow so cleverly
In the damp winter air
Elegantly dressing logs, branches and twigs
In sleeves of deep verdant green
Fashioned of velvet, so soft and comely
Only to be casually abandoned
Scattered across the woodland floor
Left alone, to glow then fade
As might discarded accessories,
of the most sartorial
Who would wear only garments
Created and fitted b...
Thursday 3rd February 2022 6:04 pm
The Turbulent Sea
The Turbulent Sea
It began when the moon
Poured its light onto a still ocean
Stirring the waves
Commanding they rush to the shore
Pushing and tumbling over stones
Drenching the shingle, the beach
Coating and soaking every coarse grain of sand
Then suddenly, pulling sharply backwards,
Dragging all beneath the bubbling, frothing waters
Turning, twisting, tumbling
...Saturday 29th January 2022 4:29 pm
Winter mornings
wake silvered white
Lawns are slivers
of spiked grass
Frosted opaque windows
Ice coated pavements
Feet stamp,
sliver and slide
Frozen ponds are
panes of glass
Icicles hang dagger-like,
then drip in the thaw
Cars stall, trains halt
Buses are snowed in
Winter, when sometimes
Everything stops
And time sta...
Wednesday 26th January 2022 5:13 pm
When the day has grown still
And the sun slowly dipped
below the horizon
Darkness can then descend
To lay a blanket across the night
Silence settles softly upon the day
Falling with the lightness of snow
Filling the gaps in conversation
Bringing its own peace to the world
Saturday 22nd January 2022 6:33 pm
Nostalgia is:
Lingering in a warm bath of memories
Feeling the past slowly trickle back into the soul
Arriving at a place inhabited by those,
Whom fate has decreed, to have become strangers
Revisiting what is normally out of time, out of reach
Luxuriating in the nearness and warmth of remembered love
Nostalgia is family, wrapped in soft shades of familiari...
Tuesday 18th January 2022 6:19 pm
By the Light of the Wolf Moon
The Wolf Moon was up, the skies clear and chilled
Deep in the woods that January night
There was snow on the ground and spirits abroad
Low down in the vegetation, pairs of eyes looked out, glowing
A gaunt figure moved forward, his dark cape billowing out
Tall trees parted their bare branches to allow his passage
Underfoot, twigs snapped and leaves crackled as he walked
Monday 10th January 2022 6:14 pm
New Year's Day Tanka
Skies wear warm pastels
Pinks, blues, shot through with honey
Pale grey clouds drift by
The colours carry promise
Hope for the New Year
Sunday 2nd January 2022 4:31 pm
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