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Worlds Apart (v3)

The real world is different for those born within strife,

if they are lucky they may grow to become husband or wife,

but for many, boy soldiers is what they were forced to become,

only eleven years old, yet their burden is to be carrying a gun.


How many live long enough to know that there are other ways,

within another country they wouldn't have been made military slaves.


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warslavesone world

Don't You Dare

Don't you dare lie to us about Islam 

Don't you dare say ISIS is more than just a sham

The truth is Islam is all about peace and that's a fact

The truth is ISIS has no truth at all, it's all just an act


For just like Christianity, Islam has been misused

For just like Christianity, Islam has been abused

By power seeking maniacs who speak no truth at all

There’s never been ...

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Rage On The Loose

Aggression seeps from jaundiced bones.
IS kills too many crouching in their homes
Al Queda murdered thousands in Twin Towers
the result of all those deaths is sobbing showers
the rain of tears could form a salty river to clean
out all the evil that shattered so many a dream
and in the end those fighters only ever produce
a waste of life and resources with rage on the loose…

Wake up you d...

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Lining The Pockets


Harsh odours filled the war torn air,
Napalm dropped as if with no care,
tortured children screamed as they ran,
clothes ablaze due to one foolish man...
Not that he was there to witness the scene,
at home he could ignore the very loudest scream,
thousands of miles from those he did command,
more pointless deaths we could not understand...
From ...

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Don't ever think that you could be naive,
just because violent deaths make you grieve,
for the choice to kill is itself an unwordly act,
beheading party goers is abhorrent, that's a fact
for to kill is only to invite revenge to come your way,
many can be sure that is how they will die one day.
In the long history of violence it is plain to see,
those that...

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The Unknown Child


I am the unknown child the stork didn't bring,
my mother struck down during endless bombing,
no chance had I to ever see the light of dawn,
or graduate from milk to rusks made from corn.
The web can reveal the millions that died in war,
those that were soldiers and sailors and more,
the many others who died without raising a fist,
but who counted the babi...

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Rebel With A Cause (v2)

I am a rebel against torture 

I am a rebel against pain 

I seek an end to hunger 

I seek an end to the shame 

The shame that comes from knowing 

all those children dying without water 

all those children dying without names 

all those children dying from war 

Why do men play their vicious games 

why do those men pretend to serve God 

when all they want is power ...

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War, War, War

Dusted off from 1968, probably my first serious poem with influences being mainly the news from Vietnam. I later used it as a song lyric with some variations, though eventually the music developed further into a fingerpicking instrumental that had a life of its' own, so the two have separated...




War, war, war
What is it all for?
Does it bring happiness
Does it bring joy
It gi...

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