The cracks in the wall remind me of you,
Their tiny twisting fingers like veins,
winding up through plaster and
Pressing unwanted gifts into a sweaty palm,
Until spider web constructions
slip their strings to the floor,
only to shatter and unveil
their bodies caked in blackness.
The trailer slumps in a brown-green field,
Its frame in pieces behind
Broken nets o...
Monday 17th December 2018 6:14 pm
Smashed frames
I wish upon the stars of
Your coveted mind,
Covered in cobwebs of thoughts
Avoiding mine,
Wishful thoughts asking why they exist,
Passive buoys raise bodies to surfaces
Stained with your words,
Remarks as fleeting as dotted stars,
Mapping the route to treasure
Never buried.
Beneath the sand sinks hope and glory,
Born with teeth as thick as mountain walls,
Silver water gleaming
Saturday 16th June 2018 9:52 pm
The red river
She pulls a shawl with porous tears around her shoulders,
shivers of trivial advances by cloaked men in all
The colours of her nightmares;
Consigning to herself in comfort,
The falsities of their words ,
She tugs at the sagging skin from her face,
Worn elastic band strands that
Had not been there last time she checked,
Overlooked by suffocating clacks of red heels on tarmac...
Monday 11th June 2018 5:56 pm
She watches the walls
Breathing in
Grey reflections,
Spitting out shrouded giants
With elongated hands,
Grasping their shoulders,
Shuddering, she wonders
How they fail to notice
Their surroundings.
Stepping out from the walls
Like monkey bars at the play park,
Swinging from one step to
The next, not knowing
What is beneath them.
Drops of crumbled rocks
...Sunday 10th June 2018 2:42 pm
Bones shatter into
Splintering pieces,
Droplets of darkness fall
From the ceiling.
Evaporation of thoughts
Disintegrating downwards
Towards pores of stalling traffic,
Air, breath, breaking
Walls down
With overwhelming noiselessness
Creeping furtively
Onto your back
Stacking weights of widening
Cinder blocks bit by
Biting wind reminds you of
...Sunday 10th June 2018 2:28 am
nonsensical senses
Church bells echo through landlocked corridors,
Wandering in wasted spirits
Whose silhouettes
Stop at the crossroads, watching
Thatched houses burn from the roof down,
etching grooves as deep as the ocean floor, forcing
falling debris into forgotten holes.
The needle spins as they draw a breath,
Baiting you to hold yours,
Waiting to witness the next direction,
more un...
Monday 21st May 2018 5:20 pm
who fucking cares
Stygian water is filling over the sides of the tub,
Bathing me in nothing but blackness
For so long, it is no trouble to feel my way
Through darkness, wetness soaking my cheeks
Like an unmovable stain,
cannot feel
The sun rays, memories
playing on blades of glass beneath my feet.
I know nothing anymore,
Not of you, not of joy
Not of anything,
anywhere to chase,
...Monday 21st May 2018 1:12 am
the pain is ours
Fingers interlocked in never promises,
Hair-lifting breath on my neck whispering love on
a carousel, plane ticket tucked in pockets, we
watch the maps split in half,
Countours broaden on two sides
Standing, overlooking stomach dropping
cliff heights, chalky white walls stained
with fingernails down its sides,
exhilaration does not exist in this scene.
Broken seas
Friday 18th May 2018 9:12 pm
Worldly views
Wishbones break through tree-top laughter,
water fountains
Adorned with gargoyles
Glaring their demonic eyes at
The garden gnomes,
Golden shells of fish skin
glint indigo flashes in the gaps of their smiles,
Droplets of water collect in the open
Mouths of grassy stalks.
Haggard rags hang off her shoulder
with eyes refracting slivers of light
which reach nothi...
Sunday 13th May 2018 10:40 pm
thoughts of you
Plastic detritus wraps itself round
waving legs of jellyfish,
hidden in virulent breaths of
the ocean, floating through
patches of matted hair,
caught in metal teeth.
Innocent flowers
diminish and decay,
melt into nothing,
too far away to feel
lamenting cries lost families,
howls and hounds
choke and die in the black air
of factory fo...
Sunday 13th May 2018 1:41 pm
Daytime TV
Listless eyes roam over the ripples of despair,
Staring back at his, hers blushing at his laughter which is,
Half-hearted, half-bored,
like she's an afternoon omnibus,
Performance only enough to keep half of his atttention
on those trembling lips, whispering
Something incomprehensible, which you know is only,
thinly veiled pleading, pleasing you that it is
Your feet she ha...
Sunday 13th May 2018 12:42 pm
Follow first from the faded curtains: blue, green and red, with frayed edges,
Lazily exhaling cold breaths of air like their last words, before
Looking onto creaking floorboards,
A luminescent pathway to the door, their light source
Several small scorch marks, marching in twos,
Too-large outlines of size twelves shoes that,
Have been so fruitlessly, scrupulously scrubbed, with
...Saturday 12th May 2018 12:32 pm
Two minutes in, the symptoms start:
Sweaty palms, racing heart,
Shadows that dart across walls, and I catch
Them in the corner of my eye before
they disappear.
Nothing, something, nothing is there.
Head jolts, body shudders, skin begins crawling
Into itself. There
are creaks on the stairs.
Breathe in.
three. Feel
My heart beating heavy rhythms so ha...
Tuesday 8th May 2018 9:08 pm
Apologies are never on time
That Night You relapsed, Collapsed into yourself,
I wish you knew;
How your family called, left unanswered voicemails, Or
Remembered your dog, waiting by his bowl,
Gnawing your empty slipper,
Clawing at bedsheets that smelled too old.
That night You put in more poison to ease the burn,
With chemicals playing toxic tunes on your turntables,
Did you guess that would fix th...
Monday 7th May 2018 1:16 am
five minutes of my head typing
I wish that I could Grasp onto some of that
Self-confidence, which so strongly seeps out of me,
Know how to harness it,
Instead of wondering where it comes from,
Wishing people might believe me when I said
that i am scared, and alone with my wretched thoughts
which only clone themselves, over and over
in twisted mutations of their original forms,
wishing they ...
Sunday 6th May 2018 12:24 am
Today I was reminded of you again;
the stain of your lips on my cheek seemed
Darker than normal.
I traced a hand over it, pretending
It was yours,
But my frozen touch will never,
Feel so warm.
Today I thought it was time
to forget those sores,
like you'd ever let me. You
love instead to hook me in, with that look in
Your eye, that pulled so many toward you
Saturday 5th May 2018 9:12 pm
night time
The dreams seep back again,
The ones you know all too well, where
I am screaming, so hard, that waking is as easy
as having no choice. Throat too,
Wasted away, soaked by my own sadness, stopping it
breathing, and I
lose myself along with my voice.
The drink was in my mouth before I had
The chance to turn it down, ground myself, twist my head
The right way ...
Friday 4th May 2018 7:26 pm
too many thoughts today
Loss lingers on your breath like cigarette smoke,
Back bent beneath a frame, almost unable
to carry its own shame anymore.
There are no burning cinders to revive, to try
Stoke in that
Burnt-out fire, feeling its way through smoke
That rose years ago, but still throws you
forwards, and downwards and makes you
On your own insincerity, which is barely even aware
Friday 4th May 2018 1:13 pm
Some nights, brief glimmers
roll over and reappear, displaying pink bellies of times,
Where the world walked hand in hand
by, in unblinking steps,
by step, feet sinking slowly like sand,
into a ground which is swallowing them whole.
And my fear of falling, letting the grains
suck in my feet like shackles, is all but forgotten
in the face of feeling something again,
for t...
Friday 4th May 2018 11:19 am
sense of nothing
You tickled me with your eyes, blinked
feather-light touches which
made my stomach clench.
when you said it was
Goodbye, and the laughter
I had to rinse your sight from memory, watch
it slide
down the drain, as an
engagement ring, fallen in the...
Friday 4th May 2018 11:04 am
a thought
"It's not you..
It's me,
Sitting on the shoulders of this tumbling giant,
To believe that the rocks at the
Bottom won't,
rip me apart by the seams.
It is not you, waving coarse words which are,
Wondering if you could...
Friday 4th May 2018 10:33 am
She stands in a puddle with
No shoes on her feet, umbrella inside out, still
skirting the street. Cobbled rocks gleam
black diamond dams,
She stands, hand raised and smiling
So sweetly a greeting, with jeans
dark, hair dripping black tears so terribly those
Trees beating their trunks stop
for a second, so solemn and
Lose the leaves of their years. They thud,
she splas...
Thursday 2nd March 2017 6:18 pm
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