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Tags from last 12 months

eyes (1) beauty (1) EMOTIONAL POETRY (1)

My Body, My Mind

Locking up my body
Speeding up my mind
Frozen in the bed you made
While the head you infected
Continues to rewind
And replay
The tape
Seeing through someone else's eyes
My body, my mind

I'm controlled by contradictions
But I can't help breaking down
A robot going through the motions
A child feeling all too much
I don't feel real
I wish I wasn't real
Nothing makes sense

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry

That's what I'm supposed to say
I'm sorry?
For what I don't know
It wasn't my fault
It wasn't me who did this awful thing
I was just a pawn
I was a thing
I was used
But here I am apologizing to you
I wanted to be all you think I am
The one you always trusted
The one you could depend on
To be okay
To never stray from the good path you la...

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Wide eyed gaze
And lusty lashes
"You and those doe eyes"
He'd say
Before he hunted
And feasted

In my eyes, what did he see?
Shades of browns and yellows?
Hues of blues and greens? 
The girl of all his dreams? 
Someone he could love?
An angel from above?
Or did he only see himself?

A hunter on attack
Hoping to fulfill some predatory promise
Sensing a weakness
Smirking at the bre...

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