Remember to Float
Remember to Float
They asked me why I do not fly,
I told them it’s not that I don’t know how too,
I just need to be closer to the earth right now.
They asked me why I do not close my eyes
I told them it’s because I see so much better when they are open
They asked me how I move so quickly
I tell them that I am pure electricity
It’s important to never get too close
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 10:47 pm
Spirit Animal
I can feel all of you writhing together
Pooling your heat
You are hot wires running through me
Electric as you cover
Your thin bodies wrapping themselves tightly
racing like wind to a wildfire
You are covering me in flame
Dangerous animals are fleeing these woods
as you turn figure eights
creating paths of orange and red
trails of yellow to b...
Thursday 12th April 2012 3:19 am
Bring me someone new fast
No wait,
Bring me someone who is fast
and maybe together we can fall
through these sleepless nights
like stars that burn out,
we will slip awkward, as we dip
fluttering like ash
we will darken the summer sky
filling it with heavy grays and whites
We will become a flash of tumbling embers,
just built to spi...
Monday 26th March 2012 12:13 am
I am surprised to hear my voice
so bold and sure of it’s self
as if it weren’t my own
and for a second there
I have to wonder.
I listen again,
There is a distant sound
of harmony and balance,
they are bleeding together
the masculine with the feminine
It is a song
...Wednesday 21st March 2012 5:56 pm
Krilian Photography
Friday 16th March 2012 6:04 am
Vertigo # 2
Vertigo #2
With each panic attack,
I disassemble,
I break apart,
like glass slivers,
I am falling all around
There is a crowded bus ride ahead,
an elevator door closing behind,
5 o’clock traffic and all it’s stillness
The train with it’s voice letting me know that once again,
“the doors are now closing”
I find you there, ...
Wednesday 14th March 2012 9:57 pm
Vertigo #1
Wednesday 14th March 2012 6:11 pm
Don't Forget
Wake up
drink it quickly,
before it’s 8:30am
and it’s to late
Qi Gong till it’s time for more medication
Qi Gong is your medication
Medication makes you come down
Take it at 10am
Take before you go up
Before you notice you’re awake
Don’t forget your medication
Take it on an empty stomach,
Friday 9th March 2012 9:10 pm
These Days
These days my body is filling up with light,
I can’t even help it
It’s happening without trying
There seems no room for darkness
My feet are extending
white roots
are growing ever
like a pair of tubers in rich soil
The universe is funneling itself through me
There is black hole forming ab...
Thursday 8th March 2012 10:58 pm
I’m on fire
A burning bed ignites me
I sleep
so you can dream,
inside of me
I sleep so we can speak
I do not try when I’m awake
What would I say?
I’m sorry?
I’m on fire
In my sleep
with you
wrapped up inside of me
The wishing tree waits
So I wish,
and when I wish
I wish th...
Wednesday 7th March 2012 11:14 pm
Postcard Perfect
Post Card Perfect
It was New Years Eve
when you dipped me.
You leaned in for a kiss.
I should have known then that eventually you'd drop me.
the snow fell all around
a sailor and a nurse.
After the war had ended,
she stopped bandaging his wounds,
he bellied up to a bar
the photographed just faded away.
Wednesday 7th March 2012 8:50 am
Green Grass
Just so You Know
The day you left,
it rained for three fucking days
and man,
you still wouldn't wash away.
So I prayed out loud to the girls
with more grass
than that green grass
that we used to make love in.
I waited there sea sick,
in sea of emerald green
swaying back and forth
all around me.
Just then, the air p...
Wednesday 7th March 2012 8:35 am
It Rhymes
Girls are like tiny diamonds,
as they slip through your hand
Boys are like plasma
dripping back to the sea
Like metal they rust
You can smell them both erode
They tell me it’s the salt in the water
that makes them both corrode
Thursday 1st March 2012 5:12 am
Meridian Lines
Thursday 23rd February 2012 8:48 pm
Underwater Creature
I am an underwater creature
much faster than yourself
I am smoothed out
by the waves
your words a thousand dull lead sinkers around my neck
I can not hear you here
Here, I belong to no one,
not even myself
In fact, I do not exist
There is tranquility in nothingness,
no need for oxygen
or cigarettes
Thursday 23rd February 2012 6:13 am
Candy Apple Love
I loved you once.
Really, I did.
It was a sweet candied apple, kind of love
a legs wide open, love
a love that knew each and every one of my secrets.
Do you remember the night
that I wrote testaments across your body?
You a moonlite canvas pale as washed wool.
I dreamt mad ...
Thursday 23rd February 2012 5:50 am
Joan of Arc
(part 1)
Thursday 23rd February 2012 2:44 am
Questions I Never Asked
Eyes open,
he is somewhere farther away than I have ever been
and I am fixed upon his expression
Wednesday 22nd February 2012 11:15 pm
Sugar Revolution
Be my sugar
Monday 20th February 2012 7:38 am
She Knows
Monday 20th February 2012 7:35 am
Falling Colors
Pretty girl paints colors raw
Monday 20th February 2012 7:32 am
true love
Monday 20th February 2012 7:30 am
Some Times I Change My Mind
Sometimes I change my mind,
Monday 20th February 2012 7:28 am
Your Aquiantance
Monday 20th February 2012 7:25 am
Broken Crystals
Crystals cover the ground
They sky is covered in clouds
They say that white is the color of absence
Just like the caterpillars in the spring,
eating all the pretty leaves,
you in a swift second
blow in
stealing all the color from the sky.
Gorging yourself...
Sunday 19th February 2012 8:42 pm
Super Hero
Sunday 19th February 2012 4:11 pm
A Ribbon Cut As Red As my Heart
The California warmth has left my bones.
Saturday 18th February 2012 3:45 am
Stand back
and let me rise.
Or each glance I throw
will burn through you
like grapefruit acid
spit in both eyes.
I can no longer take the heat,
I am dissipating like the clouds that form each morning
above the Willamette River.
Each morning they are torn apart
and left to there own foolishness.
Soon I too will be an apparition
and you will be pawing at the ea...
Saturday 18th February 2012 3:39 am
Fireflies in Glass Jars
Fireflies in Glass Jars
I wonder about you sometimes,
So…. I have to keep my distance
I don’t always return the phone calls
Or get in touch the way I use to
You see,
Just like fucking strange men
Or sleeping in abandon cars
You my friend,
are not good for me.
You bring me back to who I used to be
An almost extinguis...
Friday 17th February 2012 7:34 pm
Word Experiment Three is up. Have fun. i think this one is gonna be a challenge for me, but I can't wait to see what the rest of you come up with. Here it goes.
Monday 13th February 2012 6:29 am
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