November hymn : a song without notes
"Looks like its hot for good." said the obligated and fatherly weatherman, tucked beneath my arm.
Cold mornings and cold nights bare the apropriate signiature of a month with so much "Im sure." attatched to it.
Hot mid days strangled by the seatbelt-jacket paradox seem to find a way to discomfort the driver until he wrestles the sweat off without clogging up the 5.
Post work parking spot...
Friday 4th November 2016 1:35 pm
Tell the Whistling Cowboy to Stop
They asked me to tell the Whistling Cowboy to stop.
And so I aproached and took of my hat.
He whistled down at his drink.
I reached out to pat his shoulder, to get his attention.
He bent a note and cocked his head.
He couldnt see me, and the bar was loud so he couldnt hear me.
'Quit whistlin'' I said withdrawing my hand.
He hit three staccato notes, all the same.
'Listen th...
Saturday 9th July 2016 11:02 am
Sometimes theres a Guy.
Sometimes theres a guy and he totally sees it all right,
Sometimes theres a guy and he totally sees it all wrong,
Sometimes theres a fridged air,
Missing the mark cause it's pointed nowhere,
Sometimes your totally wrong,
But alright.
Tuesday 21st June 2016 11:38 am
Spectacular to some,
The crowd who can't cum,
Not for a shortfall
But just cause they're bummed.
A joke for the jester,
Who cant help but laugh,
Not by wit or by humor
But for things cut in half.
A page for the author,
Who cant write a word,
Not for lacking at trying
But for missing his herd.
A song for the singer,
Who bends every note,
For ...
Saturday 7th May 2016 1:17 pm
Pen to the paper asshole,
Prints to the keys,
Smoke two packs more
And then laugh while you wheeze.
Eyes on the screen dick head,
Mind in the past,
Make what came first
Be the most tangible last.
Feet on the brick shit head,
Pain in the ass,
Drink yourself silly
And then stomach the gasp.
Thank those around Fucker,
Kneel to the mild,
For the bed in your mi...
Friday 6th May 2016 1:18 pm
Every day I push myself through this world
Bending and creaking
Ejecting splinters so small
Not even I can see them.
Every month I pull the wiry wigged head
Of humanity's shine to its own bastardization
Closer to my breast
Hoping its nuzzle will be less coarse.
Every pay day it feels soft,
For a moment
Then looks up at me with wooden teeth
And coughs...
Friday 29th April 2016 2:06 pm
I have a hope,
A feeling so specific it can't be named
The shape is a border
Of its definition.
When my employer owes me a check,
Or two,
There is an anger more accurate than
The fruit of frustration.
This well cooked and repeated hatred
Grows more fragrant with each day the pay period
Has lapsed,
Until the vision of passing a check across the counter fucks off
Saturday 23rd April 2016 12:21 pm
Looking to teach a class
thinking about doing an after school thing at my old high school to get kids into poetry and let them know how important it really is. Any tips?
Friday 22nd April 2016 9:17 am
That Road Don't Come
That Road dont come
From the end of the barrel,
Of a gun.
That road dont come
From the
"Get down"
Before you run.
That road dont come
From the Nigger who lost his name,
To a color.
That road dont come
From a fenced off,
Narrow place assigned to you,
And not me.
So look at the silly walls,
Through dark eyes, in a dark face,
And look at your own body,
...Thursday 10th March 2016 1:05 pm
See what you can do.
Pull it off and dont worry about the dried,
Almost iron adhesive
You left behind.
Not as an adhesive,
But as an unshapeley statue crafted in honor
of your laziness,
And lack of fore-thought.
Thursday 10th March 2016 11:43 am
It Was to be the Tale of Heroes
He took out his pen,
He put it to paper.
He ran out of ink,
Writing his name.
Tuesday 23rd February 2016 11:45 am
In Not So Many Words
In Not So Many Words
I apologize for the poetry about poetry,
The writing about writing,
The waiting for the sake
Of waiting.
But isn’t there something in the broken punctuation,
Of words un-written,
Erased without hitting the glow we now consider the page?
The clash of pride against an ancient stone of:
“This is how it is.”,
Breaks with an obvious rhyt...
Saturday 20th February 2016 11:36 am
Fuck It Why Not
Touch the fucking stove again,
I dare you.
I fear the burn my dear,
For you,
But I salivate at the thought of your knowing wince,
Your tearful eye,
Your red white and blue being hung out to dry.
Just do it already,
Lets all just agree,
Let the jester be king so the blind can then see.
Tuesday 2nd February 2016 1:06 pm
Bit, Healed, Itchy not Bleeding
It bit
It healed
It's itchy not bleeding.
You fought
You yield
Your desperate
And pleading.
"Goodness my boy! you’re wrapped up in trouble!
Let me tend to that wound, take a knee by this rubble."
So you angled your limb and you opened your mind,
To a man who seemed simple, and honest,
And kind.
"It doesn’t hurt much but it itches instead,
Inconvenienced, anno...
Thursday 7th January 2016 1:16 pm
Sick, Sweet, Dark Cave.
Show me
to my sick
dark cave.
The cave where dreams stab at the clumsy waking mind.
Where the wounded and forgetful sleep crow is welcome and not mauled,
by the growling brown beast of perceived consciousness.
In the day I walk-
confident in the ground beneath my feet.
Falsely sure of the surrounding wood, predictable and ancient.
When I...
Sunday 6th December 2015 12:31 pm
Tow Truck II
I fucked up and you said it better.
An idiot with the hard copy
I've spent so long trying to print.
You fucked up and looked into rumor.
An open mind without the screen door
you worked not so hard
to avoid.
"Thanks for the ride."
"Take it easy man."
Thanks for the poem dummy.
Thanks for the fare white boy.
He knew what he was talking a...
Sunday 6th December 2015 12:08 pm
Do it Again
You're a bloodthirsty hedonist
Mocked by your work
With your toil aboard
And your pension to shirk
All the blood thirsty thoughts
That now occupy head
As you quantify living
While praising the dead.
You pick up a hammer
While dreaming of booze
With two nails in your teeth
You're not ready to lose
And the tighter you bite
The more brittle they grow
...Wednesday 11th November 2015 12:17 pm
Eat it
Voices from our own throats never tasted old enough.
Voices from our past never felt warm enough, or anything less than dead and respected.
Voices from the maw of a peer never felt heavy enough. It was still on the air, floating without the gravity of backwards corporeal consequence.
But now we're older.
Not old.
Not wise.
But older.
Maybe these half young throats si...
Wednesday 14th October 2015 8:51 am
The Mountain Poet
The mountain poet who climbs hills,
The Buddhist poet who cant sit still,
The writer who types as little as he can,
The boozehound who drinks beer.
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 1:24 pm
Heading down 395
With a head full of gold rush stories
An eye full of mountain ranges
Thursday 27th August 2015 10:32 am
Security I Guess
Help me oh please help me
I havent lost my mind
But tell me oh please tell me
Why it is so hard to find,
I havent fallen off the truck
It crushed another man,
I know the training perfectly
But never met the sand.
A lonely man you'd call me
But you are to blind to see,
Im married to a wealthy wife
Who's tied me to a tree,
The branches shake above me
And t...
Monday 10th August 2015 1:29 pm
Singing Too Loud
Dreaming of funerals
Dreaming of death
Dreaming impossible
Daydreams of theft.
Thoughts not unhappy
But hopeful and proud
Driving too slowly
Singing too loud.
Why is it sacrifice leads me to joy?
The heavy heart dragged
By the arms of a boy.
Why is it sorrow somehow leads me to laughter ?
The dreadful, dark ending
The what that comes after.
Why does the prospect of loved ones abou...
Saturday 25th July 2015 2:51 pm
dont post a poem
theres a weird pride
in your freinds voice
when he asks you not
to post
a poem
Tuesday 21st July 2015 1:42 pm
Sunday 19th July 2015 10:58 am
Are you the Cannon?
Are you the vessel?
The vein?
The path?
Are you the fuel?
The impetus?
The drive?
Are you the moral?
The whole point?
The final punctuation?
Are you the fuse?
The chasing ?
The whats next?
We wish we were the whole thing,
Beginning to end.
But we all have our place.
Saturday 27th June 2015 2:11 pm
Red White and Burbank- Deathy and the Dive
In the company of honesty, a fellow I've tried my best to keep close throughout this tale, I cannot remember how this story began. I know exactly how it ended, exactly where it gained its tittle, and the experiential DNA in which its loose and confused morale has been drawn.
So for lack of a tittle sequence, I'll start where my booze soaked memory saw fit to begin recording:
Monk, ...
Wednesday 17th June 2015 10:16 am
Come off it Icarus Baby.
Oh I've left you fucked then?
A wingless bird in its middle age squaked to a chick with eager wings.
Never pitty the flightless ones,
The fucks cant fly!
But when Grav-bound wings throw shit into the sky,
The Icarus worshiping pride trash like me cant wait,
To fall dead and burning.
I lost in your book,
But in mine,
I was born to be a missile.
Sunday 31st May 2015 2:00 pm
Whats Better?
Friday 15th May 2015 1:24 pm
What if this is all real?
Stumbling with great form,
As ready and stable as any other hungover,
Willfully sick step could be,
I caught a terrifying question
Posed to no one.
"What if this is all real?"
He was a toothless mess,
Wishing he could feel as bad as me.
Longing for the self defeating luxury of excess,
And stuck with piss stained slacks,
Feeling the true bad I thought I was complainin...
Sunday 19th April 2015 11:14 am
there go those days
washed away just like we wish they'd be.
just like we feared they'd be.
washed away just like we prayed
washed away with ignorant youth and sick greed.
"were at the crest!" we'd shout in the forest, on drugs.
"this is the gut of truth!" we'd spit with yellow teeth and bellies full of our parents booze.
"oh wisdom! teachers of the past!" we wo...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:42 am
Bad Cab, Bad Company.
Cabs in Los Angeles are a joke to the Natives
A luxury to the tourists
Unknown to the kids
Blasphemy to the drunks with wheels as true as the night theyle never remember
Too expensive for the East side trying to reach the West
Unnecessary for the West side to reach the East
Too rare to hail
Too much hassle to call
Too expensive to justify alone
Too cowardly to suggest in...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:40 am
In the Immortal Words of Bullshit- I Present to you...
In the immortal words of an unborn bullshitter,
I present to you:
The broken hammer handle.
In the drunken prose of a friendly stranger,
I pour on you:
Contents of an empty glass.
In the stuttering tattoo of a brain-dead philosopher,
I attempt to explain to you:
Once everything was nothing,
And now,
Is everything.
Then straighten...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:38 am
When You Used to Love Me, I Loved Myself.
To be read listening to: Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor Op. 23 - Allegro non troppo
When you used to love me,
I thought loved myself.
On teenage stomachs we kissed,
On old friends sheets we stabbed one another.
One knife bent and lost in a concrete river,
The other shining and clean.
Upon entry,
And retrieval.
When I used to love you,
I wasn't who...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:36 am
Mt. Washington Warzone
7 beers deep, sweating that good july sweat on a friends porch.
Redwood planks kissing the leather souls of my second hand kicks.
4 hours of fire works, illegall yet accepted pyro launched into the space between Mt washington and echo park.
We cooked these bombs up to show thanks and respect for those who gave their lives in order to make a home, a new country.
Fun ...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:34 am
It Wasn't the Distraction, But the Bother
It wasn't the sound of the train,
The constant or consistent churn of it's measured gears,
And careful path.
It wasn't the idea of an operator I couldn't understand,
With a path so plain before him,
So much weight behind him,
And so little to do.
It wasn't the half kept business hovel,
Occupied by landlords who kept their orde...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:31 am
Whiskey to Gin, Where have You Been?
Whiskey is the life of man
Whiskey from an old tin can
Rise her up from down bellow.
Stay away from me 'cause I'm in my sin.
Stay away from me 'cause I'm in my sin.
If this place gets raided, it's just me and my gin.
Don't try me nobody, oh, you will never win.
Don't try me nobody 'cause you will never win.
I'll fight the army, ...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:29 am
Im Gonna Go Until Im Not
Who the fuck could run a marathon?
What kind of psychopath does it take to remain in physical motion for so long?
My limbs have never been as strong as the rest,
As far as endurance is concerned.
I can lift
But the idea of a marathon is bullshit to me.
We run because we must.
Limits are fun to break
But some leave no v...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:27 am
A Typical Superstitious Bother
For a hunchback loudmouth with a laptop and too much to say,
Superstition is the hat
the idiot I hate
Is alway wearing.
Practical and as dictated as it can be,
Our written language can only guess
At how impractical
The Typist can be.
And how aware
And unyielding
The dumbfuck in the
"Im scared of the nothing something"
Can begin
Can continue
...Friday 6th March 2015 10:26 am
Mt. Washington Cave People
We didn't have enough money to live in a cave at the top of the hill. Up high where the waves didn't crash. Where the exhaust foam didn't break upon the sidewalk shore. Where the sand-crab-ass bottle and can hoarders were too tired and hungry to climb for the bounty of a holiday party or a tuesday night's unwarranted yet ever welcomed celebration of our ability to purchase even count boxes of beer...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:24 am
More Than A Tractor, Deeper Than the Cam
Theres a happy sad,
And some people can sing it.
Some people can paint it,
Sketch it.
Some people live it,
Not because they can,
But because they are cursed.
Because they do.
Some people learn it,
And still,
They never feel it.
Some of us feel it,
Wrecked for years,
Smiling with tears on our cheeks,
And never learn it.
I have fe...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:22 am
Show me to my Sweet, Sick, Dark Cave
Show me to my sick sweet dark cave. The cave where dreams stab at the clumsy waking mind. Where the wounded and forgetful sleep crow is welcome and not mauled, by the growling brown beast of perceived consciousness. In the day I walk- Strut- confident in the ground beneath my feet. Falsely sure of the surrounding wood, predictable and ancient. When I hunger- For nourishment, ple...
Friday 12th December 2014 9:49 am
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